Stockholm university

Research project Paper-based analytical devices for in situ environmental monitoring

Advanced paper-based analytic devices makes it efficient, easy and inexpensive to perform real-time environmental analyses on site.

CTS Project illustration

The environment is being negatively altered by a number of chemicals resulting from the growing population and industrialization. We need reliable tools to monitor this impact and detect contamination outbreaks for applying corrective actions on-time. Standard methods applied by bulky instrumentation in laboratories involve sampling, stabilization and storage before the analysis, being inappropriate for on-time and in-situ analysis. To address this challenge, we need more efficient low-cost detection methods of sources of contamination to reduce the environmental impact.

Here, we propose to detect chemicals and pollutants in situ in a simple-to-operate and pump-free way, by using paper-based analytical devices (PADs). These devices incorporate colour and electrochemical readout that can easily recorded. This in a cost-effective method, easy to be used by members of the general public on-site without extra equipment, will enable the collection in real time of environmental data, resulting in improvement of the current limited analysis systems.


Project members


Nicole Pamme


Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Nicole Pamme