Stockholms universitet

Working papers series in demography

Our latest Stockholm Research Reports in Demography are listed here. When a working paper is published in an academic journal, we remove the working paper pdf and replace it with a link to the journal publication.

Please note that the working papers published here are not peer-reviewed. For a list of our publications in peer-reviewed journals and books by the Stockholm University Demography Unit, please see this page!

Below we list working papers from 2021 until now.

For working papers 2020, see this page

For working papers 2010-2019, see this page

For working papers before 2010, please see this page


  • SRRD 2024:42 Gerda Neyer, Weiwen Lai, Gunnar Andersson. Not Only Births, But Also Intentions: The Decline of Fertility Intentions in Sweden in the 2010s
  • SRRD 2024:41 Kirsti M. Jylhä, Martin Kolk, Malcolm Fairbrother. Attitudes towards childbearing, population, and the environment: Examining prevalence and demographic and psychological correlates
  • SRRD 2024:40 Martin Kolk. Wealth and Childbearing – Fertility by Parity According to Own and Parental Wealth in Swedish Administrative Taxation Data
  • SRRD 2024:39 Sofi Ohlsson Wijk, Gunnar Andersson. Swedish Fertility Developments Before, During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic
  • SRRD 2024:38 Stefanie Möllborn, Martin Kolk. Same-Sex Marriage in Sweden 1995-2021: A Research Note on Changing Patterns in Gender, Parenthood, and Socioeconomic Composition.
  • SRRD 2024:37  Rosa Weber, Elena Pupaza, Ben Wilson, Mathieu Ichou. From Segregation to the Mainstream: Childhood Neighborhoods of Immigrants and their Descendants in France and Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:36 Mimmi Aurora Lounela. Employment Uncertainty and Fertility Decision-Making: Migrant-Native Disparities in Sweden and Norway
  • SRRD 2024:35 Samaneh Khaef. Unveiling Integration: Educational Enrollment Pathways of Adult Refugees in Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:34  Mary Abed Al Ahad, Gunnar Andersson, Hill Kulu. The Interconnection of Homeownership, Marriage and Childbearing in the Life Courses of Young Adults, by Country of Origin and Generation in Sweden.
  • SRRD 2024:33 Oskar Lindström. Employment resilience and fertility intentions: An analysis of the perceived capacity to overcome loss of employment and fertility intentions in Sweden.
  • SRRD 2024:32 Erik Carlsson. Fertility differences by type of residence permit among female immigrants in Sweden.
  • SRRD 2024:31  Linus Andersson, Natalie Nitsche, Marika Jalovaara. Cohort Fertility and Couple Educational Pairing
  • SRRD 2024:30 Isaac Sasson, Linus Andersson, Alyson van Raalte, Diego Alburez-Gutierrez. Social Inequalities in Bereavement across the Life Course: A Study of Four-Generation Kinship Networks in Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:29 Wooseong Kim, Weiwen Lai, Gerda Neyer. Growing significance of employment uncertainty on fertility intention in Sweden: Results from the Generations and Gender Surveys
  • SRRD 2024:28  Mark Gortfelder, Gunnar Andersson, Gerda Neyer. Trends in Completed Fertility by Educational Field: Swedish Men and Women Born 1946–1975
  • SRRD 2024:27  Steffen Peters, Rasmus Mannerström, Katariina Salmela-Aro. Identity and marriage: A bidirectional approach based on evidence from Finland
  • SRRD 2024:26 Eleonora Mussino, Chiara Ludovica Comolli. Migrants and natives’ childbearing intentions in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • SRRD 2024:25 Eleonora Mussino, Caroline Uggla. Agree to disagree? Fertility intentions among mixed couples in Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:24  Weiwen Lai, Yuying Tong. Spousal migration, intergenerational co-residence, and the non-migrant husbands’ and wives’ housework time in rural China
  • SRRD 2024:23  Stefanie Mollborn, Sunnee Billingsley. Are Intensive Parenting Attitudes Internationally Generalizable? The Case of Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:22 Andreas Filser, Caroline Uggla. Are local sex ratios associated with transition into first cohabiting union? Evidence from Finnish register data
  • SRRD 2024:21 Marcus Immonen Hagley, Martin Kolk. Kinship among natives and foreign-born: future forecasts of non-European migrant family composition in Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:20 Julia Klein, Martin Kolk, Jan Saarela. Life expectancy by religious affiliation in Finland 1972–2020
  • SRRD 2024:19 Weiwen Lai. Weaker intentions or lower realization? Explaining gender differences in labor migration from rural China
  • SRRD 2024:18 Miska Simanainen. How Cash Incentives Can Affect Childbearing Among Low-Income Women
  • SRRD 2024:17  Wooseong Kim, Raffaele Grotti, Siddartha Aradhya. Is overqualification a stepping stone for career progression among children of immigrants?
  • SRRD 2024:16 Ben Wilson. Using Swedish administrative registers to study immigrants and their descendants: Identifying immigrants, measuring their migration background, and linking data across generations
  • SRRD 2024:15 Karen Haandrikman, Joeke Kuyvenhoven. Supermovers? Childhood internal mobility in Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:14 Marco Santacroce, Kieron Barclay. Birth Order and Upper-Secondary School Tracking in Sweden: A Mechanism for Birth Order Inequality in Educational Attainment
  • SRRD 2024:13 Juta Kawalerowicz, Marianne Abramsson, Linda Kridahl, Jani Turunen. Splitting up late: housing changes around the time of divorce for older men and women in Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:12 Andersson, Linus, Jan Saarela and Caroline Uggla. Divorce among high and low divorce-prone populations following unilateral divorce laws
  • SRRD 2024:11 Carlsson, Erik and Wooseong Kim. Do depression and loneliness affect fertility intentions and their realisation? Evidence from Norway and Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:10 Kridahl, Linda, Ann-Zofie Duvander and Jani Turunen. Do your children or my children matter? A study on the association between common children and stepchildren and divorce among older couples in Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:09 Johansson, Ida. Social Gradients in Subjective Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:08 Svallfors, Signe, Sunnee Billingsley, Gudrun Østby and Siddartha Aradhya. Armed Conflict and Birthweight: Micro-Level Evidence on Violence and Anti-Coca Fumigation in Colombia
  • SRRD 2024:07 Kazenin, Konstantin. Preference for sons and daughters in developing countries: When does (dis)agreement between spouses come into play?
  • SRRD 2024:06 Billingsley, Sunnee, Kathryn Grace and Maryia Bakhtsiyarava. Climate Change and Getting Pregnant: Weather Exposure and a Full Accounting of Conceptions in Armenia and Tajikistan.
  • SRRD 2024:05 Billingsley, Sunnee, Pilar Gonalons-Pons and Ann-Zofie Duvander. Mapping how family dynamics shape income inequality between families with young children: The case of Sweden, 1995-2018
  • SRRD 2024:04 Carlsson, Erik. The association between religion and fertility among natives and immigrants in Sweden
  • SRRD 2024:03 Mollborn, Stefanie and Sunnee Billingsley. Intensive Parenting Attitudes in Sweden: An Exception or a Global Pattern?
  • SRRD 2024:02 Gustafsson, Andreas. Childhood family structure in 16 European countries
  • SRRD 2024:01 Gortfelder, Mark, Gerda Neyer, Gunnar Andersson. Trust and fertility intentions in high-trust Sweden: An exploratory analysis. Final version published 2024 in Comparative Population Studies 49:297-316.


  • SRRD 2023:30 Klængur Jónsson, Ari. Fertility Decline in Iceland, 2013–2022 Trends and Structures
  • SRRD 2023:29 Abed Al Ahad, Mary, Gunnar Andersson and Hill Kulu. Homeownership Across Immigrant Groups and Generations in Sweden: Assimilation or Segmentation?
  • SRRD 2023:28 Saarela, Jan and Jani Turunen. Born to move? Birth order and emigration
  • SRRD 2023:27 Reini, Kaarina, Martin Kolk and Jan Saarela. Religion and mental health in young adulthood – a register based study on differences by religious affiliation in sickness absence due to mental disorders in Finland. Final version published 2024 in BMJ Journals
  • SRRD 2023:26 Neyer, Gerda, Gunnar Andersson and Johan Dahlberg. The Swedish Generations and Gender Survey 2021: Forerunner of New Modules for the Generations and Gender Programme. Final version published in Finnish Yearbook of Population Research 57 (2023-2024): 145-164
  • SRRD 2023:25 Weber, Rosa and Jan Saarela. Cultural Proximity and Migration: Evidence from Multigenerational Population Registers on Mother Tongue
  • SRRD 2023:24 Birgier, Debora Pricila and Stefano Cantalini. The Trade-Off Between Employment and Overeducation: A Cross-Country Comparative Study of Immigrants in 17 Western European Countries
  • SRRD 2023:23 Cantalini, Stefano, Sofi Ohlsson-Wijk and Gunnar Andersson. Union Formation and Marriage Formation in Times of Fertility Decline: The Case of Sweden in the 21st Century. Final version published 2024 in European Journal of Population, 40(15).
  • SRRD 2023:22 Kolk, Martin, J. Lucas Tilley, Emma von Essen, Ylva Moberg, and Ian Burn. The Demography of Sweden’s Transgender Population – Patterns, Changes, and Sociodemographics
  • SRRD 2023:21 Wallace, Matthew, Eleonora Mussino, Siddartha Aradhya, Lisa Harber-Aschan, Ben Wilson. Can Childhood Socioeconomic Background Explain Elevated Mortality among the Young Adult Second-Generation in Sweden? 
  • SRRD 2023:20 Birgier, Debora Pricila and Eyal Bar-Haim. Language Distance, Language Abilities, and Labour Market Outcome of Migrants by Gender 
  • SRRD 2023:19 Nylin, Anna-Karin. Sick Leave in Sweden Following Separation Among Parents  
  • SRRD 2023:18 Bar-On, Yonatan. Israel’s Long and Winding Road to a Second Demographic Transition: A Study on Attitudes in Accordance with the Second Demographic Transition in Israel 2009-2019  
  • SRRD 2023:17 Kan, Maxim. Religion and Contraceptive Use in Kazakhstan: A Study of Mediating Mechanisms. Final version published 2024 in Demographic Research 50(21) as Religion and contraceptive use in Kazakhstan: A study of mediating mechanisms
  • SRRD 2023:16 Kim, Wooseong. Overqualification among Second Generation Children of Migrants in the Swedish Labor Market  
  • SRRD 2023:15 Nisén, Jessica, Anni Erlandsson and Marika Jalovaara. Gendered Relationship of Childbearing with Earnings Accumulated by Midlife in Two Nordic Countries
  • SRRD 2023:14 Carlsson, Erik. Ethnic fertility differentials among Yugoslavian-born immigrants in Sweden
  • SRRD 2023:13 Kridahl, Linda and Ann-Zofie Duvander. Psychological Wellbeing, Gender Equality and Belongingness among Older Partnered Individuals in Sweden. Published 2023 as Kridahl, L. & Duvander, A. (2023). "Depressive symptoms, gender equality and belongingness  among older partnered individuals in Sweden". Community, Work and Family, 1-20.
  • SRRD 2023:12 Wallace, Matthew, Lucinda Hiam, Robert Aldridge. Elevated Mortality among Second-Generation Children of Migrants: What is Going Wrong in Europe?
  • SRRD 2023:11 Engström, Emma and Martin Kolk. Projecting Environmental Impacts with varying Population, Affluence, and Technology using IPAT – Climate Change and Land Use Scenarios
  • SRRD 2023:10 Monti, Andrea and Marianne Tønnessen. Party Penalty or Party Premium? ´Party-Swedes´ in Norway and Their Income before, during, and after Migration
  • SRRD 2023:09 Wilson, Ben, Matthew Wallace and Jan Saarela. Understanding the Intergenerational Impact of Migration: An Adult Mortality Advantage for the Children of Forced Migrants? Final version published 2024 in Epidemiology 10-1097
  • SRRD 2023:08 Monti, Andrea and Jan Saarela. Geographic Immobility across Three Generations of Natives in Finland
  • SRRD 2023:07 Xia, Weiqian, Martin Kolk and Jan Saarela. Socioeconomic Advantage or Community Attachment? A Register-based Study on the Secularization Difference between Finnish and Swedish Speakers in Finland
  • SRRD 2023:06 Kolk, Martin and Jan Saarela. Religion and Fertility – A Longitudinal Register Study Examining Differences by Sex, Parity, Partner’s Religion, and Religious Conversion in Finland. Final version published 2024 as Religion and Fertility: A Longitudinal Register Study Examining Differences by Sex, Parity, Partner’s Religion, and Religious Conversion in Finland European Journal of Population
  • SRRD 2023:05 Mussino, Eleonora, Sven Drefahl, Matthew Wallace, Sunnee Billingsley, Siddartha Aradhya, Gunnar Andersson. Lives Saved, Lives Lost and Under-reported Covid-19 Deaths: Excess and Non-excess Mortality in Relation to Cause-specific Mortality during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sweden. Published 2024 as “Lives saved, lives lost and under-reported Covid-19 deaths: Excess and non-excess mortality in relation to cause-specific mortality during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden”. Demographic Research 50(1).
  • SRRD  2023:04 Kazenin, Konstantin. Desires for an Additional Child in Developing Countries: the Role of Son Preference. Final version published 2024 in Genus 80(6).
  • SRRD 2023:03 Barclay, Kieron, Martin Kolk, Øystein Kravdal. Birth Spacing and the Health of Mothers and Fathers: an Analysis of Physical and Mental Health Using Individual- and Sibling-Fixed Effects
  • SRRD 2023:02 Grotti, Raffaele, Siddartha Aradhya and Juho Härkönen. Hiring or Firing? The Dynamics of Unemployment Inequality among the Children of Immigrants
  • SRRD 2023:01 Pupaza, Elena, Lisa Harber-Aschan and Ben Wilson. Persistent Educational Inequality among the Children and Grandchildren of Refugees?


  • SRRD 2022:25 Andersson, Linus. The Contribution of Partnership Contexts of Births to Cohort Fertility Rates
  • SRRD 2022:24 Peters, Steffen. The Prospective Power of Personality Factors for Family Formation and Dissolution Processes among Males: Evidence from Swedish Register Data
  • SRRD 2022:23 Kan, Maxim. Sustained and Universal Fertility Recuperation in Kazakhstan. Final version published 2023 in European Journal of Population, 39(23).
  • SRRD 2022:22 Harber-Aschan, Lisa, Elena Pupaza and Ben Wilson. The Legacy of Exile for Children of Refugees: Inequality and Disparity across Multiple Domains of Life
  • SRRD 2022:21 Kridahl, Linda, Sofi Ohlsson-Wijk and Ann-Zofie Duvander. What Matters Most? The Role of Late Fatherhood and Grandfatherhood on Retirement Timing in Sweden
  • SRRD 2022:20 Wallace, Matthew and Sven Drefahl. Against the Grain: International Migration, Mortality and Population Health in Sweden, 1990-2019
  • SRRD 2022:19 Kawalerowicz, Juta, Agneta Cederström, Eva Andersson and Bo Malmberg. COVID-19 in the Neighbourhood: the Socio-Spatial Selectivity of Severe COVID-19 Cases in Sweden, March 2020-June 2021
  • SRRD 2022:18 Dabergott, Filip. Demographic Change among the Widowed Population in Sweden 1970-2019
  • SRRD 2022:17 Bujard, Martin and Gunnar Andersson. Fertility Declines near the End of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence of the 2022 Birth Declines in Germany and Sweden. Final version published 2024 in European Journal of Population, 40(1).
  • SRRD 2022:16 Andersson, Linus and Martin Kolk. Kinship and Socioeconomic Status: Social Gradients in Frequencies of Kin Across the Life Course in Sweden
  • SRRD 2022:15 Khaef, Samaneh. Initial Residential Patterns of Immigrants across the Urban Hierarchy in Sweden: The Role of Education. Final version published 2024 in Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie.
  • SRRD 2022:14 Shi, Jiaxin and Martin Kolk. The Inequality of Lifetime Pensions 
  • SRRD 2022:13 Eriksson, Helen and Martin Kolk. Parental Union Dissolution and the Gender Revolution. Final version published 2024 in Social Forces.
  • SRRD 2022:12 Schmauk, Sarah, Anna-Karin Nylin. Mothers’ Earnings Trajectories after Separation in Sweden and Western Germany
  • SRRD 2022:11 Höhn, Andreas, Gunnar Andersson, Hill Kulu, and Brad Campbell. Generations and Gender in the Fertility of Immigrants and their Descendants: a Register-based Study of Sweden. Final version published 2024 in International Migration Review.
  • SRRD 2022:10 Wilson, Ben, Eleonora Mussino, Caroline Uggla. Patterns of Early Adult Disadvantage among the Children of Immigrants: Life Course Trajectories across Multiple Domains of Life
  • SRRD 2022:09 Grotti, Raffaele and Giampiero Passaretta. Intragenerational Wage Mobility and the Social Disadvantage: a Comparative Study of West Germany and the United States 
  • SRRD 2022:08 Neyer, Gerda and Gunnar Andersson, Johan Dahlberg, Sofi Ohlsson Wijk, Linus Andersson, Sunnee Billingsley. Fertility Decline, Fertility Reversal and Changing Childbearing Considerations in Sweden: a Turn to Subjective Imaginations?
  • SRRD 2022:07 Cozzani, Marco and Peter Fallesen, Giampiero Passaretta, Juho Härkönen and Fabrizio Bernardi. The Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Fertility and Birth Outcomes: Evidence from Spanish Birth Registers. Final version published 2023 in Population and Development Review.
  • SRRD 2022:06 Billingsley, Sunnee and Livia Olah. Patterns of Co-residential Relationships across Cohorts in Post-socialist Countries. Less Time for Childbearing? Final version published 2022 in Social Inclusion 10 (3) 
  • SRRD 2022:05 Barclay, Kieron and Dalton Conley. The Influence of Cousin Order and Cousin Group Size on Educational Outcomes. Forthcoming in American Journal of Sociology.
  • SRRD 2022:04 Vogiazides, Louisa and Juta Kawalerowicz. Urban Exodus in Covid Times: Who Moves out of the Inner City of Stockholm and Where Do They Go?
  • SRRD 2022:03 Peters, Steffen and Kieron Barclay. Leadership Skills and Completed Fertility among Males: a Study Based on Data from Swedish Registries
  • SRRD 2022:02 Kridahl, Linda and Ann-Zofie Duvander. Relationship Satisfaction and the Role of Bargaining Power and Pooling of Money in Older Couples in Sweden. Published 2023 as Kridahl, L. & Duvander, A. (2023). "Relationship satisfaction and money pooling among older working and retired couples in Sweden." Family Relations.
  • SRRD 2022:01 Ohlsson-Wijk, Sofi and Gunnar Andersson. Disentangling the Swedish Fertility Decline of the 2010s. Final version published 2022 in Demographic Research 47(12): 345-358


  • SRRD 2021:29 Wilson, Ben. The Childbearing of Immigrants who Arrived as Children: Understanding the Role of Age at Arrival for Women and Men
  • SRRD 2021:28 Kolk, Martin, Linus Andersson, Emma Pettersson, Sven Drefahl. The Swedish Kinship Universe – a Demographic Account of the Number of Children, Parents, Siblings, Grandchildren, Grandparents, Aunts/uncles, Nieces/nephews, and Cousins Using National Population Registers
  • SRRD 2021:27 Andersson, Gunnar, Sven Drefahl, Eleonora Mussino, Karin Modig and Anna C. Meyer. Patterns in COVID-19 Mortality and Morbidity in Sweden during the Pandemic Year March 2020-February 2021
  • SRRD 2021:26 Pupaza, Elena, Selina Hofstetter and Ben Wilson. Economic Effects of Partner Loss: Examining Vulnerability at the Intersection of Gender and Nativity
  • SRRD 2021:25 Comolli, Chiara, Gunnar Andersson. Partisan Fertility in the aftermath of the Great Recession
  • SRRD 2021:24 Saarela, Jan, Martin Kolk, Caroline Uggla. Discordance between Language Use and Ethnolinguistic Affiliation Predicts Divorce of Exogamous Couples. Final version published 2022 in Acta Sociologica,
  • SRRD 2021:23 Lindmarker, Jesper. Cohabitation and Mortality across the Life Course 
  • SRRD 2021:22 Mussino, Eleonora. Do Leave Policies Impact Fertility? The Case of Immigrants from Low-fertility Countries in Sweden 
  • SRRD 2021:21 Artamonova, Alyona, Brian Joseph Gillespie. Internal Migration toward Siblings in Later Life 
  • SRRD 2021:20 Wallace, Matthew, Michael J Thomas, José Manuel Aburto, Anna Vera Jørring Pallesen, Laust Hvas Mortensen, Astri Syse, Sven Drefahl. The Impact of the Mortality of International Migrants on Estimates and Comparisons of National Life Expectancy: a Comparative Study of Four Nordic Nations
  • SRRD 2021:19 Wallace, Matthew. Mortality Advantage Reversed: The Causes of Death Driving All-cause Mortality Differentials between Migrants, the Descendants of Migrants and Ancestral Natives in Sweden, 1997-2016
  • SRRD 2021:18 Shi, Jiaxin, Martin Kolk. How Does Mortality Contribute to Lifetime Pension Inequality? Evidence from Five Decades of Swedish Taxation Data. Final version published 2022 in Demography, DOI:
  • SRRD 2021:17 Kolk, Martin, Sven Drefahl, Matthew Wallace, Gunnar Andersson. Excess Mortality and COVID-19 in Sweden in 2020: a Demographic Account. Final version published 2022 in Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2022 (Vol. 20): 1–32
  • SRRD 2021:16 Kan, Maxim. Gender Revolution in Kazakhstan? Implications for Fertility Intentions. Final version published 2023 as "Are gender attitudes and gender division of housework and childcare related to fertility intentions in Kazakhstan?" in Genus, 79 (21)
  • SRRD 2021:15 Campbell, Brad. An Assessment of Religious Segregation in Northern Ireland’s Schools
  • SRRD 2021:14 Campbell, Brad. A Study of Religious Residential Segregation in Northern Ireland, 1981-2011
  • SRRD 2021:13 Campbell, Brad. Disentangling the Demographic Drivers of Religious Population Change in Northern Ireland 
  • SRRD 2021:12 Weber, Rosa, Louisa Vogiazides. Integration Outcomes of Second-Generation Migrants in Sweden: a Multidimensional Inquiry. Final version published 2023 in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 83 
  • SRRD 2021:11 Kolk, Martin, Karim Jebari. Sex Selection for Daughters: Demographic Consequences of Female-biased Sex Ratios. Final version published 2022 in Population Research and Policy Review, 41:1619-1639
  • SRRD: 2021:10 Uggla, Caroline, Jan Saarela. First Partner Choice in a Native Minority: the Role of Own and Parental Ethnolinguistic Affiliation in Finland. Final version published 2024 in European Journal of Population, 40(3).
  • SRRD 2021:09 Sandström, Glenn Mojgan Padyab, Haruko Noguchi and Rong Fu. Changes in Demographic and Socioeconomic Determinants of Living alone among Women in Sweden and Japan since the 1990s 
  • SRRD 2021:08 Mussino, Eleonora, Stefano Cantalini. Influences of Origin and Destination on Migrant Fertility in Europe 
  • SRRD 2021:07 Andersson, Gunnar, Johan Dahlberg, Gerda Neyer. A Swedish Generations and Gender Survey 2021: Familjer och vardagsliv i Sverige och Europa
  • SRRD 2021:06 Thomson, Elizabeth, Johan Dahlberg, Signe Svallfors. Childbearing across Partnerships in Europe and the United States
  • SRRD 2021:05 Monti, Andrea, Eleonora Mussino. Did They Stay or Did They Go: the Role of Intention behind Re-migration Behaviour 
  • SRRD 2021:04 Wilson, Ben, Maarten J. Bijlsma, Siddartha Aradhya, Alice Goisis. Problems in the Family: Controlling for Age, Period or Cohort in Sibling Comparison Designs
  • SRRD 2021:03 Peters, Steffen. The Prospective Power of Personality for Childbearing: a Longitudinal Study Based on Data from Germany. Final version published 2023 in Genus 79 (6) 
  • SRRD 2021:02 Malmberg, Bo, Eva K. Andersson. Exploring Life-course Trajectories in Local Spatial Contexts across Sweden
  • SRRD 2021:01 Eriksson, Helen, Maria Brandén. Från jämställda par till ojämställda föräldrar: Rationella par eller begränsade val?

For working papers 2020, see this page

For working papers 2010-2019, see this page

For working papers before 2010, please see this page

Please note that the working papers published here are not peer-reviewed. For a list of our publications in peer-reviewed journals and books by the Stockholm University Demography Unit, please see this page!

Below we list working papers from 2021 until now.

For working papers 2020, see this page

For working papers 2010-2019, see this page

For working papers before 2010, please see this page