JONAS 14 (Volume 14, 2004)

(p. 1)

John Coles
A conflict of opinions: Rock carvings in Sweden 2003 (pp. 3-10)
JONAS 14 John Coles (806 Kb)

Niels H. Andersen
Sarup: Causewayed enclosures placed in a Neolithic ritual landscape on Funen, Denmark (pp. 11-17)
JONAS 14 John Coles (806 Kb) (616 Kb)

Poul Otto Nielsen
Causewayed camps, palisade enclosures and central settlements of the Middle Neolithic in Denmark (pp. 19-33)
JONAS 14 Poul Otto Nielsen (771 Kb) (771 Kb)

Kristian Brink
The palisade enclosure at Hyllie, SW Scania (pp. 35-44)
JONAS 14 Kristian Brink (448 Kb) (448 Kb)

Mike Parker Pearson, Colin Richards, Mike Allen, Andrew Payne and Kate Welham
The Stonehenge Riverside project: Research design and initial results (pp. 45-60)
Mike Parker Pearson, Colin Richards, Mike Allen, Andrew Payne and Kate Welham (511 Kb) (511 Kb)

Mats Larsson
Living in cultural diversity: The Pitted Ware Culture and its relatives (pp. 61-69)
JONAS 14 Mats Larsson (492 Kb) (492 Kb)

Lars Larsson
Of maces and men: Symbols in a landscape of cultural diversity (pp. 71-78)
JONAS 14 Lars Larsson (208 Kb) (208 Kb)

Terje Oestigaard
Approaching material culture: A history of changing epistemologies (pp. 79-87)
JONAS 14 Terje Oestigaard (156 Kb) (156 Kb)

Magnus Hellqvist
Local environment and human impact at Gamla Uppsala, SE Sweden, during the Iron Age, as inferred from fossil beetle remains (pp. 89-99)
JONAS 14 Magnus Hellqvist (348 Kb) (348 Kb)

Gun Pettersson, Sven Karlsson, Jan Risberg and Eva Myrdal-Runebjer
Soil chemistry, vegetation history and human impact at the Late Holocene iron production site Åskagsberg, western Sweden (pp. 101-113)
JONAS 14 Gun Pettersson, Sven Karlsson, Jan Risberg and Eva Myrdal-Runebjer (870 Kb) (870 Kb)

Anders Söderberg
Metallurgic ceramics as a key to Viking Age workshop organisation (pp. 115-124)
JONAS 14 Anders Söderberg (240 Kb) (240 Kb)

Irmelin Martens
Indigenous and imported Viking Age weapons in Norway - a problem with European implications (pp. 125-137)
JONAS 14 Irmelin Martens (892 Kb) (892 Kb)

Short note

Kjell Persson
The orientation of Vendel church (pp. 139-141)
JONAS 14 Kjell Persson (87 Kb) (87 Kb)



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