JONAS 15 (Volume 15, 2005)

EditorialJ15 (5 Kb) (5 Kb)

Birgit Arrhenius
EditorialJ15 (5 Kb) (1912-2013) in memoriam
ArrheniusJ15 (48 Kb)

Janken Myrdal
The perfect scythe - and other implements
MyrdalJ15 (189 Kb) (189 Kb)

Ny Björn Gustafsson
On Norse padlocks - production and use: Examples from the Birka Garrison
GustafssonJ15 (182 Kb) (182 Kb)

Milton núñez & Jari Okkonen
Humanizing of north Ostrobothnian landscapes during 4th and 3rd millennia BC
NunezOkkonenJ15 (689 Kb) (689 Kb)

Ann-Marie Hansson
Buried plants: Fossil plant remains from two Early Medieval burial mounds in east-central Sweden
HanssonJ15 (677 Kb) (677 Kb)

Barbara Maria Sageidet
Soil pollen analysis of a podsol and a clearance cairn confirms Bronze Age agriculture at Orstad, south-western Norway
SageidetJ15 (853 Kb) (853 Kb)

Anders G. Nord, Henk Kars, Inga Ullén, Kate Tronner & Eva Kars
Deterioration of archaeological bone – a statistical approach
NordetalJ15 (154 Kb) (154 Kb)

Kjell Persson
Archaeological prospecting – state of the art: A literature review
PerssonJ15 (68 Kb) (68 Kb)


Ulf Bertilsson
Comments on “A conflict of opinions: Rock carvings in Sweden 2003”
by J. Coles

John Coles
Reply to Bertilsson
DebateJ15 (36 Kb) (36 Kb)



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