The IntraVital Microscopy Facility of Stockholm University
IVMSU is a national infrastructure for two-photon microscopy that supports intravital and non-linear light microscopy with open access to national and international users.
IVMSU is integrated into the new Experimental Core Facility for in vivo studies (ECF) and has capabilities to image a unique and broad range of living and non-living samples, operates under BSL2 standard that enables infection studies and offers technologies for long term experiments over multiple imaging sessions.
IVMSU is one of the five nodes of the National Microscopy Infrastructure of Sweden (NMI), a VR-supported consortium of collaborative infrastructures for advanced imaging.
Available techniques:
- Live and intravital imaging
- Second/Third Harmonic Generation
- Autofluorescence 2P measurements
- Time-correlated single photon measurements (FLIM, FLIM/FRET)
- Microspectroscopy (lambda/Lambda scan)
- Calcium imaging
- Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching
- Photoactivation/Photostimulation
- CLARITY imaging
Sample spectrum:
- In vivo and in vitro studies on cells, tissues, organs
- (Bio) material