Understanding adaptive capacity in coastal communities along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica
Date: Friday 11 November 2022
Time: 14.00 – 15.30
Location: Library of the Institute of Latin American Studies (House B, Floor 5)
Research seminar - Climate change is affecting coastal ecosystems and communities around the world. Yet, climate change is only one of many challenges communities deal with on a day-to-day basis.
In this seminar, I will present an approach for understanding the social context in which climate driven changes in marine ecosystems will play out. This seeks to recognize that people’s ability to respond to change – their adaptive capacity – is socially differentiated. Building off the existing literature and insights from a month-long scoping trip, I will present this work to NILAS for feedback and discussion before planned data collection in 2023.
Scholar: Anna Woodhead, PhD and marine social scientist and postdoctoral researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. She is currently working as part of EASMO, an international consortium funded through BiodivERsA, examining the societal and ecological implications of climate change and fish species
The research seminar on Latin American studies is open to scholars interested in Latin American issues. It welcomes the presentation of papers from researchers and PhD students from different social science disciplines. The seminar takes place on Fridays 14:00 – 15:30 every second week (odd numbers) at the Library of the Institute of Latin American Studies (House B, Floor 5). For further information on the research seminar please contact: researchseminars.nilas@su.se. Organizer of the seminars: Andrés Rivarola Puntigliano |
Last updated: September 19, 2022
Source: Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies