1.1 Employment

An employment contract is usually entered into for an indefinite term (permanent employment). However, some positions within the university are temporary. The difference between a permanent employment and a temporary employment is that a permanent employment can only be terminated by the employer based on objective grounds, while a temporary employment automatically ceases once the specified time period has passed.

1.2 Temporary employment

The rules regarding temporary employment are found in the Employment Protection Act (lagen om anställningsskydd – LAS) and the Higher Education Ordinance (högskoleförordningen – HF). The employment decision specifies the terms and conditions that apply to your position.

If the employee holds a specific fixed-term employment (särskild visstidsanställning), the employee is entitled to waive the right to transformation of the fixed term employment into a permanent employment. The waiver shall be submitted in writing to the employer for six months at the time and for a maximum period of 24 months.

1.3 General agreement on salaries and benefits (Villkorsavtal/Villkorsavtal-T)

The collective agreements as mentioned in the headline above apply to employees in the public sector. Stockholm University is a public university and is thus under the jurisdiction of the Swedish government. In addition, Stockholm University has signed a number of local collective agreements that supplement Villkorsavtal/Villkorsavtal-T.

1.4 Holding several positions

A person who has a permanent employment can under certain conditions be on leave to hold a fixed-term employment with another employer (see General information about leave).

1.5 Notice periods

From the employer's side: The notice period varies depending on the employee's total state tenure. The provisions can be found in LAS, Villkorsavtal/Villkorsavtal-T and Avtal om omställning. The notice period can be between one to twelve months.

From the employee's side: The notice period is one month if the employment has lasted no more than one year, and two months if the employment has lasted more than one year.

1.6 Termination of temporary employment and preferential right to re-employment

A fixed-term employment ends without notice at the end of the employment period. If continued employment is not granted, the employer must notify the employee that the fixed-term employment will not continue. If the employee is a member of a trade union, the employer also notifies the local staff organization that the employment will not continue. However, a prerequisite for such notice and notification is that the employee has been employed for more than twelve months during the past three years or – if the employment is a special fixed-term employment – more than nine months during the past three years. The notice states whether the employee has a preferential right to re-employment. The right to re-employment applies from the time the notice is given until nine months have elapsed from the date on which the employment ends. Claims for re-employment rights must be reported in writing.

Employees with fixed-term employment for at least two consecutive years at Stockholm University, whose employment ends, are to some extent covered by Job Security Agreement for Government Employees.

1.7 Termination of a permanent position

Objective grounds for terminating a permanent employment is either a lack of work, or circumstances personally attributable to the employee. The employee is covered by Job Security Agreement for Government Employees if a permanent employment is terminated due to a lack of work.