3.1 Illness

Our HR system Primula is used for reporting leave of absence due to illness and for reporting return to work.

In case of illness for more than seven calendar days in a row, a doctor´s certificate must always be sent to the employee´s department, centre, etc. Under certain circumstances a doctor’s certificate can be required for a shorter period of absence due to illness.

All documents relating to illness, including doctor’s certificates, are treated with the strictest confidence in accordance with The Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.

The amount deducted from the employee´s salary for the first 5 working days is the employee´s monthly salary multiplied by 4,6 %. The first sick day deduction (karensdag) has been replaced by a qualifying deduction. That means that the employee will receive sick pay from the first sick day regardless of if they are able to work a few hours that day or not. The sick pay is 80 % of the sick leave deduction for the first two weeks of sick leave. In addition, there is also the qualifying deduction from the sick pay that consists of the employee´s monthly salary multiplied by 3,68 %. If the employee is on sick leave for more than five days the amount deducted from the monthly salary is multiplied by 3,3 % from the first day of illness.

From the 15th day up to and including the 364th day, a sickness benefit is paid by the employer at 10 % of the amount deducted.

Please note that from the 15th day of sick leave, The Social insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) will pay sickness benefit.

3.2 Medicine

You are entitled to receive reimbursement for medication that, in accordance with the law, is subject to a patient’s cost ceiling within a one-year limit for medical care and medicine under the health service. To receive compensation, you must be employed at Stockholm University and the purchase of medicines must be made during the period of employment.

From 2024 requests for reimbursement for medicines may only be made once a year with a digital summary for the entire year from the high-cost database (högkostnadsdatabasen).
>> Reimbursement for medicine

Please note that during holidays abroad, no compensation is paid by the university for medicine.

3.3 Medical treatment while working for Stockholm University abroad

Employees are insured while working abroad and the insurance covers the cost of medical treatment, medication and hospital treatment. Accident and disability cover is included.