Terms of employment

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Terms of employment

This section provides general information to employees. It is an overview of the terms of employment at Stockholm University.

  • You and your workplace – overview of terms of employment
  • Secondary employment – information and reporting procedure
  • Job Security Agreement for Government Employees - support in case of redundancy

You and Your Workplace

An overview of the terms of employment at Stockholm University, including changes until August 2024. The document You and Your Workplace is also available in PDF form for download under Attached files in the end of this page.

Amendments to the central terms and conditions agreements and the occupational pension agreement

In 2023, the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and the central trade unions Saco-S, OFR/S, P, O and Seko signed several agreements that affect the terms of employment for government employees. The changes apply to the terms and conditions agreements and the occupational pension agreement and entered into force on 1 January 2024.

Report your secondary employment easily with Primula

University employees should report their secondary employment using Primula, the HR system. Teachers are required to report their activities on their own initiative on an ongoing basis. Other employees are only required to report their activities if specifically requested.

Sickness checklist – employee

Sickness checklist – what to do in case of sickness?

Reimbursement for medicine

You receive compensation for the costs of medicines that are covered by high-cost protection by law.