In spring 2024, all employees and managers at Stockholm University are offered a series of breakfast seminars focusing on the concept of unhealthy workload. Many factors influence our work environment, both organizational and social. Additionally, our individual conditions, including physical, mental, and social aspects, impact our well-being. Balancing the organization's needs with the individual conditions of employees requires knowledge and competence from both managers and staff.

The purpose of this seminar series is to provide you, as an employee, with knowledge about various factors that can affect your work experience. You will also receive practical tips and tools to help identify what you specifically need to thrive, as well as how we can actively work together to create a healthy work environment.

Concurrently with this seminar series, targeted seminars and training sessions are also offered to all managers at Stockholm University on the same topics but from an employer's perspective. These sessions will explore the responsibilities we have as employers in creating conditions for a positive organizational and social work environment at our workplaces.
>> Seminars and training sessions for managers (in Swedish)

Every month during the spring, a specific theme will be highlighted, and breakfast seminars on that theme will be offered at the end of each month. The seminars are conducted online, and all sessions for employees are available in both Swedish and English.

January: Recovery at work

What is “recovery at work” and how does one make room for recovery at work?
Breakfast seminar Thursday January 25th.
>> Read more and sign up.

February: Stress and early signs of ill health

In what way does your body signal to you when it´s time to slow down?
What happens in your body when you are stressed?
Breakfast seminar Thursday February 22nd.
>> Read more and sign up.

March: Inclusive working climate

Do you contribute to an inclusive working climate? At Stockholm University, everyone shall treat each other respectfully, but what does that mean?
Breakfast seminar Thursday March 21st.
>> Read more and sign up.

April: Brain-friendly workplaces and NDD at work

Today´s working life places high demands on our cognitive abilities. It involves memory, how we process all impressions, and how we make decisions and take action based on them.
Breakfast seminar Thursday April 25th.
>> Read more and sign up.

May: Help, I´m getting burnt out, or am I..?

The menopause has long been considered something not to be discussed – a private and almost taboo topic. But today, we know better!
Breakfast seminar Thursday May 30th.
>> Read more and sign up.

If you have questions about the seminars, please contact Anna-Karin Huggare, Human Resources Office,