About Baltic Eye

Bridging the gap between science and policy is necessary if future generations are to enjoy a sustainable and prosperous sea.

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Photo: NIC72/Mostphotos

The Baltic Sea is one of the world's most polluted seas - but also one of the most studied.

The scientific knowledge base on this sensitive and unique marine environment is extensive and constantly updated with new and important findings. Unfortunately, only a fraction of this knowledge reaches society's decision-making bodies. This is partly because science and policy do not share the same language.

For a decision maker, science is useful only if he or she quickly understands the results and how it relates to society and political processes. The gap between science and decision-making is a major societal problem for the Baltic Sea region. If future generations are to live in a prosperous society, and at the same time enjoy a sustainable and resource rich sea, this gap needs to be bridged.

Baltic Eye works to bridge this gap.

Baltic Eye's team and focus

Decisions relating to the Baltic Sea must have a scientific basis. The Baltic Eye team of researchers has strong international scientific networks, and together with skilled communicators and analysts, we meet European decision-makers’ need for accessible knowledge in order to facilitate a sustainable management of the Baltic Sea.

From its unique position, with insight in both the scientific and policy sphere, Baltic Eye works proactively. We bring up relevant marine questions and arising problems to decision-makers in the Baltic Sea region. Our work is transdisciplinary and covers the broad areas of science important for Baltic Sea research and management.



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Media contact

Henrik Hamrén: henrik.hamren@su.se, 070-180 07 60