Gender Economics Seminar: Arizo Karimi (Uppsala University)


Date: Thursday 9 June 2022

Time: 10.00 – 11.30

Location: F800 / online

Parental inputs and child outcomes (with Daniel Avdic, Elin Boström, and Anna Sjögren)

Gender Economics Seminar (a part of the AME Labour Economics Seminar series) at SOFI: Arizo Karimi (Uppsala University) presents Parental inputs and child outcomes (with Daniel Avdic, Elin Boström, and Anna Sjögren)


This is a hybrid seminar. To get a Zoom-invitation, contact

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This paper exploits the introduction of a Swedish "daddy-month'' reform in a difference-in-discontinuities design to study how fathers' parental leave affects children's human capital. Results show that the reform had asymmetric impacts on boys' compulsory school-leaving GPAs by father's level of education. We estimate that the reform increased the father-son correlation in human capital by seven percent, with no corresponding effect for girls. We provide suggestive evidence that these results are linked to asymmetric impacts on the duration of leave and role model effects.