
Here you can search among publications that researchers linked to SOFI have contributed to. For the best overview of all publications, search in DIVA (Digital Scientific Archive) below. We also list dissertations presented at SOFI as well as publications in our Working Paper series.

The latest dissertations from SOFI in printed versions lye on a table
Doctoral dissertations at SOFI usually belong to the fields of sociology or economics.Photo: Daniel Rossetti / SU



SOFI has had a Working Paper series since 1982. The purpose of the series is primarily to make research available pending further review prior to final publication. The editor of the series is professor Matthew Lindquist.

SOFI's Working Papers since number 1/2000 are published here, older Working Papers can be found under Archive. SOFI's Working Papers are part of the Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics (S-WoPEc).

Here are the most recently published Working Papers from SOFI:


16/2023: David Cesarini, Erik Lindqvist, Robert Östling and Christofer Schroeder. Does Wealth Inhibit Criminal Behavior? Evidence from Swedish Lottery Winners and their Children

15/2023: Joseph Briggs, David Cesarini, Sean Chanwook Lee, Erik Lindqvist and Robert Östling. Financial Windfalls, Portfolio Allocations, and Risk Preferences

14/2023: Olle Folke and Johanna Rickne. The Class Ceiling in Politics

13/2023: J. Lucas Tilley. School resources, peer inputs, and student outcomes in adult education

12/2023 Louis-Pierre Lepage, Experience-based Discrimination

11/2023 Anne Boschini, Lina Aldén, Malin Tallås Ahlzén Fathers but not caregivers

10/2023 Alan Benson, Louis-Pierre Lepage  Learning to Discriminate on the Job

9/2023 Louis-Pierre Lepage Discrimination and Sorting in the Real Estate Market:
Evidence from Terrorist Attacks and Mosques

8/2023 Johana Rickne, Olle Folke, Linna Martén, Matz Dahlberg Politicians’ Neighborhoods: Where do they live and does it matter?

7/2023 Martin Kolk, J. Lucas Tilley, Emma von Essen,
Ylva Moberg and Ian Burn The Demography of Sweden’s Transgender Population – Patterns, Changes, and Sociodemographics

6/2023 Johanna Rickne, Olle Folke, Vanessa C Burbano, Stephan Meier. The Gender Gap in Meaningful Work

5/2023 Johanna Rickne, Olle Folke. Workplace sex composition and appreciation at work

4/2023 Erik Lindqvist, David Cesarini, Robert Östling, Anastasia Terskaya. Fortunate families? The effects of wealth on marriage and fertility

3/2023 Cristina Bratu, Linna Martén and Lillit Ottosson Individualized benefits and access to active labor market programs boost refugee women’s economic integration

2/2023 Marie-Pascale Grimon Effects of the Child Protection System on Parents

1/2023 Gordon B. Dahl, Dan-Olof Rooth and Anders Stenberg Intergenerational and Sibling Spillovers in High School Majors


4/2022 Ulrika Ahrsjö, Susan Niknami and Mårten Palme Identity in Court Decision-Making

3/2022 Julien Grenet, Hans Grönqvist and Susan Niknami The Effects of Electronic Monitoring on Offenders and their Families

2/2022 Orsa Kekezi Labor Market Pooling and Job Outcomes of Displaced

1/2022 Anders Stenberg A Note on Evaluating Formal Education for Adults



1/2021 Malin Tallås Ahlzén Peer effects and parental leave of fathers



7/2020 Emma von Essen & Joakim Jansson Misogynistic and xenophobic hate language online: a matter of anonymity

6/2020 Jan Sauermann Worker reciprocity and the returns to training: evidence from a field experiment

5/2020 Ante Farm Explaining Inflation and Unemployment

4/2020 Olle Folke and Johanna Rickne Sexual Harassment and Gender Inequality in the Labor Market

3/2020 Karin Edmark, Iftikhar Hussain & Carla Haelermans The Impact of Voucher Schools: Evidence From Swedish Upper Secondary Schools

2/2020 Karin Edmark & Lovisa Person The Impact of Attending An Independent Upper Secondary School: Evidence from Sweden Using School Ranking Data

1/2020 Lucas Gortázar, David Mayor & José Montalbán School Choice Priorities and School Segregation: Evidence from Madrid



3/2019 Karin Hederos & Anders Stenberg. Gender identity and relative income within households -Evidence from Sweden.

2/2019 Michael Grätz. When Less Conditioning Provides Better Estimates: Overcontrol and Collider Bias in Research on Intergenerational Mobility.

1/2019 Michael Grätz. Does regime change affect intergenerational mobility? Evidence from German reunification.



11/2018 Karin Edmark. Location choices of Swedish independent schools – How does allowing for private provision affect the geography of the education market?

10/2018 Anne Boschini, Anna Dreber, Emma von Essen, Astri Muren & Eva Ranehill. Gender, risk preferences and willingness to compete in a random sample of the Swedish population.

9/2018 Cassandra Engeman. Time for Care: A History of State Leave Legislation in the United States.

8/2018 Theodor Vladasel. Same, but Different? Brith Order, Family Size, and Sibling Sex Composition Effects in Entrepreneurship.

7/2018 Tomas Korpi & Michael Tåhlin. On-the-job training: A skill match approach to the determinants and outcomes of lifelong learning.

6/2018 Evelina Bonnier, Anna Dreber, Karin Hederos & Anna Sandberg. Undressed for Success? The Effects of Half-Naked Women on Economic Behaviour.

5/2018 Gordon B. Dahl, Andreas Kotsadam & Dan-Olof Rooth. Does Integration Change Gender Attitudes? The Effect of Randomly Assigning Women to Traditionally Male Teams.

4/2018 Jesper Alex-Petersen, Petter Lundborg & Dan-Olof Rooth. Long-term effects of childhood nutrition: evidence from a school lunch reform.

3/2018 Sara Kjellsson. Class-specific gender gaps in musculoskeletal pain: Sweden 1974-2010.Have gender differences in pain changed over time and equally in all social classes?

2/2018 -

1/2018 Ante Farm. Basic Macroeconomics



8/2017 Ante Farm. Basic Monetary Economics

7/2017 Matthew J. Lindquist, Joeri Sol, C. Mirjam van Praag and Theodor Vladasel. On the Origins of Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Sibling Correlations

6/2017 Friederike Mengel, Jan Sauermann, Ulf Zöliz. Gender Bias in Teaching Evaluations

5/2017 Anne Boschini, Kristin Gunnarsson, Jesper Roine. Women in top incomes- Evidence from Sweden 1974-2013

4/2017 Ante Farm. Labour demand and real wages

3/2017. Marion Collewet, Jan Sauermann. Working Hours and Productivity

2/2017. Povilas Lastauskas, Eirini Tatsi. Spatial Nexus in Crime and Unemployment in Times of Crisis

1/2017. Martin Berlin, Filip Fors. The Association Between Life Satisfaction and Affective Well-Being


1/2016. Per Engzell. What Do Books in the Home Proxy For? A Cautionary Tale



3/2015. Martin Nybom, Kelly Vosters. Intergenerational Persistence in Latent Socioeconomic Status: Evidence from Sweden

2/2015. Anders Stenberg, Olle Westerlund. Flexibility at a Cost – Should Governments Stimulate Tertiary Education for Adults?

1/2015. Hans Grönqvist, Peter Nilsson, Per-Olof Robling. Childhood Exposure to Segregation and Long-Run Criminal Involvement



9/2014. Hans Grönqvist, Peter Nilsson, Per-Olof Robling. Childhood Lead Exposure and Criminal Behavior: Lessons from the Swedish Phase- Out of Leaded Gasolin (513 Kb)

8/2014. Karin Hederos Eriksson, Markus Jäntti, Lena Lindahl, Jenny Torssander. Trends in Life Expectancy by Income and the Role of Specific Causes of Death

7/2014. Per Lundborg, Per Skedinger. Employer Attitudes towards Refugee Immigrants (152 Kb)

6/2014. Per Lundborg. The Rationale of the Migrant Share as a Wage Determinant: Theory and Evidence

5/2014. Miles Corak, Matthew J. Lindquist, Bhashkar Mazumder. A Comparison of Upward and Downward Intergenerational Mobility in Canada, Sweden and the United States

4/2014. Per Lundborg, Per Skedinger. Minimum Wages and the Integration of Refugee Immigrants

3/2014. Martin Nybom, Jan Stuhler. Interpreting Trends in Intergenerational Mobility

2/2014. Martin Nybom. The Distribution of Lifetime Earnings Returns to College

1/2014. Renate Minas, Olof Bäckman, Vibeke Jakobsen, Tomas Korpi, Thomas Lorentzen, Timo Kauppinen. Rescaling Inequality? Welfare Reform and Local Variation in Social Assistance Payments


7/2013. Jenny Säve-Söderbergh, Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist. Children do not Behave like Adults: Gender Gaps in Performance and Risk Taking

6/2013. Anders Böhlmark, Mikael Lindahl. Independent Schools and Long-Run Educational Outcomes Evidence from Sweden´s Large Scale Voucher..

5/2013. André Richter, Per Olof Robling. Multigenerational e ffects of the 1918-19 influenza pandemic in SwedenKb)

4/2013. Karin Halldén, Anders Stenberg. The Relationship between Hours of Domestic Services and Female Earnings: Panel Register Data Evidenc
3/2013. Matthew J. Lindquist, Torsten Santavirta. Does Placing Children in Foster Care Increase Their Adult Criminality?†

2/2013. Marianne Sundström. Growing up in a blended family or a stepfamily (168 Kb)

1/2013. Ante Farm. Price Formation in Consumer Markets (139 Kb)



9/2012. Hans Grönqvist. Putting teenagers on the pill: The consequences of subsidized contraception (327 Kb)

8/2012. Matthew J. Lindquist, Torsten Santavirta. Does Placing Children in Out-of-Home Care Increase Their Adult Criminality? (343 Kb)

7/2012. Lars Brännström, Bo Vinnerljung, Anders Hjern. Long-term outcomes of Sweden’s Contact Family Program for children (127 Kb)

6/2012. Robert Erikson, John H Goldthorpe, Martin Hällsten. No way back up from ratcheting down? A critique of the 'microclass' approach... (226 Kb)

5/2012. Tomas Korpi. Importing skills Migration policy, generic skills and earnings among immigrants in Australasia... (177 Kb)

4/2012. Hans Grönqvist, Per Johansson, Susan Niknami.  Income Inequality and Health: Lessons from a Refugee Residential Assignment Program (335 Kb)

3/2012. Markus Jäntti, Lena Lindahl.  "On the variability of income within and across generations"

 2/2012. Patrik Gränsmark.  Masters of our Time: Impatience and Self-control in High Level Chess Games

1/2012. Ylva A. Almquist, Lars Brännström. Childhood Peer Status and the Clustering of Adverse Living Conditions in Adulthood


14/2011. Hans Grönqvist, Caroline Hall. Education policy and early fertility: Lessons from an expansion of upper secondary schooling

13/2011. Lena Lindahl. Improving the school-to-work transition for vocational students - What can we learn from research?

12/2011. Martin Berlin, Niklas Kaunitz. Subjective Well-Being, Income and Economic Margins

11/2011. Randi Hjalmarsson, Matthew J. Lindquist. The Origins of Intergenerational Associations in Crime: Lessons from Swedish Adoption Data

10/2011. Jan O. Jonsson, Carina Mood, Erik Bihagen. Poverty in Sweden 1991-2007. Change, dynamics, and intergenerational transmission of poverty during economic recession...

9/2011. Hans Grönqvist, Susan Niknami. Alcohol Availability and Crime: Lessons from Liberalized Weekend Sales Restrictions

8/2011. Anders Stenberg, Xavier de Luna, Olle Westerlund. Does Formal Education for Older Workers Increase Earnings? Analyzing Annual Data Stretching Over 25 Years

7/2011. Hans Grönqvist. Youth Unemployment and Crime: New Lessons Exploring Longitudinal Register Data

6/2011. Anders Björklund, Karin Hederos Eriksson, Marianne Sundström. Children of Unknown Fathers: Prevalence and Outcomes in Sweden

5/2011. Lex Borghans, Bart H. H. Golsteyn, James Heckman, John Eric Humphries. Identification Problems in Personality Psychology

4/2011. Anders Stenberg. Nature or Nurture? A Note on the Misinterpreted Twin Decomposition

3/2011. Kristian Koerselman.  Tracking: Cross-national and UK Evidence

2/2011. Walter Korpi, Tommy Ferrarini, Stefan Englund. Women's Opportunities under Different Constellations of Family Policies in Western Countries: Inequality Tradeoffs Re-examined

1/2011. Kristian Koerselman. Bias from the use of mean-based methods on test scores



11/2010. Lex Borghans, Bart H.H. Golsteyn. Job Mobility in Europe, Japan and the U.S.

10/2010. Olof Åslund, Per-Anders Edin, Hans Grönqvist. Peers, neighborhoods and immigrant student achievement - evidence from a placement policy

9/2010. Anders Björklund, Jesper Roine, Daniel Waldenström. Intergenerational top income mobility in Sweden

8/2010. Torsten Santavirta. How Large are the Effects from Temporary Changes in Family Environment: Evidence from a Child-evacuation Program during WWII

7/2010. Susan Niknami. Intergenerational Transmission of Education among Immigrant Mothers and their Daughters in Sweden

6/2010. Pernilla Andersson Joona, Eskil Wadensjö. Bemanningsbranschen 1998-2005: En bransch i förändring?

5/2010. Patrik Gränsmark. A Rib Less Makes you Consistent but Impatient: A Gender Comparison of Expert Chess Players

4/2010. Patrik Gränsmark. Social Screening and Cooperation Among Expert Chess Players

3/2010. Anders Björklund, Donna K. Ginther, Marianne Sundström. Does Marriage Matter for Children? Assessing the Impact of Legal Marriage in Sweden

2/2010. Lalaina Hirvonen. Accounting for Intergenerational Earnings Persistence: Can We Distinguish Between Education, Skills, and Health?

1/2010. Donna K. Ginther, Marianne Sundström. Does Marriage Lead to Specialization? An Evaluation of Swedish Trends in Adult Earnings Before and After Marriage



9/2009. Kenneth Nelson. Minimum Income Protection and Low-Income Standards: Is Social Assistance Enough for Poverty Alleviation?

8/2009. Ante Farm. Unemployment and Vacancies

7/2009. Martin Hällsten, Tomas Korpi, Michael Tåhlin.  Globalization and uncertainty: Earnings volatility in Sweden, 1985-2003

6/2009. Per Lundborg. Distributional Effects of Wage Leadership: Evidence from Sweden

5/2009. Robert Erikson, Jenny Torssander. Marital Partner and Mortality: The Effects of Social Positions of Both Spouses

4/2009. Robert Erikson, John H. Goldthorpe. Income and Class Mobility Between Generations in Great Britain: The Problem of Divergent Findings from the Data-sets of Birth...

3/2009. Ante Farm. Market Sharing and Price Leadership

2/2009. Lalaina Hirvonen. The Effect of Children on Earnings Using Exogenous Variation in Family Size: Swedish Evidence

1/2009. Anders Stenberg. Upgrading the Low Skilled: Is Public Provision of Formal Education a Sensible Policy?



6/2008. Xavier de Luna, Anders Stenberg, Olle Westerlund. Can Adult Education Delay Retirement from the Labour Market?

5/2008. Jenny Torssander, Robert Erikson. "Stratification and Mortality - A Comparison of Education, Class, Status and Income".

4/2008. Matthew J. Lindquist, Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist. "The Dynamics of Child Poverty in Sweden"

3/2008. Per Lundborg. "Wage Redistribution and the Long Run Phillips Curve".

2/2008. Rickard Eriksson. "Is women's non-market time more valuable than men's?"

1/2008. Rickard Eriksson, Magnus Nermo. "Care for sick children as a proxy for gender equality in the family".



13/2007. Robert Erikson, John H. Goldthorpe. McIntosh and Munk's Supposed Test of the Validity of the E-G Class Schema: A Comment

12/2007. Per Lundborg. Which Wage Dispersion Matters to Firms' Performance?

11/2007. Kenneth Nelson. Introducing SaMip: The Social Assistance and Minimum Income Protection Interim Dataset

10/2007. Tomas Korpi, Michael Tåhlin. Educational mismatch, wages, and wage growth: Overeducation in Sweden, 1974-2000

9/2007. Helena Holmlund. A Researcher's Guide to the Swedish Compulsory School Reform

8/2007. Krister Sund. Estimating Peer Effects in Swedish High School using School, Teacher, and Student Fixed Effects

7/2007. Jenny Säve-Söderbergh. Are Women Asking for Low Wages? Gender Differences in Wage Bargaining Strategies and Ensuing Bargaining Success

6/2007. Anders Stenberg. Evidence on the Impact of Adult Upper Secondary Education in Sweden

5/2007. Christina Jonung, Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. The Fruits of Economics - A Treat for Women? On gender balance in the economics profession

4/2007. Anders Björklund. Family Background and Outcomes Later in Life: A (Partial and Personal) Survey of Recent Research Using Swedish Register Data

3/2007. Pathric Hägglund. Effects of Changes in the Unemployment Insurance Eligibility Requirements on Job Duration - Swedish Evidence

2/2007. Pathric Hägglund. Are there pre-programme effects of Swedish active labour market policies? Evidence from three randomised experiments

1/2007. Gunnar Isacsson, Håkan Regnér. Changes during the 1990's in the location of Swedish Power Couples: Consequences and Explanations



9/2006. Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist, Jenny Säve-Söderbergh. Testing the rationality assumption using a design difference in the TV Game-show 'Jeopardy'

8/2006. Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist. Tournaments and Unfair Treatment

7/2006. Charlotta Stern, Daniel B. Klein. The Ideological Profile of Faculty in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Reply to Zipp and Fenwick

6/2006. Charlotta Stern, Daniel B. Klein. Is There a Free-Market Economist in the House? The Policy Views of American Economic Association Members

5/2006. Lalaina Hirvonen. Intergenerational Earnings Mobility Among Daughters and Sons: Evidence from Sweden and a Comparison with the United States

4/2006. Helena Holmlund. Intergenerational Mobility and Assortative Mating. Effects of an Educational Reform

3/2006. Lena Granqvist, Håkan Regnér. The outcome of individual bargaining and the influence of managers' bargaining power: evidence from union data

2/2006. Krister Sund. Detracking Swedish Secondary Schools - Any Losers, Any Winners?

1/2006. Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist, Eskil Wadensjö. The Swedish Welfare State: The Role of Supplementary Compensations



9/2005. Rickard Eriksson. Parental Leave in Sweden: The Effects of the Second Daddy Month

8/2005. Daniel B. Klein, Charlotta Stern. Narrow-Tent Democrats and Fringe Others: The Policy Views of Social Science Professors

7/2005. Jenny Säve-Söderbergh. Who is Willing to Let Ethics Guide His Economic Decision-Making? Evidence from Individual Investments in Ethical Funds.

6/2005. Anders Böhlmark. Age at Immigration and School Performance: A Siblings Analysis Using Swedish Register Data

5/2005. Helena Holmlund, Krister Sund. Is the Gender Gap in School Performance Affected by the Sex of the Teacher?

4/2005. Matthew J. Lindquist, Anders Böhlmark. Life-Cycle Variations in the Association between Current and Lifetime Income: Country, Cohort and Gender Comparisons

3/2005. Pathric Hägglund. Job-search Assistance Using the Internet - Evidence from a Swedish Randomised Experiment

2/2005. Matthew J. Lindquist. Capital-Skill Complementarity and Inequality in Sweden

1/2005. Ante Farm. A Theory of Vacancies



8/2004. Matthew J. Lindquist, Roger Vilhelmsson. Is the Swedish Central Government a Wage Leader?

7/2004. Helena Persson, Håkan Regnér. Universities in the regional economy. Evidence from Swedish employer-employee linked data

6/2004. Pernilla Andersson, Eskil Wadensjö. Statistik om bemanningsbranschen. Presentation och jämförelser av två nya databaser

5/2004. Rickard Eriksson. Testing for Price Leadership and for Reputation Goods Effects: Swedish Dental Services

4/2004. Anders Björklund, Marianne Sundström. Parental Separation and Children’s Educational Attainment: A Siblings Analysis on Swedish Register Data

3/2004. John Ekberg, Rickard Eriksson, Guido Friebel. Sharing Responsibility? Short- and Long-term Effects of Sweden’s “Daddy-Month” Reform

2/2004. Edwin Leuven, Mikael Lindahl, Hessel Oosterbeek, Dinand Webbink. The Effect of Extra Funding for Disadvantaged Pupils on Achievement

1/2004. Helena Holmlund. Estimating Long-Term Consequences of Teenage Childbearing – An Examination of the Siblings Approach



5/2003. Walter Korpi. Welfare State Regress in Western Europe: Politics, Institutions, Globalization and Europeanization

4/2003. Lena Lindahl, Håkan Regnér. College choice and subsequent earnings. Results using Swedish sibling data

3/2003. Espen R. Moen, Åsa Rosén. Equilibrium Incentive Contracts

2/2003. Ante Farm. Vacancies, Hirings, and the Duration Function

1/2003. Ante Farm. Defining and Measuring Unmet Labour Demand



6/2002. Tommy Ferrarini, Kenneth Nelson. Estimating Post-tax Social Insurance Benefits: Validity Problems in Comparative Analyses of Net Income Components from Household

5/2002. Lena Lindahl. Do birth order and family size matter for intergenerational income mobility?

4/2002. Espen R. Moen, Åsa Rosén. Does poaching distort training?

3/2002. Knut Röed, Peter Jensen, Anna Thoursie. Unemployment Duration, Incentives and Institutions - A Micro-Econometric Analysis Based on Scandinavian Data

2/2002. Thor Norström, Ole-Jörgen Skog. Effekter av lördagsöppna Systembolagsbutiker. Uppföljning av de första 17 månaderna

1/2002. Jan Selén, Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. The Importance of Sickness Benefits Rights for a Comparison of Wages



2/2001. Espen R. Moen, Åsa Rosén. Performance pay and adverse selection

1/2001. Åsa Rosén, Etienne Wasmer. Higher Education Levels, Firms' Outside Options and the Wage Structure



8/2000. Ante Farm. Job Openings, Hirings, and Unmet Demand: A New Approach to the Matching Function and the Beveridge Curve

7/2000. Carl le Grand, Ryszard Szulkin. Permanent Disadvantage or Gradual Integration: Explaining the Immigrant-Native Earnings Gap in Sweden

6/2000. Helena Orrje. The Incidence of On-the-Job Training. An Empirical Study Using Swedish Data

5/2000. Jan Selén, Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. Survivor's Pension Rights and Wages

4/2000. Walter Korpi. Contentious Institutions: An Augmented Rational-Actor Analysis of the Origins and Path Dependency of Welfare State Institutions

3/2000. Stefan Englund. Skuldsaneringslagen ur ett gäldenärsperspektiv

2/2000. Mia Hultin, Ryszard Szulkin. Mechanisms of Inequality: Unequal Access to Organizational Power and the Gender Wage Gap

1/2000. Ursula Henz, Marianne Sundström. Partner Choice and Women's Paid Work in Sweden - The Role of Earnings


Below you find a list of dissertations from researchers employed at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI). Doctoral students at SOFI are always enrolled at either the Department of Sociology or the Department of Economics at Stockholm University.








Dissertations presented during the years 1986–2017 are listed here:

SOFI doctoral dissertations: Archive

Doctoral dissertations presented at SOFI have been registered in the DiVA register since 2004. The register provides access to nail sheets, and sometimes also the entire dissertation text, in pdf format.


A list of licentiate dissertations submitted to SOFI can be found here:

SOFI licentiate dissertations: Archive

Our publications in DiVA

In DiVA (The Digital Academic Archive) you will find all publications by Stockholm University’s researchers and educators from year 2007.

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