
Postal address

Stockholm University

The Wenner-Gren Institute

SE-106 91 Stockholm 

Visting address

Stockholm University

The Wenner-Gren Institute

Svante Arrheniusväg 20 B

SE-106 91 Stockholm 

Invoice address

For non-Swedish suppliers the same as visiting address

For Swedish suppliers:

Wenner-Grens institut

Stockholms universitet

Fack 710 756 R017

106 54 Stockholm

VAT number:SE202100306201


Per O. Ljungdahl

+46 8 16 41 01

Vice- Director:

Ann-Kristin Östlund Farrants

+ 46 8 16 40 97


Magdalena Hernow, +46 8 16 15 63

Gelana Yadeta, +46 8 16 41 80

Booking of Runnströms room

Please contact Gelana Yadeta