Courses and programmes

On this page you will find information on how to apply for our courses in Environmental Humanities, The Viking Age in Northern Europe and along the Eastern Routes 7,5 hp and how ta apply for a PhD position at our department.

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At the moment we only offer one first level course in English: The Viking Age in Northern Europe and along the Eastern Routes 7,5 hp. The courses we offer on second level has a focus on environmental humanities, to be eligible for these courses, you need a bachelor's degree in humanities, social or natural sciences. You find more detailed information about the courses we offer on this page.

We have several PhD-students from different countries and if you are English speaking, you can apply for a PhD position at the department. The Faculty of Humanities announces new PhD positions twice every year.

Foto: Niklas Björling/Stockholms universitet.

The Viking Age in Northern Europe and along the Eastern Routes, 7.5 hp

The Viking Age in Northern Europe and along the Eastern Routes, 7.5 hp. This is a freestanding evening course given during the spring semester.

Read more about the course

Photo: Anna Sörman

The Archaeology of Disaster, 15 hp

In the course on Disaster Archaeology you will, among other things gain insight into this fascinating field of research, focusing on prehistoric, historical, and modern disasters. Learn about the analytical methods used to understand vulnerability, risk, and resilience.

Read more about the course

Photo: Mostphotos

To Study the Environmental Humanities

To be eligible for the independent courses, you need a bachelor's degree in humanities, social or natural sciences.

Courses at advanced level

Environmental Humanities I – Environmental Humanities and Deep Time, 7.5hp

Environmental Humanities II -Human-animal-nature relations over time, 7.5hp

Spring (links will be available before deadline for application)
Environmental Humanities 0 – Orientation course, 7.5hp
Environmental Humanities III – Environmental Humanities and sustainability, 7.5hp
Environmental Humanities IV – Fieldwork Nature/Culture environment, 15hp 


PhD studies at Stockholm University

The purpose of PhD studies is to train doctoral students in the disciplinary and academic tradition, but above all to develop independent and critically minded researchers. This page contains documents and guidelines for PhD studies at Stockholm University and the Faculty of Humanities.

Regulations for PhD Studies at the Faculty of Humanities (154 Kb)

Foto: Ingmarie Andersson/Stockholms universitet.

Admission to PhD studies

The Faculty of Humanities announces new PhD positions twice every year. The last day for submitting your application is October 15th or April 15th.

If possible the department will announce PhD positions in Archaeology. Employment takes place in the form of a PhD position for 4 years.


Individual study plan

For each PhD student, an individual study plan should be established in consultation between the student and the supervisor. The individual study plan should be registered in the digital tool d-ISP. The plan should be reviewed and revised at least once a year.

The individual study plan contains a schedule for the duration of the PhD studies, information about the form of supervision, a summary of the commitments by both the PhD student and the Faculty Board, as well as other information necessary to carry out the education in an efficient way. (HF 6 36 §)

Digitala individuella studieplaner – d-ISP - Medarbetarwebben (

Foto: Ingmarie Andersson/Stockholms universitet.

Dissertation defence

When your dissertation is nearing completion, you should discuss with your advisors whether it is ready for the defence. You will also need to take care of a number of practical details which involve different parts of the university administration. This page provides key information about your Ph.D. defence.

1. Book a date and time for your public defence
3. Formatting the title page (aka spikblad)
4. Printing the doctoral thesis
5. Distrubuting the thesis before the defence
6. Notifying the public of the defence (aka nailing the thesis)

The PhD council for Archaeology and Classical Antiquity is watching over the interests of the PhD students at the department.

The board consists of the following members:

Chairman: Meghan Mattsson McGinnis
Vice chairman: André Nordin
Secretary: Alicia Muriel González

Other members:

Adam Lindqvist Wadstein
Aurore Hars
Bettina Stolle
David De Lorenzi Turner
Eirini Anagnostou
Ellinor Hedberg
Emelie Jonsson
Emma Maltin
Erik Solfeldt
Fredrik Lundström 
Julian Wareing
Marcus Frid
Marieke Ivarsson-Aalders
Rolf Fabricius Warming
Siri Pettersson
Zoé Pochon

Stockholm University has rules about the visual identity of dissertations. Our preferred procured printing agency and all others that you are permitted to partner with follow our InDesign template for dissertation covers. Through the library, you can also acquire the title sheet template. In the manual for visual identity (site in Swedish) you can read more about this.

If you need help with the layout, to typeset your text in InDesign, translation or proofreading, the university has tendered these services (site in Swedish).





Inauguration of new professors and conferment of doctoral degrees

Among the common academic traditions at universities and higher education institutions in Sweden, the most important are the professorial installation and doctoral conferment, both dating from the Middle Ages.

Middag i Stadshuset i samband med doktorspromovering. Foto: Ingmarie Andersson/Stockholms universitet.

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