Conferences and seminars

The Department of Education arrange reoccurring conferences and seminars on various topics. Some are open, some require that that you get in contact with the responsible researcher to participate. However, it's preferable, due to limited space, that you always announce your participation.



SWERA conference 1-3 October 2024 - online

SWERA (Swedish Educational Research Association) is a national association with the aim of promoting educational research and practice in Sweden in various ways, in co-operation with the other Nordic countries.

The theme of the 2024 conference is "Academic freedom in and for the field of pedagogical knowledge". The host this year is Stockholm University. The conference will be held online via Zoom.

9th Nordic Education History Conference, 14-16 May 2025

We warmly invite you to the 9th Nordic Educational History Conference, at Aula Magna, Frescati, Stockholm University! The theme of the conference is Power and resistance.


Designs for Learning conference on August 28–30, 2024

We warmly invite you to the eighth Designs for Learning conference, at the Department of Education, Frescati, Stockholm University! 

The theme of the conference is Conceptualizing design in research and developmental work. More information will follow shortly.


9th Stockholm International Conference of Research on Vocational Education and Training, May 14-16, 2024

A forum for discussion and dissemination of state of the art research in Vocational Education and Training. A space for international networking and cooperation, part of the yearly academic events of VETNET (The European network of research in Vocational Education and Training).


Research seminars


Education & Migration Seminar Series (EMSS)

This is a new seminar series that started fall 2023. Our seminars for the first two semesters will be related to the research project:

Navigating Places, Negotiating Boundaries: A Multidisciplinary Study of Migrant Children’s Educational Transitions in Sweden

Read more about Education & Migration Seminar Series


Research Forum for Interaction and Learning (ReFIL)

The Research Forum for Interaction and Learning (ReFIL) provides a methodological forum for researchers working with interactional data; primarily audio- and video recordings of interactions and activities in educational, workplace and everyday settings. 

More information on ReFIL-seminars


Data session seminar: Talk, Interaction and Multimodality (TIM)

The TIM data sessions provide an opportunity for researchers working on empirical interactional data, largely within frameworks such as Conversation Analysis, Ethnomethodology and Interactional Linguistics, to get together regularly to present and discuss audio- and/ or video-recordings of social activities of any kind.
Read more about the TIM-seminars



The Research Group Higher Education Learning Practices (HELP) runs the Swedish Higher Education Research Network (SHERN) which hosts the SHERN seminar that offers researchers within the field of higher education regular opportunities to present and discuss ongoing research work within the field. The seminars are held digitally via Zoom: Dates: Please contact Professor Max Scheja for further information and to get a Zoom-link.


Adult education seminar

The Adult Education Seminar organises researchers, students and practitioners interested in adult learning, i.e. what and how adults learn in different life settings and how different conditions on individual, organisational and societal level impact on their learning and life careers. In the seminar different perspectives and methods are discussed and the seminar usually have guest researchers from different parts of the world. The seminar is organised by the Research Group ICER Colloquium Program AT 2024 (64 Kb) .
Contact: Camilla Thunborg or Malgosia Malec Rawinski for further information.


International and Comparative Education Research - ICER Colloquium

Our research colloquium program offers local and international scholars and practioners opportunities to engage with issues related to the central agenda of ICER. The colloquium language is English.  ICER Colloquium Program AT 2024 (64 Kb)


Vocational Education and Training

The Research group VETYL continuously arrange seminars were we discuss and present current research. Vocational Education and Training (VET), is a a well-established international field of research that studies questions of skills, qualifications, competences and professional knowledge in relation to early VET, upper secondary as well as adult VET, and advanced VET. See our Calendar for current seminars




Please visit our Research Group's pages

Information on upcoming seminars you will find in our calendar

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