Research group Higher Education Learning Practices (HELP)
The Research Group on Higher Education Learning Practices at Stockholm University engages in theoretical and empirical research on different aspects of higher education.
Key research topics include students’ and teachers’ learning and teaching processes in different higher education settings, but also conditions for academic development, with a particular focus on the complex relationship between educational leadership, the organization of teaching and its implication for student learning in higher education.
Group description
The group runs the Swedish Higher Education Research Network (SHERN) which hosts the SHERN seminar that offers researchers within the field of higher education regular opportunities to present and discuss ongoing research work within the field. The seminars are hold on Zoom. Dates: 24 January kl. 10-11.30, 23 February 14-15.30, 29 March 10-11.30, 20 April 13-14.30 and 23 May 10-11.30. For more information and to get a link to the Zoom-meeting, please contact Professor Max Scheja.
More information on Research Group on Higher Education Learning Practices (HELP)
Group members
Group managers
Klara Bolander Laksov
Max Scheja
Mathieu Albert
Visiting researcher
Linda Barman
Ebba Maria Berggren
PhD student
Stefan Ekecrantz
Senior lecturer
Alexandra Farazouli
PhD student
Lena Geijer
Senior lecturer
Amrah Heikkinen
Andreas Jemstedt
Senior lecturer
Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg
Senior lecturer
Najoua Amélia Laajab
Gustav Lymer
Senior lecturer
Cormac McGrath
Senior lecturer
Tanya O'Reilly
PhD student
Blanka Ráhel Rósa
PhD student
Eva Svärdemo Åberg
Senior lecturer
Maria Weurlander
Senior lecturer
Maria Öhrstedt
Senior lecturer/Director of Studies