Courses and programmes

We recognize that environmental problems are solved by people, and not by science alone. Therefore, we are committed to educating the next generation of environmental problem solvers, not only with an understanding of science, but also the societal context that is needed to activate the science to confront environmental problems.

Find your course or programme

The Department of Environmental Science offers programmes at all levels, including a Bachelor programme, three Master's programmes and a PhD programme. The three master's programmes all allow you to deepen your knowledge in your chosen field. Read more in the articles below.
Most courses accept students from other departments, provided they meet the requirements, and some courses are open to the public. 

Ready to apply? Step-by-step guide to application



Bachelor's programme in Environmental Science (in Swedish)

Studenter vid Askölaboratoriet
Photo: Michaela Lundell

The bachelor’s programme in Environmental Science focuses on identifying, understanding and resolving different environmental challenges, like global warming, chemicals in the environment and reduced biodiversity. You begin with a broad introduction that focuses on understanding a number of scientific disciplines required for working with environmental issues. The second year allows you to chose your specialisation – biology, earth sciences or chemistry.


Bachelor's Programme in Environmental Science


Master's programme - Atmosphere, Biogeochemistry and Climate

Air sampling in the tropics

This is the broadest programme, focusing on how large-scale systems interact, on how human perturbations upset these balances; and on potential solutions to these problems.


Master's Programme in Environmental Science - Atmosphere, Biogeochemistry and Climate


Master's programme - Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

Monoporeia affinis

This programme looks at the chemical and physical properties of contaminates, the ways that they impact the environment and the regulatory systems built to control them.

Master's Programme in Environmental Science - Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


Master's programme - Environmental Health Protection

The third programme, Environmental Health Protection (offered only in Swedish), brings together environmental science and societal impact, and is a highly desirable credential for employers in the public and private sectors.

Master's Programme in Environment and Health Protection (in Swedish)


PhD studies

Doktorand i miljövetenskap

The department offers a PhD programme in Environmental Science, generally four years fulltime, which includes course work and a research project supervised by one of our researchers. Positions are limited and are announced four times per year (April, June, October and December) on our website.

Our research areas

PhD positions

General information on doctoral studies at Stockholm University

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