Research seminar: Zygmunt Frajzyngier, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Colorado Boulder


Date: Tuesday 17 September 2024

Time: 16.00 – 17.30

Location: C497, Södra huset (external)

Professor emeritus Zygmunt Frajzyngier gives a research seminar titled ”Semantic and syntactic properties of motion verbs: A non-conventional analysis”.

A picture of Zygmunt Frajzyngier and an illustration of his research.
Photo: University of Colorado Boulder

Semantic and syntactic properties of motion verbs: A non-conventional analysis

Most current approaches to syntax and the lexicon assume autonomy of the lexicon, viz. that it is an independent component whose syntactic properties are to some degree determined by semantic properties but are not determined by the syntactic structures of the language. The present study proposes a radically different relationship between the syntax, semantics, and the lexicon. In this talk I demonstrate that the semantic structure of the language and the functions coded in the locative complement in Mupun (West Chadic) determine the semantic and syntactic properties of verbs of motion and motivate the very existence of some of these verbs.
   Properties of verbs of motion are thus not an independent component of language: They are not dependent on the non-linguistic experiences of the speakers, nor do they receive their meanings from the structure of the utterance as postulated in Construction Grammar.

More about Zygmunt Frajzyngier

The seminar is in English. If you wish to book sign language interpretation for a seminar, please contact the converners as soon as possible:


Alice Bondarenko
Anastasia Panova