
The department provides a comprehensive suite of spectroscopy instruments for material characterization within MACAL.



The research-grade IR spectrometer is presently equipped with a Ge/KBr beamsplitter and DTGS and linearized MCT broad-band detectors for mid- and partially near-IR (7500-350cm-1) measurements. Far-IR (400-40 cm-1) measurements are also available by replacement of the detector and beamsplitter with a DTGS detector with PE window and Mylar 12µ beamsplitter.

The IR microscope is coupled to the IR spectrometer and can be used as an optical or infrared microscope in both transmission and reflection modes. It has a motorized x-y-z stage and is equipped with a linearized MCT detector with a 100 x 100 µm detector element allowing analysis of samples down to 10 µm.


Accessories to the IR spectrometer:

  • Specac-1800 liquid cell with different windows (KBr, CaF2, etc.) and spacers for measurement of liquids, and solutions in transmission mode.
  • 20 ton pressing tool and die presses for making ø10 mm and ø16 mm pellets from powders to measure them in transmission mode.
  • 10 cm gas cell to measure IR spectra of gases.
  • Specac Goldengate single reflection attenuated total reflection (ATR) accessory with a diamond ATR element for quick measurements (no sample preparation needed) of IR spectra of solids (powder, polymer, film) and liquids.
  • Homemade transmission cell connected to the high vacuum system. Achievable conditions: pressure <10-7 Torr, temperature: RT-300 °C. In situ investigation of surface species during adsorption or heterogeneous catalytic reactions is possible.
  • PIKE DiffusIR diffuse reflection accessory. Solid samples in powder form can be investigated without any sample preparation.
  • PIKE environmental chamber for DiffusIR. The chamber can be connected to the high vacuum system and in situ investigation of surface species during adsorption or heterogeneous catalytic reactions is possible. Achievable conditions: pressure ~10-6 Torr, temperature: RT-900 °C.

Accessories to the IR microscope:

  • Linkam THM-600 heated stage with a temperature control (RT-600 °C). The stage provides possibilities to study phase transitions and decompositions at elevated temperatures in a controlled atmosphere.
  • Slide-on micro ATR with Ge ATR element, contact area: 20-50 µm.
  • Grazing angle objective for investigation of thin layers on IR reflective materials (e.g. monolayer on metals).
  • PIKE GladiATR single reflection attenuated total reflection (ATR) accessory with a diamond ATR element for quick measurements of IR spectra of solids (powder, polymer, film) and liquids. The GladiATR is equipped with a ceramoplastic top plate and is heatable up to 300 °C.

The UV spectrometer can be used for routine analysis of the optical properties of various liquid samples.

The research-grade UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer can be used for routine analysis of the optical properties of various liquid and solid samples. Calibration and quantitative analysis are also possible. Accessories are available for diffuse and specular reflection measurements. In situ studies of reaction are also possible at a wide range of temperatures with a reaction chamber.


Available spectral range: 175-3300 nm.
The sample compartment can be expanded to accommodate large accessories.


Standard sample holders for liquids and solids.
Diffuse reflection accessory to measure solid samples. Diffuse or specular reflectance modes are available.

Praying ManthisTM accessory to study powders in diffuse reflectance mode. Regular and micro-sampling cups are available. A reaction chamber is available for in situ reaction studies at high and low temperatures.



Computer-controlled ratioing fluorescence spectrometer with measurement modes for fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence, and bioluminescence.


  • Available spectral range: 190-1100 nm
  • Scan rate: 0.01-24 000 nm/min. 80 data points per second max. Measurement rate in fluorescence mode.

The LabRAM HR 800 Raman instrument is equipped with an 800 mm focal length spectrograph and two gratings, 600 and 1800 l/mm, on a motorized turret.

The detector is an air-cooled (-70oC), back-thinned CCD detector with 1024x256 pixels (pixel size 26x26 microns) and a spectral range of 200-1050 nm. It has an XY manual mechanical stage and an open space microscope where the sample stays static while the objective is adjusted along z to focus, enabling the possibility of measuring large samples. Both reflective and transmitted light are available for illumination of the sample. The colour camera gives simultaneous view of sample and laser spot. the sample. The colour camera gives simultaneous view of sample and laser spot.


The system is equipped with two lasers and kinematic filters for quick and easy exchange between wavelengths. The lasers are an air cooled double frequency Nd:YAG laser (532 nm/ 50 mW), edge and interference filters for measurements <100 cm-1, as well as an air cooled intra cavity regulated laser diode with point source (785 nm/ 100mW), edge and interference filter for measurements from 100 cm-1. The laser intensity is adjusted by a software controlled filter wheel with 6 ND filters.

Available objectives are:
10x NA = 0.28, WD = 35 mm
50x NA = 0.42, WD = 20.5 mm

MMK User


No assistance (SEK)

Operator assistance (SEK)

FTIR 100/h 250/h
Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 UV/VIS/NIR spectrometer 100/h 250/h
Varian Cary Eclipse Fluorescence spectrophotometer 100/h 250/h
Horiba Labram HR system 100/h 250/h


External academic user


No assistance (SEK)

Operator assistance (SEK)

FTIR 200/h 800/h
Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 UV/VIS/NIR spectrometer 200/h 800/h
Varian Cary Eclipse Fluorescence spectrophotometer 200/h 800/h
Horiba Labram HR system 200/h 800/h


Commerical user


No assistance (SEK)

Operator assistance (SEK)

FTIR 400/h 1000/h
Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 UV/VIS/NIR spectrometer 400/h 1000/h
Varian Cary Eclipse Fluorescence spectrophotometer 400/h 1000/h
Horiba Labram HR system 400/h 1000/h

Please contact manager to book instrument training.



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