Courses and programmes

The Department of Meteorology at Stockholm University (MISU) offers courses and programs in atmospheric sciences, oceanography and climate physics at different levels. Are you interested in working with weather and climate, with the atmosphere and the oceans? Do you want to become a climate expert, forecast meteorologist, oceanographer or a climate scientist? Or just gain understanding for what it is that affects the climate? Welcome to us!

Search among our courses and programmes

MISU offers courses and programmes at undergraduate level (Bachelor's degree), advanced level (Master's degree) and doctoral level (doctorate degree).

All our Bachelor's and Master's courses are given both within the programme and as separate courses.


Bachelor's programme

Bild på moln och vatten i solnedgång. Foto: MISU

Do you want to apply maths and physics to understand what influences the weather, oceans and climate of the Earth? Then apply to our Bachelor's programme in Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Climate Physics!

You will study the dynamics of the weather systems, large-scale circulation, radiation and chemistry, the ocean circulation and the climate system, and get insights in climate change and how humans affect the climate.

Bachelor's programme in Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Climate Physics

More about MISU's Bachelor's programme

Overview of MISU's courses at Bachelor and Master level


Master's programme

Satellitbild över Europa Källa: NOAA/SMHI
Satellite image of the storm Ophelia over Europe. Source: NOAA/SMHI

Building on the broad scientific expertise at the Department of Meteorology, these two years of full time studies (120 credits) offer you an opportunity to specialise in disciplines such as classical dynamical meteorology, atmospheric physics, atmospheric chemistry, environmental research and oceanography. You can choose to study with a general focus or with a focus on weather forecasting.

Following the close connection between research and education at Stockholm University, our teaching staff at MISU are all researchers within their respective fields.

Master's programme in Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Climate Physics - general focus

Master's programme in Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Climate Physics - focus on weather forecasting

More about MISUs Master's programme

Report from the research vessel Electra: Oceanography in practice

Overview of MISU's courses at Bachelor and Master level


PhD studies at MISU

The ice breaker Oden in the Arctic. Photo: Karolina Siegel
The ice breaker Oden in the Arctic. Photo: Karolina Siegel

The Department of Meteorology offers PhD studies in a wide range of subjects within atmospheric and oceanographic studies, e.g. dynamical meteorology, physical oceanography, chemical meteorology and atmospheric physics.

Doctoral studies are full-time studies during four years that may be extended with up to one year by working for the department; this includes job assignments such as for example teaching.

PhD programme at MISU

General information from SU and UHR about research studies


Introductory courses

Väderbild Foto: Ingrid Eronn

Are you interested in the atmosphere, oceans and climate but do not want to study a whole programme? Apply for our introductory evening courses, in Swedish.


Klimat och väder i förändring

Oceanografins grunder

Vädrets makter

Additional information


Undergraduate and advanced level

For questions about admission, registration, transcripts, course planning etc., please contact our Student Counselor at the Student Expedition. Remember to always provide your personal details and the course in question to facilitate processing your request.

You can find the contact details on the MISU contact page for education.

Information about Stockholm University central Study and Career Counseling

PhD studies

Do you have questions regarding MISU's PhD programme? Please contact the director of studies for the PhD programme.

You can find the contact details on the MISU contact page for education.

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