
Welcome to MBW's Internal pages. The information here is aimed at employees, students and guests at MBW.

Browse the page, or use the links in the upper right corner to navigate the page and find what you are looking for.

We have gathered all information regarding PhD studies at MBW on the following page: 

PhD studies at MBW


For new employees and MBW guests

Are you new here? Welcome to MBW! Here you will find helpful introduction documents and information. 

In You and your workplaceStockholm university has complied an overview of the terms of employment at the university

In Laboratory safety at MBW (472 Kb)  you can read about our safety routines. More information about laboratory safety can also be found further down on this page. 


The links below contain informtion and tips for visting scientists and international graduate students, as well as tips for moving to Sweden. 

Handbook for visiting researchers and research students

Stockholm University - Relocation 

Visiting researchers are covered by an insurance policy provided by Stockholm University through the national agency Kammarkollegiet. 

Read more

Keys and access card

Prior to your first day at MBW, the Administration has ordered keys and an access card for you. When they are ready for pick-up, you will be notified via e-mail and you can pick up your keys and access card at Service Center. Remember to bring your ID-card. 

Contact information and opening hours, Service Center

If you have questions regarding keys and access cards, please contact Gelana Yadeta,, 08-16 41 81. 

Printing card

If you have not been an employee or student at Stockholm University before, your printing card will be sent to MBW. You will find it in your or your group's postbox in the mail room, E341. 

If you have lost your printing card, you have to order a new one using this form. The card will be sent to your home adress.


Stockholm University has a central email service called Ebox. You can use your email via Outlook on your computer, or access it online via Ebox.

You can find more information about the email system in Serviceportalen


Work environment and laboratory safety

Ensuring a good work environment and upholding a high level of laborotory safety, is of the upmost importance at MBW. Below you will find routines, action plans and instructions related to work environment and laboratory safety. 

Stockholm University is a decentralized organisation, which means that each department is responsible for the work enviroment of the employees. In  Work environment and assignment of work tasks (866 Kb) , the division of the responsibilities at MBW is mapped out.

The Action plan for work environment is updated yearly, and describes the goals and activities for the work enviroment at MBW:  Action plan for work enviroment 2024 (in Swedish) (258 Kb)

The document Laboratory safety at MBW (472 Kb) , presents guidelines and rules concerning working routines at the department. Before starting your work, please read the regulations and instructions in full and sign the following form, thereby verifying that you know the rules and instructions and will work accordingly:  Laboratory safety form (80 Kb)

According to AFS 2001:1 on Systematic Work Environment Management, the employer should perform a risk assessment to indicate risks that are present on an activity, and whether or not they are serious. The word risk, as used in the Provisions AFS 2001:1, refers to the likelihood of ill-health or accidents at work and the consequences of such occurrences. 

Below you will find templates for risk assessments. If you have any questions, please contact Neus Visa,

Risk assessment of work processes at MBW (280 Kb)

CMR compounds: Investigation form and risk assessment (291 Kb)

Risk assessment template (BARA) (351 Kb)

Risk assessment: working during pregnancy (in Swedish) (423 Kb)



PhD students

Martin Säflund,

Administrative and technical staff

Munira Akhter,


Lilly Levin,

KLARA is a user-friendly management system that simplifies and rationalises the handling of chemicals in departments, divisions and research groups.

Read more about KLARA

Log into KLARA


In each corridor at MBW, you will find evacuation plans which mark:

  • Escape routes
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Fire alarm buttons
  • Fire blankets
  • Fire hose reels
  • Assembly points. 

Make yourself well acquainted with the evacuation plans, and read more about fire safety at Stockholm University.

An updated Fire safety and evacuation document for MBW, will soon be available here. 

Responsible for fire protection: Neus Visa

Responsible for flammable liquids: Neus Visa

Fire protection controllers

Corridor Name
E3n, E3s Kicki Ryman
E5 Ingela Ekstrand
F3n, F3s Indiana Karanovic / Maria Ekoff
F4n Munira Akhter
F4s Munira Akhter
F5n, F5s Roger Johansson
ECF Ellinor Ljunglöf
IFSU Roger Johansson


Evacuation leaders

Corridor Name
E3n, E3s Monika Björk
E5n, E5s Roger Johansson
F3n, F3s Jessika Lind
F4n Claes Andréasson
F4s Laveena Kansara
F5n Noushin Emami
F5s Eva Sverremark-Ekström/Claudia Arasa Cuartiella
ECF Ellinor Ljunglöf/Kajsa Noaksson
IFSU Chris Molenaar



For Group Leaders

The following information is aimed at Group Leaders at MBW. Read about how to add a new group member in Filemaker, and what to think about when employing a PhD student.

Filemaker is MBW's personnel system, as well as an administrative system for purchasing plastic in Boutique Plastique. It is important that you regularly check and update the information in the system if a group member's first or last day changes. 

When you have a new member in your group, please fill out his or her information in Filemaker. If you do not have user name or password, please contact the administration

When the information has been entered into Filemaker, the administration will order keys, access card and SUKAT for your new group member.

Every PhD student position has to be announced officially. There are four occasions for announcement each year. Two occasions are co-ordinated with the Faculty and two occasions are co-ordinated within MBW. 

MBW has compiled a helpful checklist for recrutiment/employment of PhD students. 

Checklist for recruitment/employment of PhD student (224 Kb)

Announcements 2024
Announcement no. 1 (MBW) January 10 (Last day for application is the February 4)
Announcement no. 2 (NatFak) April 2 (Last day for application is the April 23)
Announcement no. 3 (MBW) June 14 (Last day for application is July 10) 
Announcement no. 4 (NatFak) TBD


Use the following templates for the PhD student position announcements: 

Template 2024 English (29 Kb)

Template 2024 Swedish (31 Kb)

Please make sure to keep updated on changes in routines concerning PhD studies. All information about PhD studies at MBW can be found here. 


Personnel information

This section is aimed at employees at MBW and contains information on everything from occupational health services to parental leave. 

Stockholm University's 'You and your workplace' provides an overview of the most important details for employees.

As an employee at Stockholm University, you can contact Avonova for counselling and telephone advice on work-related illnesses. The agreement does not include general medical care, but since it is often difficult to determine whether or not an illness is work-related, you should always call and consult a nurse. You can always get an appointment with a doctor for evaluation. 

Read more about occupational health care services and find contact information here

As an employee at Stockholm University you have the right to a wellness benefit, a wellness hour, group training in Frescatihallen and training in the staff gym (for a fee).

Read more about the wellness program and how to claim the wellness benefit

If you become ill it is important that you follow the below instructions.

  • Contact your Group Leader/supervisor via telephone, email or sms on the same day.
  • Register sick leave in Primula as soon as possible (important so your salary will be correctly paid). If you are unable to make the registration yourself, your Group Leader/supervisor or MBW’s personnel administrator can do it for you.  
  • From January 1, 2019 the "karensdag" (non paid day) has been replaced by a "karensavdrag" (salary deduction). This means that you already from day 1 in your sick period receives sick pay from SU, and also that it doesn't matter when during the day you fall ill and go home from work, the deduction is made for the whole day regardless. The sick leave compensation for the days 1-14 during the sick period is 80% of the sickness allowance.
  • If you are ill more than 7 days, a doctor’s certificate is needed from day 8. Give a copy of the certificate to your Group Leader and to the personnel administrator. Keep the original to yourself.
  • If you are ill more than 14 days, you need to register sick leave at the webpage of Försäkringskassan. Use BankID to log in and register for sick leave payment. Starting from sick day 15, you will get sick pay from Försäkringskassan plus a small payment (10%) from SU.
  • Send the original doctor’s certificate to Försäkringskassan.
  • In case your sick leave period is prolonged you need to give a new doctor’s certificate to your Group Leader and to the personnel administrator + send the original to Försäkringskassan. OBS! It is important to hand in the certificate as soon as possible in order not to receive the wrong salary.

If your child becomes ill and you are staying home to take care of it, it is important that you follow the below instructions.

  • Contact your Group Leader/supervisor via telephone, email or sms on the same day.
  • Register temporary parental leave (VAB) at the webpage of Försäkringskassan.
  • When the child is no longer ill, you shall register the period of leave in Primula. The birth date of the child has to be registered in Primula under the “Personal data”.
  • If you child is ill more than 7 days, a doctor’s certificate is needed from day 8. Give a copy of the certificate to your Group Leader and to the personnel administrator. Keep the original to yourself.

Parental rights are regulated by the Paternal Leave Act which defines various types of leave, conditions for leave, and the amount of leave. 

Read more about parental leave and about how to apply for it

MBW schedules standard holiday for PhD students, researchers, postdocs and group leaders. Read more:  Information about standard holidays ("schablonsemester") (218 Kb) .


General information

The information below is useful for everyone at MBW. Here you will find forms for reimbursments, as well as information on procurements and courir services. 

MBW has a lot of research equipment. Most equipment is open to use for everybody (after contact with the responsible person and after relevant training).

All research equipment is listed in a file Apparatlista MBW, which you will find on the MBW server equipment>APPARATLISTA.

Service of lab equipment 

Service of lab equipment that is regarded as common will be paid by MBW. Read more:  Principles regarding costs for service and reparation (in Swedish) (220 Kb) . 

Moving or discarding lab equipment

Most lab equipment are assets listed in the asset register and marked with an ID number. When such equipment is moved from one room to another room, or thrown away it is important that the change is registered in the asset register (to facilitate the yearly inventory as well as to have an up to date location).

Fill in the form “Equipment move or discard” ( för Anläggninge flytt eller kassera) and hand in to Anna Nilsson Rosin, Financial Officer in the Administration. 

Since Stockholm University is a Swedish Governmental Authority, there are special regulations for purchases of more expensive products such as lab equipment and also services. The Public Procurement Act (LOU) is the law regulating public procurement. 

Read about how to proceed

Reimbursements are handed in to Beata Gillving in the Administration. Please use the  Reimbursement form (168 Kb) , and follow the instructions below: 

  1. Use a stapler to fasten each original receipt on blank A4 sheets.
  2. Put a number on each receipt and write down explanations in the form below.
  3. For representation, the aim and name, title and organization of all participants has to be described.
  4. Payment for personal meals during trip abroad will be reimbursed with allowance. The supervisor sets the level of the allowance. No receipts are needed.
  5. The supervisor shall sign the form.
  6. Hand in the form and the receipts to Beata Gillving.
  7. The money will be paid along with your salary. Deadline to get the payment the same month is around the 10-12th.

All business trips must be booked via Amex GBT, an agency that has been contracted in accordance with the Swedish Public Procurement Act.

All employees at MBW has a traveller profile with Amex. However, all travellers must activate their profile before they can book a trip using the online tool. If you don't have a traveller profile please contact Gelana Yadeta

Book your trip online

Additional information regarding travelling (transport, accommodation) 

Information about recieving guests 

Book a room at MBW 

The following rooms are available to book: 

E325 Seminar rooom
F370 Seminar room
F472 Seminar room
F504 Seminar room
E503 Runnströmsrummet Conference room

Instructions on how to book a room (only in Swedish for PC)

Instructions on how to book a room (only in English for Mac)

Book a room at BIG 

The following lecture halls are administrated by BIG: E306, E314, P216, P224, P232, Q211.

If you have questions or want to book a lecture hall, please contact

Room booking ECF

For room booking, please use TimeEdit

If you have any questions regarding ECF's premises, please contact Sandra Olsson,

There are three types of scholarships: 

  1. Basic education - the person must be formally accepted (registered in LADOK) for education at the undergraduate or advanced level at SU or at universities with which SU cooperates. May be set up for a maximum of 12 months.
  2. Postgraduate education - the person must be admitted (registered in LADOK) to postgraduate studies at SU or at universities with which SU cooperates. May be set up for a maximum of 12 months.
  3. Postdoc - may be given to a foreign citizen with a doctoral degree taken outside Sweden. A scholarship may be paid up to a maximum of 5 years after the doctoral degree.

Other restrictions:

  • Scholarships may not be paid to a person who has received salary from SU, neither hourly salary nor monthly salary.
  • Scholarships may not be paid with grants (from your units) or from commissioned activities.
  • External financier must have approved in writing that project funds may be used for scholarship.
  • Scholarships in postgraduate education must also not be financed by funds distributed through other government agencies, eg. Research Council.

Read more in SU's guidelines for scholarships (in Swedish) if you are thinking of paying a scholarship to someone

It is the human resources officer Van Le Sabrie,, who handles scholarships at MBW, so contact her well in advance if you want to pay out a scholarship.

Form for application:  Scholarship Application form (50 Kb)


MBW has a printer, Printomat, in each corridor with which you can print, copy and scan documents. You can use any printer at the department. 

Instructions for installning Printomat on your Mac-computer

Instructions for installning Printomat on Windows 10

Instructions for installing Printomat on Linux/Ubunto/Gnome

Poster printer

MBW's poster printer is located in the post room in F3, where you will also find instructions on how to use it. 

If you have any questions regarding Printomat or the poster printer, please contact Gelana Yadeta,

SU have a framework agreement for courier services. The following companys should only be used to order courier services. You can contact them via e-mail or phone. 

Cargo Logistics Express C.L.EX. AB
Courier services and transportation of hazardous goods
Valid untill:

MIAB/NCA Facility Services AB
Postal and freight services
Valid untill:

PostNord Sverige AB
Postal services

World Courier (Sweden) AB
Courier services and transportation of hazardous goods
Valid untill:

Your Special Delivery Service Sweden AB
Courier services and transportation of dangerous goods
Valid untill:

If you have any questions concerning courier services or transport, please contact Gelana Yadeta,

Letter template 

Letter template (English) (146 Kb)

Letter template (Swedish) (179 Kb)


The logotype of Stockholm University looks slightly different in its versions aimed for digital use and for printed use. You will find both versions here. 

SU Logo Digital use English (176 Kb)

SU Logo Digital use Swedish (168 Kb)

SU Logo for Print English (2095 Kb)

SU Logo for Print Swedish (2002 Kb)

Visual identity

Stockholm University has a clear policy on how and when to use its logotype:

Read about the visual identity of Stockholm University

Stockholm University is a public athority, which means that we are obliged by law to register and archive documents. We do this for administrative purposes, research needs and for the purpopse of the public's right to transparacy. 

For these purposes, many documents that are handled at MBW, need to be registered and archived. Registration of a public document should be done the same day it has arrived. Below is a list of the most common documents that need to be registered. All of these should be sent/given to Jessika Lind,

Checklist registration of documents (296 Kb)

The checklist is not complete, if you are unsure whether a document should be registered and archived, look in the document management plan or ask or at the institution.

Read more about archiving at Stockholm University

Read more about archiving research projects at Stockholm University

  • Autoclave materials
  • Waste containers
  • Plastic bags
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Detergents, soaps, hand cream
  • Office supplies, basic supply incl. fiber pens and lab journals
  • Copy paper
  • Toner for common printers, one in each corridor + mailroom
  • Toner for poster printer
  • Batteries AA and AAA
  • Laboratory glassware
  • Laundry of lab coats etc.
  • Masking tape
  • Paper towels, Kleenex
  • Plasters, first aid
  • Plastic and aluminum foil Plastic gloves
  • Fluorescent, incandescent bulbs Dry ice
  • Liquid nitrogen
  • Ethanol
  • Renting of gas tubes
  • Coffea, tea
  • Milk, sugar
  • Stationary for kitchens


MBW strives to reduce our impact on the enviroment, and works towards Stockholm University's goal of being carbon free by 2040. Read about our environmental work below. 

In MBW's action plan for our environmental work, you can read about our goals and activities. 

Environmental action plan 2024 (in Swedish) (157 Kb)


Read about MBW's routines concerning Hazardous waste management:  Hazardous waste management (192 Kb)

If you have any questions or suggestions on hazardous waste, please do not hesitate to contact Neus Visa,

The University works systematically with environmental issues and complies with the requirements of the environmental management standards ISO 14001 and EMAS. Consequently, concern for the environment is a part of our daily work.

The University aims to reduce the negative environmental impact and increase the positive impact. Negative impact occurs if we, as for example, travel on duty and do not show concern for the environment when planning our trip. Positive impact is when we educate and disseminate knowledge concerning issues related to the environment and sustainable development.

The slogan "Being environmentally-friendly should be easy" is essential for the University´s environmental management.

What do I have to know and do? 

  • Be familiar with the University’s environmental policy.
  • Comply with the University’s environmental procedures and guidelines.
  • Help the department and the University to achieve the environmental objectives and planned actions.
  • Tell us of your ideas on how our University can make improvements in our environmental work.

Read more about Stockholm University's environmental policy.



At MBW we activley work against discrimination to ensure equal rights and possiblities for everyone. Below you will find documents and contact information related to the subject. 

MBW's Action plan for Equal rights and possiblities is rooted in the Discrimination Act (SFS 2008:567), and the activities are adapted to our department. The areas covered in the plan are: working conditions, harrassments, sexual harrassments, recruitment, gender balance and salary. 

Action plan for equal rights and possibilities (in Swedish) (267 Kb)


If you feel exposed to victimization or harassment, or become aware of someone else feeling exposed to victimization or harassment, please inform either the Department Head Neus Visa, the Head of Administration Camilla Eldeby or the Human Resources Officer Van Le Sabrie.

If you prefer, you can make a report via the equality officer of the PhD students Max Louski .You can also contact the PhD Student Ombudsman at the Student Union

According to the Swedish law, an employee who reports harassment or participates in an inquiry about such cases may not be subjected to negative measures (reprisals) by the employer.

Read more about equal treatments of students

SU Gender Equality Policy 


Departmental meetings

Here you will find information about MBW's work groups, their members and meeting dates. Information about the Department Board can be found here. 

Ordinary members 2024-2026

  • Neus Visa
  • Mattias Mannervik
  • Qi Dai
  • Tore Bengtsson
  • Antonio Barragan
  • Johan Ankarklev
  • Kristina Jonas 
  • Marc Friedländer

Alternates 2024-2026

  • Sussane Keipert
  • Eva Sverremark-Ekström
  • Deniz Ozata

Meetings 2024

Time: 13:00-15:00

January 31
February 08 (Extra meeting)
March 13
May 15
August 21
October 16


Secretary: Alexander Malmstedt, Administrator

Meetings 2024

Time: 14:00-16:00

January 24
February 9 (Extra meeting)
March 06
May 08
August 28
October 2
December 10


Secretary: Jessika Lind, Administrator


  • Neus Visa, Department Head
  • Van Le Sabrie, HR Officer
  • Munira Akther, Laboratory Technician
  • Monika Björk, Laboratory Technician
  • Roger Johansson, Janitor/Technician 
  • Lilly Levin, Animal Technician
  • Martin Säflund, PhD student
  • Max Louski, PhD student

Secretary: Jessika Lind, Administrator

Meetings 2024

Time: 13:00-14:30

January 29
February 26
March 25
April 29
May 27

June 24

August 26
September 30
October 28
November 25

Protocols Work environment and environmental group


  • Maria Ekoff, Lab Manager (Chair)
  • Anna-Lena Spetz, Professor 
  • Neus Visa, Head of Department
  • Andrzej Wojcik, Professor
  • Claes Andréasson, Associate Professor
  • Qi Dai, Associate Professor
  • Tore Bengtsson, Professor
  • Camilla Eldeby, Head of Administration
  • Monika Björk, Technical group (skyddsombud)
  • Simon Prokisch, PhD student
  • Thomas Mazza, PhD student
  • Isabella Badolati, PhD student

Secretary: Jessika Lind, Administrator

  • Stefan Åström, Professor
  • Ann-Beth Jonsson, Professor
  • Tore Bengtsson, Professor
  • Mattias Mannervik, Vice Department Head
  • Andrzej Wojcik, Professor
  • Ulrich Theopold, Professor
  • Irene Alvarez Guerra, PhD student

Secretary: Alexander Malmstedt, Administrator

Protocols Work group for undergraduate education

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