2024-09-18 Department of Philosophy Theories of Justice & Rights Jonas Olson and Victor Moberger have edited and penned a preface to a unpublished text to date by J. L. Mackie
2024-04-19 Department of Philosophy Science vs. Pseudoscience TEDEd Lessons Worth Sharing with Siska De Baerdemaeker
2024-02-14 Department of Philosophy ”We're happier than ever" No need to be happy in order to live a good life, according to professor Erik Angner, who conducts research on happiness. He's the lecturer in the brand new course on happiness.
24 September Seminar Department of Philosophy Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy: Åsa Carlsson Moral Motivation in Hume’s Treatise: The Perplexing Premise, Paragraph T, and the Circle Department of Philosophy Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy: Åsa Carlsson Moral Motivation in Hume’s Treatise: The Perplexing Premise, Paragraph T, and the Circle
26 September Lecture Department of Philosophy Stockholm Colloqium in Philosophy: Jan von Plato (Helsinki) What kind of a philosopher was Gödel? Department of Philosophy Stockholm Colloqium in Philosophy: Jan von Plato (Helsinki) What kind of a philosopher was Gödel?
11 October Seminar Department of Philosophy CLLAM Seminar: Salvatore Florio (Oslo) Critical Plural Logic and Abstraction (joint work with Øystein Linnebo) Department of Philosophy CLLAM Seminar: Salvatore Florio (Oslo) Critical Plural Logic and Abstraction (joint work with Øystein Linnebo)
18 October Workshop Department of Philosophy Stockholm History of Philosophy Workshop: Hallvard Fossheim (Bergen) Title TBA Department of Philosophy Stockholm History of Philosophy Workshop: Hallvard Fossheim (Bergen) Title TBA