Stockholm Philosophy Colloquium: Siska De Baerdemaeker


Date: Thursday 8 December 2022

Time: 16.00 – 17.45

Location: D289

Cosmology and Empire (Joint work with Mike D. Schneider)


What is the link between the discovery of the expanding universe and British imperialism? In September 1931, the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) convened a panel discussion on the subject of the ‘Evolution of the Universe’. We argue that this event constitutes a watershed moment in the development of relativistic cosmology: it is the first time that relativistic cosmology as an authoritative science is presented to the general public. But speakers at the debate also include various humanist scholars who drew connections between the evolving universe and the evolution of life and mind. We argue that these contributions, especially those of then-president of the BAAS Jan-Christiaan Smuts, show how the newly developing science was repurposed to justify British imperialistic narratives. This historical episode serves as a cautionary tale: even in disciplines seemingly far removed from day-to-day human life or practical applications, ongoing scientific research runs real-time risks of being repurposed for political ends.