Become a researcher

Would you like to learn more about our research areas? Then a career in research may be right for you. Apply to our doctoral program in Physical geography and help us find answers to unanswered questions for the future.


PhD studies in Physcial Geography

As a doctoral student or PhD student at the department, you will be part of one of our three Resarch subjects: Climate change over time, Earth's surface processes and Natural resources and sustainability.

The most common words (Word Cloud) in our dissertations in the last 10 years. Photo Helle Skånes.
The most common words (Word Cloud) in our dissertations in the last 10 years. Photo Helle Skånes.

Doctoral studies take four years and result in a PhD, the highest academic degree in Sweden. There is also a two-year research study program which ends in a degree of licentiate.

As a doctoral student, you are steeped in the scientific method. In short, you learn to think critically and analytically, choose the correct method to solve problems independently, and deepen your understanding of research ethics.

Selected links

Information about PhD studies in Physical Geography

Become a Researcher at Stockholm University

PhD studies at Stockholm University

Available PhD student positions at the department

Available PhD student positions at Stockholm University

A list with our thesis



If you have questions about the PhD Programme in Physical Geography you can contact the director of Studies for the PhD level. See below for contact details.


Studierektor för forskarutbildningen


Ämnesansvarig professor

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