Employees of Fysikum will find information here that is important for the employment and your work at the department. There is also advice and support you can receive from the Administration and Technical divisions. You will find our staff under Organisation and Contact.
Information for employees
You and Your Workplace
An overview of the terms of employment at Stockholm University, including changes until March 2021. The document You and Your Workplace is also available in PDF form. You get information about employment, working hours, illness and medical expenses, leave, vacation and insurances.
Information for employees at Fysikum
Here you will find information about monitor glasses, side jobs, healthcare, skills development, holidays and more.
Information for employees at Fysikum
Travel and expenses
The rules and procedures which apply to business travel and credit/debit cards are available on SU’s homepage (in Swedish).
Central information on travel (e.g. travel advances, etc.)
A few points that are relevant to consider in connection with travelling are given below on the link below.
Several of the Offices within the University Administration as well as the Stockholm University Library offer their services and support to researchers at Stockholm University.
You can also find good advice when you publish an article, register publicas
Register your publications in DiVA
For researchers at Stockholm University
Export control for research activities (for dual-use items)
Export control for research activities (for dual-use items)
Dual-use items (DUI) are products that can be used in the civil sector or in research, but which also have properties that can be used for other than peaceful uses, for example military purposes, terrorism or in connection with weapons of mass destruction. Examples: certain materials, chemicals and biological agents, certain types of instruments, computers, software, methods/technology and knowledge.
DUI must not be exported outside the EU without permission, and in some cases a permit is also required for transfer within the EU. Stockholm University must ensure that all handling of DUI is carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Co-workers who export products, technology, knowledge etc. out of the country, are obliged to find out if these products are classified as DUI. Export is counted if the product is sold, lent, given away, is temporarily outside Sweden’s borders.
The classification is made by the responsible researcher, with the support of the contact person/s for export control at the department. Centrally at the University, there is an export control officer for support in the classification of products, and for handling of SU’s applications for permits for export, from the authority ‘Inspectorate of Strategic Products’, when needed.
Contact persons for export control at Fysikum:
Patrik Löfgren (
Petra Björk (
Contact Export control officer, SU central:
More information and checklist for classification of DUI: Staff/Research/Research integrity, ethics and legal aspects/Export control and dual-use items:
Routines for archiving documentation regarding DUI
Documentation related to DUI must be archived (logged). More information in SU’s ’Procedure for export control’:
Use the checklist ‘Dual use items classification checklist’ to determine if a product or technology is covered by export control.
If the decision after completing the checklist is that no permission is needed, the signed checklist (‘Dual use items classification checklist’), with the result, must be archived. Send the checklist as a PDF-document to the registrar at Fysikum ( Name the document as follows:‘Dual use items classification checklist_product name_first name+last name of responsible researcher_date’.
Example: Dual use items classification checklist_machine_Anna Andersson_2025-01-09.
If the decision after completing the checklist instead is that a permit needs to be applied for, the export control officer at SU centrally must be contacted (, to handle the application for a permit, from the relevant authority.
Products with associated ’end-user-declaration’
Purchase/import/export of products with associated ‘end-user-declaration’
When purchasing/importing/exporting certain products, an ‘end-user-declaration’ (or similar) must be signed by the responsible person. The signed document must be archived (logged), according to routine (see below).
For questions and information, contact:
Patrik Löfgren (
Petra Björk (
Routines for archiving documentation regarding products with associated ‘end-user-declaration’
The signed ’end-user-declaration’ must be sent as a PDF-document to the registrar at Fysikum ( Name the document as follows: ’End-user-declaration_product name_first name+last name of responsible person_date’.
Example: ‘End-user-declaration_machine_Anna Andersson_2025-01-09’.
Web organisation: roles, tasks and skills
Read more about who is part of the Fysikum web organisation and what roles and tasks we have.
Fysikum web organisation
- Main Editor: Gunilla Häggström, Communications Officer at Fysikum
- Sub-editor Education: Filippa Koskelainen and Malva Rydqvist, Education Coordinators
- Sub-editor Research and Collaboration: Emely Kjellson Lindblom, senior lecturer and researcher
- Sub Editor, About the institutione (and support av for the rest of Fysikum's web): Ronni Barouta
- Sub-editor Basic Year: Alexandra Lundholm, study administrator for Basic Year of Science
More information
If you want to know more about the roles and educations, go here. (In Swedish)
Fysikum's digital media
Fysikum on Facebook (in Swedish)
Fysikum on Twitter (in Swedish)
Newsletter for Fysikum (Newsletter Archive)
In addition, we have a weekly newsletter for Physics staff and students.
We also send out newsletters to teachers and students who want to participate in events such as the Physics Show, Physics Competition, Researchers' Friday and open lectures.
All procurements at SU must be performed according to The Public Procurement Act which is the law that is regulating public procurements.
Direct procurement
Direct procurement is allowed only if the collected value for the same type of products for the whole university over one calendar year is below 615 312 SEK.
Working Environment
Working alone can involve special risks and it is important to identify which these can be. According to the Work Environment Act (Arbetsmiljölagen, chapt 3, § 2, section 2), the employer must take into account the special risk of ill-health and accidents that may result from the employee performing work alone.
Regulations from the Swedish Work Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket, AFS 1982:3) contain general provisions on solitary work. For pregnant and breastfeeding employees, an individual risk assessment need to be carried out, to ensure that the working environment is safe.
Fysikum IT Service
The Fysikum Computing Service Group maintains services that the central SU IT division cannot provide. This includes local web services, high-performance computing, backup storage and so on, as well as providing support for Fysikum specific computer installations and customizations. In addition we mediate requests to the IT division, like for activation of new network outlets, and maintain the databases needed for the Fysikum part of the network infrastructure.
Read more about Fysikum IT service
For computer support contact:
Phone and subscription
The department of physics uses the Mobile extension (MEX) service from SU which replaces the desk phone. You get full functionality on your mobile phone and can refer your phone if you are ill, at meetings etc.You can also call the four-digit extensions within the SU directly from the mobile phone.
Mechanical workshop services at the Faculty of Science

The core facility comprises the mechanical workshop at AlbaNova (run jointly by the Fysikum and KTH), located in Albano and the supporting workshop at the Department of Geological Sciences (IGV), located in Frescati.
Services, advice and support from the Technical Division
The Technical Division is a basic technical resource for the extensive experimental research activities carried out within Fysikum. The department can offer specialist expertise in a number of different engineering fields such as electronics, mechanical engineering and vacuum technology.
Services, advice and support from the Administrative Division
Fysikum's Administrative Division is a local operational support for staff and students at the department. The division's responsibilities include financial and personnel administration, study administration and guidance, archives, registry, departmental secretariat, communication and certain IT and telephony issues. The department consists of 14 people with different areas of expertise.
Our aim is to be a professional and sustainable administrative organisation, which clearly and effectively provides and develops high quality support and services. We contribute to the Department's research and education activities by being a partner that relieves the administrative burden. Physics staff and students should be well looked after, receive expert support and have good accessibility.
Our generic email addresses are as follows: - supplier invoices - travel invoices, expenses, health care receipts etc - purchasing office supplies, tea, coffee, etc. - questions concerning employment and personnel administration - archives and registry - for updating the physics web site. - study counsellor - study administrator - basic year administrator - exam administration -research project - questions on inventory - Booking of SU rooms
Here you will find contact information for the management and other important functions of the department:
Last updated: January 27, 2025
Source: Fysinfo