Stockholm university

New publication: Arts of Incompletion: Fragments, Drafts, Revisions in Words and Music

The new interdisciplinary anthology Arts of Incompletion: Fragments, Drafts, Revisions in Words and Music based on the 2017 Stockholm conference of the International Association for Word and Music Studies held at the Department of Culture and Aestethics has been published.

Arts om Inclompetion. Framsida. Brill förlag.

The fourteen essays in this volume are written by seventeen international researchers from different fields of research. The book is edited by professor in literature Axel Englund, Stockholm University and English professor Walter Bernhart, University of Graz.

The authours examine incompletion and the idea of the fragment as an essential condition of cultural history: Drafts, sketches, works-in-progress, words or music supposedly supplanted by revision, left unfinished or partially effaced by the passing of time – discarded fragments, involuntary fragments, the fragment as a genre unto itself.

Arts of Incompletion: Fragments, Drafts, Revisions in Words and Music