Stockholm university

Sophia Symposium 2021: Urban Nature, Urban Culture: Rethinking Water in Japan’s Cities

Ewa Machotka, Associate Professor at the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies of Stockholm University is co-organizer and speaker at the Sophia Symposium 2021: Urban Nature, Urban Culture: Rethinking Water in Japan’s Cities.

The Online Symposium is organized by Sophia University in Tokyo and held on September 24, 2021.

Water is the source of all life, but it is also at the base of many social and ecological problems in cities worldwide. Megacities such as Tokyo face diverse challenges ranging from flooding and heat-island effect to pollution and biodiversity loss, all of which are being exacerbated by climate change.

As these crises erode away at modernist myths, new approaches rooted in post-anthropocentric and transdisciplinary epistemologies are urgently needed. This symposium explores Japan’s cities as sites for the global, transcultural circulation of water practices and imaginaries by prompting exchange between academics, across oceans and disciplines who are engaged in urban water sustainability issues.

Ewa Machotka's talk is entitled "Monet’s Pond in Tokyo: Aestheticizing Waterscapes and the Aura of Cosmopolitan Ecologies"

More information, schedule and registration:

Sophia Symposium 2021