Stockholm university

Students from DSV invited to present their work on prestigious conference in Portugal

Melina Bernsland and Arvin Moshfegh moved beyond course requirements and led the authoring of a work-in-progress submission that eventually got accepted to the ACM Interactive Conference on Interactive Media Experience (IMX).

They also received travel grants to attend the conference in person and present their work in Aveiro, Portugal June 22–24, 2022.

“Melina and Arvin's work brings together the fields of cybersecurity education, extended reality as well as human–computer interaction. I’m very proud of them”, says their teacher Asreen Rostami.

At the conference, Melina Bernsland and Arvin Moshfegh will present “CS:NO” which is an XR experience for cyber security education. They have created a game-like environment where users get the feeling of being in cyberspace, dealing with various security threats.

I hope to see more student initiatives like this

“It’s always fun to work with students who are motivated to go beyond their schoolwork and deliver high quality work. It’s exciting to see that we can support them in preparing and presenting their projects in high ranking international conferences. I hope to see more student initiatives like this”, Asreen Rostami continues.

Woman with cyber gun. Illustration from CS:NO an XR experience for cyber security education.
Illustration from CS:NO an XR experience for cyber security education.

Melina Bernsland and Arvin Moshfegh have written their paper together with Kevin Lindén, Stefan Bajin, Luis Quintero, Jordi Solsona Belenguer and Asreen Rostami.