Stockholm university

Two alumni nominated for The European Union Prize for Literature

The alumni Balsam Karam and Johanne Lykke Holm, from the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, have been nominated for The European Union Prize for Literature.

The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) recognises emerging fiction writers from across Europe. Among the nominated Swedish authors are Balsam Karam with her book Singulariteten (en. Singularity), publisher: Norstedts and Johanne Lykke Holm with her book Strega (en. Strega), publisher: Albert Bonniers förlag. Both authors have studied Literature at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.

The winners of The European Union Prize for Literature 2021 will be announced in a digital event on May 18.

Read more about the prize and the winners here.

Nominerade till The European Union Prize for Literature 2021. Bild från: