Stockholm university

Victoria Fareld about time in new article

Victoria Fareld, associate professor of History of Ideas at Stockholm University, has written the article "Time" in the anthology The Routledge Companion to Historical Theory, edited by Chiel van den Akker.



This chapter will discuss the changes that have occurred in recent years to the concept of time in historical studies, and the development of temporal constructivist approaches among historians. Since Koselleck, historical time itself has turned into an object of historicization by historians interested in how conceptions of time frame the writing of history. A common topic in current debate is a shared experience of crisis or profound changes in our present experience of time. By some historians these changes are seen as a threat to historical consciousness and by others they are rather understood as offering an opportunity to scrutinize the chrononormative underpinnings of academic historiography. The article gives an overview of how a linear and homogenous concept of historical time is presently challenged by new ways of understanding temporality, notably by theories of presentism and of multi-layered temporalities; as well as how traditional ways of periodisation and scaling are challenged by theories of long-term history and synchronization. Finally, the chapter will contextualize the current temporal trends within the field of history and relate them to a bigger reorientation occurring within the humanities.

Victoria Fareld in front of a wall of bookshelves.
Photo: Sören Andersson / Stockholm University

About Victoria Fareld

Victoria Fareld is associate professor and senior lecturer of History of Ideas at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics. Her current research focuses on history of philosophy, theory of history, historical time, memory and historical justice. She is also Director of Graduate Studies at the Department.

More about Victoria Fareld