Stockholm university

Anna Swärd

About me

I hold a Master of Philosophy in Organizational Pedagogy, Learning, and Leadership. Since 2024, I have been a doctoral student at the Department of Special Education. Previously, I worked as a counselor in professional development at the principal training program at Uppsala University and as an advisor and collaboration coordinator at the National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools (SPSM). From 2022 to 2024, I worked with the Swedish National Agency for Education and SPSM to establish a national quality system and quality dialogues with local educational authorities, based on a government assignment (U2021/03837).

My research interest focuses on various aspects of school organizations’ efforts to achieve educational equity. In my dissertation, I explore how local educational authorities work to create conditions for school staff to provide support to students in need, with a special focus on needs on the basis of disability.


My research interest concerns the schools' organization, governance and management at local educational authority level, with the aim of creating conditions for an equal education for all students, so they can participate and learn in school. A special interest is equal opportunities for pupils in need of support on the basis of disability. Research questions of interest are about actions out of policy, routines for follow-up, analysis, resource allocation and interventions, as well as the collaborations and communications between levels in the organization. I investigate conditions, opportunities and challenges local educational authorities experience in their efforts for equality in their schools.