Stockholm university

Joacim Ramberg

About me

Joacim Ramberg works as an Associate Professor at the Department of Special Education. He is Director of Studies for Specialpedagogprogrammet. 

His main research interest concerns educational issues at the organisational and at the societal level. He is especially interested in issues regarding inclusive education, social justice, democracy, policymaking and school culture. He also conducts research on teachers and students psychological well-being.

He has a PhD in Special Education from 2015 and a background as an upper secondary teacher and special educator, with about 20 years of teaching experience at different levels. He has been highly involved in inclusive education policy issues and research at the European level where he has been involved in the work of the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education ( He has also been involved in the work related to the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report conducted by UNESCO concerning inclusive education. 

He had a post doctoral postition at the Department of Public Health Sciences between 2017-2019 and conducted research in the project: “School-contextual pathways to psychological symptoms among Swedish youth in the wake of the 1990s school reforms.”



A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Family Background Characteristics and Student Achievement

    2021. Joacim Ramberg (et al.). Nordic Studies in Education 41 (3), 239-260


    It is a well-known fact that family background characteristics affect school achievement, and according to Swedish law, school should play a compensatory role to outweigh such differences. Previous research has demonstrated that a strong school ethos is associated with higher student achievement, but whether school ethos can play a compensatory role for family background has not been investigated to the same extent. This study examines whether the predictive capacity of students’ family background on school achievement is moderated by school ethos. Data were derived from 9,349 ninth grade students (15–16 years) and 2,176 teachers in 159 school units in Stockholm. Multilevel linear regression analyses showed that family background characteristics, as well as school ethos, were associated with student achievement. School ethos did not, however, moderate the association between family background and school achievement. The results suggest that school ethos does not play a compensatory role, but rather, promotes school achievement for all students alike.

    Read more about Family Background Characteristics and Student Achievement
  • The Association between Parental Support and Adolescents’ Psychological Complaints

    2021. Joacim Ramberg. Children 8 (7)


    Parental support is an important factor affecting young people’s mental well-being, but the school climate also plays an important role. However, few studies have previously examined whether the school climate serves as a mediator for adolescents’ mental health problems. This study aimed to investigate the association between parental support and students’ psychological complaints, while also examining the possible mediating role that a good school climate may have. Data derives from 5783 senior-level students (age 15–16) distributed over 152 school units in Stockholm municipality. Regression linear analysis was used for the analysis and Baron and Kenny’s four-step mediation model has been applied. Sobel’s test was conducted in order to test the significance of the mediation effect. The results show that there is a significant negative association between parental support and students’ psychological complaints, and that school climate has a mediating role in this association. It can be concluded that school climate has a partly mediating role in the association between parental support and students’ psychological complaints. Therefore, it seems important to develop the school climate in order to strengthen this source of support to reduce mental health problems among adolescents.

    Read more about The Association between Parental Support and Adolescents’ Psychological Complaints
  • Exploring inclusive education across Europe

    2020. Joacim Ramberg, Amanda Watkins.


    The European Agency Statistics on Inclusive Education (EASIE) work focuses upon the collection and analysis of longitudinal, comparative national data related to inclusive education systems and learners with officially recognised special educational needs (SEN) among its 31 member countries. In this article, the EASIE work is discussed in relation to the key concepts of presence, placement, participation and progress within inclusive education systems.

    The findings of the EASIE work indicate differences and variations between countries in how they respond to all learners’ rights to an inclusive education. There are substantial differences in the identification rates of learners identified as having SEN across countries. In addition, the EASIE data shows that all countries use some form of fully segregated settings for some learners, indicating a gap between inclusive education as a societal goal and practice.

    Possibilities for future, more comprehensive comparative data collection concerning inclusive education systems are discussed.

    Read more about Exploring inclusive education across Europe
  • School ethos and the association to upper secondary school students´ school engagement

    2020. Joacim Ramberg. Education in the North 26 (2), 4-17


    Students’ school engagement has an intrinsic democratic value and is positively associated to a range of student outcomes. It is also established in international and national policy guidelines that students have the right to participate in decision-making concerning their education. Previous research shows that students’ school engagement is influenced by a variety of factors at different structural levels, but few comprehensive studies have assessed the relation to school-contextual factors, such as school ethos, while also taking student-level sociodemographic characteristics into account. Therefore, this study aims to examine the associations between teacher-rated school ethos and three dimensions of students’ school engagement: a) participation in educational planning; b) involvement in decision-making of important issues; and c) students’ opportunities for influence. Data were collected with two separate surveys among 5,168 students and 1,204 teachers across 58 upper secondary schools in Stockholm, and subsequently linked together. Due to the hierarchical nature of the data, multilevel modelling was applied. Two-level linear regression analyses showed that schools with a strong school ethos were associated with higher ratings of the three dimensions of students´ school engagement. Results indicate that a strong and vital school ethos has the potential to raise the levels of students’ school engagement.

    Read more about School ethos and the association to upper secondary school students´ school engagement
  • School Ethos and Recurring Sickness Absence

    2020. Sara Brolin Låftman, Joacim Ramberg, Bitte Modin. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (3)


    School absence has been identified as a severe problem in Sweden, both at the individual level and for society as a whole. Despite the multitude and complexity of reasons behind school absence, health-related problems are likely to be one important determinant. This indicates that knowledge about factors that may contribute to preventing health-related absence among students is relevant. The aim was to investigate whether a higher level of teacher-reported school ethos was associated with less recurring sickness absence among students. Data from four cross-sectional surveys performed in 2014 and 2016 were combined. The Stockholm School Survey was carried out among 9482 ninth-grade students (ages 15–16 years) in 150 school units, and the Stockholm Teacher Survey was performed among 2090 teachers in the same units. School ethos was operationalised by an index of 12 teacher-reported items that was aggregated to the school-level. Recurring student sickness absence was captured by self-reports and defined as absence on >10 occasions during the current school year. Two-level logistic regressions were performed. The results show that about 9.5% of the students reported recurring sickness absence. Students attending schools with higher levels of teacher-rated school ethos were less likely to reporting recurring sickness absence than those attending schools with lower levels of ethos, even when adjusting for potential confounders (OR 0.79, 95% CI 0.65–0.97). In conclusion, recurring sickness absence was less common among students attending schools with higher levels of teacher-rated ethos. The findings suggest that schools may contribute to promoting student health.

    Read more about School Ethos and Recurring Sickness Absence
  • Teacher Stress and Students’ School Well-being

    2019. Joacim Ramberg (et al.). Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research


    Stress and stress-related complaints such as fatigue and depressed mood are common among teachers. Yet, knowledge about the links between the overall level of teacher stress within a school and individual student outcomes is scarce. This study investigates if the levels of teacher-reported stress, fatigue and depressed mood within a school are associated with students’ ratings of their school satisfaction and perceived teacher caring, respectively. Data derives from two separate data collections performed in upper secondary schools in 2016, the Stockholm School Survey (SSS) and the Stockholm Teacher Survey (STS), which were linked together (5367 students and 1045 teachers in 46 schools). Two-level linear regression analyses were performed. Results showed negative associations between school-level teacher stress, fatigue, and depressed mood and students’ school satisfaction and perceived teacher caring, even when controlling for student- and school-level sociodemographic characteristics. The findings suggest that teacher stress may have negative implications for students.

    Read more about Teacher Stress and Students’ School Well-being
  • School effectiveness and student cheating

    2019. Joacim Ramberg, Bitte Modin. Social Psychology of Education


    Cheating is a more or less prominent feature of all educational contexts, but few studies have examined its association with aspects of school effectiveness theory. With recently collected data from upper-secondary school students and their teachers, this study aims to examine whether three aspects of school effectiveness—school leadership, teacher cooperation and consensus, and school ethos—are predictive of student’s self-reported cheating, while also taking student- and school-level sociodemographic characteristics as well as student grades and moral standards into consideration. The study is based on combined data from two surveys: one targeting students and the other targeting teachers. The data cover upper secondary schools in Stockholm and includes information from 4529 students and 1045 teachers in 46 schools. Due to the hierarchical data, multilevel modelling was applied, using two-level binary logistic regression analyses. Results show significant negative associations between all three aspects of school effectiveness and student cheating, indicating that these conditions are important to consider in the pursuit of a more ethical, legitimate and equitable education system. Our findings also indicate that the relationship between school effectiveness and student cheating is partly mediated by student grades and moral standards.

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  • School effectiveness and truancy

    2018. Joacim Ramberg (et al.). International Journal of Adolescence and Youth


    Truancy is a problem associated with a range of negative consequences at the individual and societal level, both in the short and the long term. Few earlier studies have investigated the association between school effectiveness and truancy. The aim of this study is to examine the links between three teacher-rated features of school effectiveness – school leadership, teacher cooperation and consensus, and school ethos – and student-reported truancy. Data were collected in 2016 among 4,956 students and 1,045 teachers in 46 upper secondary schools in Stockholm. Results from two-level binary logistic regression analyses show that higher teacher ratings of the school leadership and of the school ethos (but not of teacher cooperation and consensus) are associated with a lower likelihood of truancy at the student-level, even when adjusting for student- and school-level sociodemographic characteristics. The findings indicate that effective school characteristics may contribute to reducing students’ inclination to play truant.

    Read more about School effectiveness and truancy
  • School effectiveness and students' perceptions of teacher caring

    2018. Joacim Ramberg (et al.). Improving Schools, 1-17


    The effective schools literature has shown that school-contextual aspects matter for students’ academic and social outcomes. A potential link here may be the quality of the relationships between teachers and students, but few studies have investigated whether features of school effectiveness are in fact associated with students’ perceptions of teacher caring, which is the main purpose of this study. Based on recently collected data from 150 senior-level school units in Stockholm, school effectiveness in terms of teacher-assessed ‘school leadership’, ‘teacher cooperation and consensus’, and ‘school ethos’ (n = 2073) was analyzed in relation to perceived teacher caring as reported by students (n = 8022). Two-level linear regression analyses showed that all three aspects of school effectiveness were predictive of higher levels of perceived teacher caring among students. The findings suggest that these features of school effectiveness constitute an important foundation for promoting the quality of teachers’ relationships with their students.

    Read more about School effectiveness and students' perceptions of teacher caring
  • The extent of ability grouping in Swedish upper secondary schools

    2016. Joacim Ramberg. International Journal of Inclusive Education 20 (7), 685-710


    Differentiation among students according to ability has been a topic of interest in educational systems all over the world for a long period of time. This study focuses on the extent of ability grouping in Swedish upper secondary schools, using a total population survey that covers all upper secondary schools. Previous research on the effects of ability grouping on students and groups of students gives a quite clear picture and the relation between ability grouping and issues of inequity and undemocratic values is an often-raised issue, where low-achieving students are especially adversely affected. Results from this study show that many (43%) upper secondary schools use ability grouping as a way to differentiate students in educational settings. It is found that it is more frequently used within the foundation subjects and especially in mathematics. No particular group of schools reports using ability grouping at a significantly higher rate, but the schools that reported using it to a very large extent differ on many school-level variables. These schools are focused on specifically. The extent of ability grouping is discussed in relation to previous research and issues of equity.

    Read more about The extent of ability grouping in Swedish upper secondary schools
  • Special educational resources in the Swedish upper secondary schools

    2013. Joacim Ramberg. European Journal of Special Needs Education 28 (4), 440-462


    This paper analyses the special educational resources in the Swedish upper secondary schools using a total population survey that covers all upper secondary schools. Special educators and special teachers together constitute the special educational resources at each school. With two types of regression models (logistic and linear regression), the study investigates which variables at school level determine the presence and availability rate of special educational resources. The main findings are that there is a great difference between public and independent schools in the presence and accessibility of special educational resources, where many independent schools do not offer special educational support for their students. It also shows that what kind of provider (public or independent school) and the size of the school are especially important variables for predicting presence of special educational resources. When analysing the variance of availability rate of special educational resources, student variables (grades from compulsory school and parental educational level) on the school level, together with school size, are especially important.

    Read more about Special educational resources in the Swedish upper secondary schools
  • Special Education in Swedish Upper Secondary Schools

    2015. Joacim Ramberg (et al.).

    Thesis (Doc)

    This dissertation aims to examine some aspects of special education in Swedish upper secondary schools. The availability of special education resources, the occurrence of ability grouping and the organisational modalities of special education support are investigated. The further aim of the thesis is to discuss how these phenomena can be understood on the basis of democratic educational theories and theories of social educational justice.

    The study describes how special education support was organised in 764 upper secondary schools in Sweden in the academic school year 2010/2011, with a response rate of 80.4% (n=764). The design of the study is a cross-sectional total population survey, where data have been collected by way of questionnaires and supplemented with public statistics.

    The results of the study show that about 37.5% of upper secondary schools lack special education resources in terms of special educators or special education teachers. Special education support is not provided in 68% of the independent schools compared with 10% of the public schools. This uneven balance between public and independent schools can be interpreted to be a threat to an equivalent and democratic school, since students in need of special support do not have the same opportunities to receive such support in all schools. Furthermore, schools with a higher average parental educational background have shown higher availability of special education resources. It seems that students with parents who have higher educational backgrounds have to a greater extent access to special education resources.

    Ability grouping is used in about 43% of the schools. It is most commonly used within foundation subjects, particularly in Mathematics. The schools that use ability grouping to a very large extent have lower and more varied merit rating values and greater availability of special education resources.

    Special education support is primarily provided outside the students’ regular teaching groups. This is also the case with support provided by other school staff: indeed, 87% of the schools report that the majority of special education support is provided outside the students’ regular teaching groups. This can be understood as a way to organise special support in which heterogeneity and pluralism are not considered important. Based on democratic theories, the support provided outside the regular teaching group might be a risk to the creation of a democratic school where all students are given opportunities to meet and interact.   

    Overall, the results from this thesis show that special education resources are unevenly distributed among independent and public schools; that 43% of the schools use ability grouping; and that special support is primarily provided outside the students’ regular teaching groups.

    Read more about Special Education in Swedish Upper Secondary Schools
  • Focus on Special Educational Support in Swedish High Schools

    2017. Joacim Ramberg. Marginalization Processes across Different Settings


    In a society that increasingly requires educational skills, academic success is fundamental to overcoming social exclusion and marginalization. The longer a child stays in school and the more opportunities he/she gets to finish high school education, the better chances he/she gets to be included in the labor market and also become a participating member of a democratic society (Includ-ED 2006). The Include-ED report highlights that there is a relationship between academic success and social inclusion, which means that schools themselves must be inclusive institutions that can provide opportunities for learning for all students. Inclusive institutions can be described in many ways and on many levels. However, one important factor that is decisive for inclusive education is where the educational support is provided (Includ-ED 2006).

    This chapter focuses on how special educational support is organized in Swedish high schools, and especially where the special educational support is provided, by the schools’ special educational professionals and other school staff, including how these issues are related to marginalization processes. Most research within the field of special education in Swedish high schools, targets specific schools and/or specific programs. This study is a contrast in that it covers all Swedish high schools and the data focused on here builds on 764 schools.

    The chapter starts with a brief description of the Swedish high school education system and policy documents appropriate to special education.

    This is followed by a section which focuses on the concepts of marginalization, social exclusion, social inclusion and dropout. Then the results are presented and discussed in relation to previous research.

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