Stockholm university

Anna KlerfeltAssociate Professor

About me

Anna Klerfelt, PhD. Associate Professor in Education, Specialisation School-age Educare/Extended Education, Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University. I defended my thesis at University of Gothenburg 2007. I am studying the school-age educare centre as an educational practice within the school framework, but with a specific assignment and an expanded perspective on knowledge and learning. I got a special interest in the relation between education and care, children's perspectives, professional development and principals’ responsibility for collaborations between teachers with different qualifications. 


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Swedish school-age educare

    2020. Anna Klerfelt (et al.). International Developments in Research on Extended Education, 173-192


    In this chapter we aim to describe the Swedish school-age educare from a cultural and historical perspective and we hope to give the reader an informative picture of how Swedish school-age educare is organised and put into practice followed by critical reflections. This will be done by describing purposes, origins, policies, and impacts (methods) of extended education performed both in the school-age educare centres as a part of the public educational system and in recreational activities provided outside the educational system run as community-programmes. Schools and school-age educare centres are integrated and can be managed as public or independent schools. The independent schools could be owned and run by parents, private companies or organisations, but both public and independent schools are financed by taxes. School-age educare centres are chosen, both by politicians and parents, as the most preferred provision for children aged 6-12 years which means that governmental resources, political discussions, and research are directed toward this way of organising extended education.

    Read more about Swedish school-age educare
  • Swedish School-Age Educare Centres and German All-Day Schools

    2018. Anna Klerfelt, Ludwig Stecher. International Journal for Research on Extended Education 6 (1), 49-65


    In Sweden and in Germany, an extensive system of extended education programmes and activities has been established within the last decades. Prototypic examples of this development are school-age educare centres in Sweden and all-day schools in Germany. In this article a bi-national comparison, aiming to find some similarities and differences by means of historical background, current questions of student learning, staff professionalism, and research findings, is presented. It can be shown that, though Swedish school-age educare centres and German all-day schools are based on pedagogical roots reaching back to the end of the 19thand the beginning of the 20thcentury, their historical developments are quite different. Whilst in Sweden the school-age educare idea became entrenched in the society and the collective beliefs about the necessity of learning outside the classroom, in Germany the all-day school model never prevailed. That only changed in the beginning of the 21stcentury when PISA showed that the German education system was not performing very well. Based on the different developments over time, both models established different features. With regard to student learning, the Swedish model is more oriented towards fostering creativity and imagination, whilst the German model is more oriented towards curricular learning. One difference concerning the students are that in Germany the all-day school embrace both children and youths up to the end of secondary-II level (up to 18/19 years), in Sweden young people older than 13 years old cannot participate in the school-age educare. In Sweden educators working outside of the classroom are academically trained in quite the same way as classroom teachers, whilst in Germany there is no such common regulation. Based on the more curricular learning centred view in Germany, some large scale effectivity studies were conducted within the last decade. Such comprehensive research programs are lacking in Sweden. We will give a short overview of some main research findings and discuss future research topics. 

    Read more about Swedish School-Age Educare Centres and German All-Day Schools
  • Eliciting Concepts in the Field of Extended Education – A Swedish Provoke

    2018. Anna Klerfelt, Anna-Lena Ljusberg. International Journal for Research on Extended Education 6 (2), 122-131


    The aim of this article is to contribute to the discussion concerning the concepts used in the field of extended education by scrutinising different concepts that can contribute to research and guard the specific educational attitude of extended education as viewed from a Swedish perspective. The discussion will be based on a review of concepts used in both national and international research, as well as those formulated in Swedish policy documents and traditionally used in Swedish schoolage educare activity. Defining extended education as a social practice that aims at meaning making based on experiences from everyday life will be an important theoretical starting point to which the discussed concepts will be related. The significance of taking a point of departure in children’s perspectives is central in the article. Finally, some newly created concepts will be suggested as significant for the development of extended education.

    Read more about Eliciting Concepts in the Field of Extended Education – A Swedish Provoke

Show all publications by Anna Klerfelt at Stockholm University

