Andrea KollnitzProfessor
About me
Andrea Kollnitz is professor of Art History and head of the Art History Department, Stockholm University.
Kollnitz is pedagogical director of studies on basic and advanced level and teaches on all levels, with special responsibilities in courses on Visual studies (BL) and Portraiture (BL). She further supervises theses on all levels.
After her PhD with the dissertation Konstens nationella identitet. Om tysk och österrikisk modernism i svensk konstkritik 1908-1934 (The National Identity of Art. On German and Austrian Modernism in Swedish Art-criticism 1908-1934) at the department of Art History at Stockholm University in 2008, Kollnitz worked as a senior lecturer at the Centre for Fashion studies, Stockholm University, 2009-2018. Her research is focussed on themes as art and nationalism, art- and fashion discourses during the early 20th century, the Nordic avant-garde from transnational perspectives, the avant-garde artist's role, artists' self-fashioning, connections between fashion and art during modernism, fashion photography and fashion image. Kollnitz is co-editor of the books Fashion and Modernism (Bloomsbury 2018, in Swedish: Modernism och mode, Carlssons 2015) and A Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in the Nordic Countries, vol 2: 1925-1950 (Brill, 2019), Fashion, Performance & Performativity (Bloomsbury, 2021), Fashion Aesthetics and Ethics (Bloomsbury, 2022) and about to publish the monograph Becoming Leonor Fini: Theatrical Self-Performances between Art and Life (Bloomsbury 2025) about the surrealist artist Leonor Fini and her dressed-up self-performances. Further, since 2020 she is leading the reserach project Surrealism in Sweden 1930-2000: Between Presence and Absence, in collaboration with Kristoffer Noheden, cinema studies.
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
A Cultural History of the Avant-Gardes in the Nordic Countries vol 2. 1925-50
2019. Andrea Kollnitz (et al.).
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For our Own Time – Negotiating Tradition, Modernity and Avant-garde at the Stockholm Exhibition 1930
2019. Andrea Kollnitz. A Cultural History of the Avant-Gardes in the Nordic Countries vol 2. 1925-50
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Universal Language on National Ground. Otto G. Carlsund and the Stockholm Exhibition 1930
2019. Andrea Kollnitz. A Cultural History of the Avant-Gardes in the Nordic Countries vol 2. 1925-50
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The Self as an Artwork. Fashion as Creative Expression and Performative Provocation in the Life and Work of Leonor Fini
2018. Andrea Kollnitz. Fashioning Professionals: Identity and Representation at Work in the Creative Industries,
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Questioning the Spiritual in Art: Hilma af Klint, Vasily Kandinsky, and the Swedish Art World
2018. Andrea Kollnitz. Hilma af Klint: Paintings for the Future
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Fashion and Modernism
2018. Andrea Kollnitz, Louise Wallenberg.
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Subversive Selbstermächtigung. Surrealistische Modefotografie bei Leonor Fini und Wols
2017. Andrea Kollnitz, Friedrich Weltzien. Fotogeschichte (143)
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Die Kunst der Selbstinszenierung.
2017. Andrea Kollnitz. Widerspenstiges Design
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Modernism och mode
2014. Andrea Kollnitz, Louise Wallenberg.
Book (ed)I Modernism och mode diskuteras modets starka och mångfacetterade betydelse för modernismen och dess olika uttryck under perioden 1900-1960 i tio icke tidigare publicerade essäer författade av såväl svenska som internationella forskare. Boken, som är den första omfattande svenska publikationen i ämnet, visar hur mode inom modernismen ges en uttalad och proklamerad position som konst under en tid då den kommersiella modeproduktionen mer och mer kopplas till massproduktion och -konsumtion. Boken belyser bland annat Isaac Grünewalds och Sigrid Hjerténs modemedvetna själviscensättning, modedesignern Jean Patous kreationer mellan konst och business, Elsa Schiaparellis surrealistiska modedesign, modets roll inom den italienska futurismen och ryska konstruktivismen, Magos modernistiska filmkostym, filmen som modernistiskt allkonstverk och modets filosofiska betydelser i förhållande till modernism och modernitet.
"Se på mig!
2014. Andrea Kollnitz. Modernism och mode, 55-88
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Mellan "manlig" kraft och "kvinnlig" känsla - Agnes Cleve i konstkritiken 1911-1931
2014. Andrea Kollnitz. Agnes Cleve.
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Under påverkan
2014. Andrea Kollnitz. Inspiration Matisse!
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Receptionen av tysk och österrikisk modernism i Sverige 1900-1935
2013. Andrea Kollnitz. Konsten och det nationella, 104-123
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The Devil of Fashion
2013. Andrea Kollnitz. Fashion in Popular Culture, 227-241
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Promoting the Young - Interactions between the Avant-Garde and the Swedish Art Market 1910-1925
2012. Andrea Kollnitz. A Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in the Nordic Countries 1900-1925, 275-290
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Museiidentitet och genus
2011. Andrea Kollnitz. Representation och regionalitet, 54--79
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2011. Andrea Kollnitz. Att alltid göra och tänka det olika, 59-91
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Simply Illustrations? On Interactivities between Words and Pictures in the Rhetoric of Art Reviews
2009. Andrea Kollnitz. Valör (1), 3-20
Show all publications by Andrea Kollnitz at Stockholm University