Alireza AzampourGraduate Student
About me
I am a graduate student at the IIES. My main interests are macroecocomics and political economy. I aim to explore the froniter of the quantitative methods and understand them better to be used for both my macro and political economy interests.
Currently I'm working with Alireza Sepahsalari, Mikael Carlsson, and Oskar Skans on a general equilibrium firm dynamics project that takes the debt portfolio of the firms in to consideration. I'm also working with Maija Kaartinen on project trying to understand the transition dynamics of the power plants.
I'm also working on a solo project developing a political economy model where individual politicians' competence would affect their policy choices while the decision to become a politician is also endogonous. The end goal is to develope a model with path dependence better suited to look at less democratic settings.