Stockholm university

Alexander KatsaitisAssociate senior lecturer, Docent

About me

Alex is associate professor (docent) and deputy director of studies at the Department of Political Science, Stockholm University. His research focuses on the interaction between policymakers and organized interests, decision-making procedures, and transnational partisan linkages. It aims to improve government policymaking through evidence-based recommendations in the areas of governance, transparency, and accountability.

Before joining the Department, Alex held Fellowships at London School of Economics, European University Institute, and University of Oslo. He received his PhD from University College London in October 2016.

His work appears in academic journals such as the Journal of European Public Policy, Public Administration, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Socio-Economic Review, and the Journal of Legislative Studies. He has also published a monograph on “Business Lobbying in the EU” (with David Coen, and Matia Vannoni) with Oxford University Press (2021).

For more on my research check my: Google Scholar; Personal Website; Research Gate; DiVa


Selected Publications

Handbook on Lobbying & Public Policy. Coen D. & Katsaits A. (Editors). Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024.

Mapping & Analysing Lobbying Registers. (2024). International Institute for Democracy & Electoral Assistance (IDEA).

International Parliamentary Institutions and Political Donations: the Case of the European ParliamentInternational Affairs, 99(6): 2443-2446.

Introducing the PFxEU tracker dataset: Tracking Political Financing in the European UnionEuropean Union Politics, 24(4): 785-796.

Regulating government affairs: Integrating lobbying research and policy concerns (with D. Coen and M. Vannoni). Regulation & Governance (forthcoming, early view). 

Reflections on the institutionalization of business–government relations; Review Symposium, (with G. Wilson, J. Leitzinger, G. Morgan, D. Coen, and M. Vannoni). Socio-Economic Review, 20 (4):2095-2106.

Hedging Bets; British Business Lobbying in the European Union post-Brexit (with D. Coen). The Political Quarterly, 93: 227-234.

Business Lobbying in the European Union (with D. Coen and M. Vannoni). Oxford University Press, 2021.

Following the Money: Exploring Business Financial Contributions to the European Union's Political Parties. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 58: 1342–1351.

Accountability through mutual attunement: How can parliamentary hearings connect the elected and the unelected? (with A. Eriksen). Public Policy and Administration.

Deliberative layering: Explaining diverse interest mobilization across the European Parliament's Policy Cycle (with W. Lehmann & D. Coen). Journal of Public Affairs, 21 (1).

Legislative Efficiency and Political Inclusiveness: The Effect of Procedures on Interest Group Mobilization in the European Parliament (with D. Coen), Journal of Legislative Studies 25 (2): 278-294.

Between cheap talk and epistocracy: The logic of interest group access in the European Parliament's committee hearings (with D. Coen). Public Administration, 97 (4): 754-769.