Amanda Rensmo
About me
Amanda, with a background in materials science and more specifically batteries, joined Stockholm University to pursue a PhD in the field of environmental science. The focus of her PhD will be on uses of novel entities in the energy sector. Her research will be with an emphasis on PFAS (per- and polyfluorinated substances) in green energy transition technologies. By conducting mapping and modeling as well as experimental studies, she will survey the use of PFAS in green energy transition technologies, explore possible alternatives to PFAS, and investigate the release of PFAS during recycling of these. The project is titled "Are per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) essential for a green energy transition?" and is funded through ZeroPM (H2020 EU grant No 101036756).
In December 2018, Amanda acquired a Bachelor in Science in Chemistry and Physics from Hope College, Michigan (US). She continued her studies at Uppsala University and graduated with a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering in August 2022 with a specialization in materials. She then worked as an energy consultant at the global consulting firm WSP. In November 2023, she accepted a six-months position as a research assistant in the Department of Structural Chemistry at Uppsala University to take to completion an ongoing project in battery recycling.