Stockholm university

Anna Gradin Franzén

About me

Associate Professor

Section for Child and Youth Studies

Anna G. Franzén is associate professor in Child and Youth Studies. She completed her PhD in psychology at Linköping university, Sweden, in 2014. Drawing mainly on a discursive framework, her research at large centers on young men in forced institutions and issues of violence, crime and identity. Her dissertation comprised a videoethnographic study of a detention home for young men, investigating the intricacies of social interaction between the young men and their staff in the highly dilemmatic context of forced care, and analyzing issues such as identity, power and resistance – in interaction.


Teaching Social relations in school in the Teacher Education Programmes, Degree projects, Discourse analysis, Bullying, Youth, violence and discrimination.


Research projects

Humor as serious business: Power and resistance in multiethnic educational contexts

Evaluation of Mentors in Violence Prevention

Testimonies in custody disputes: Negotiations about the child's interest

Stories of change and narrative selves: Identity work and young inmates’ turning point stories

Utvärdering av Mentors in Violence Prevention 2.0


Franzén, A. G., & Jonsson, R. (in press) “A THIIIEF!”: Humour and affect at a detention home for young men. I B. A. Svendsen, & R. Jonsson (reds.), Routledge Handbook on language and Youth Culture.  

Franzén, A. G. (2021). ‘Hypermasculinity' in interaction: Affective practices, resistance and vulnerability in youth prison. In. A. Cox, & L. Adams (Eds.), Palgrave international handbook of youth imprisonment (pp.333-354). Cham: Palgrave Macmillian. 

Franzén, A. G., & Gottzén, L. (2021). Childhood adversities and individual responsibility as explanations for criminality in incarcerated young men’s narratives. Deviant behavior, x(x), 1-15.  

Franzén, A., Jonsson, R., & Sjöblom, B. (2021). Fear, anger, and desire: Affect and the interactional intricacies of rape humor on a live podcast. Language in Society, 50(5), 763-786. doi:10.1017/S0047404520000615

Franzén, A. G. & Gottzén, L. (2020). Våldsprevention i Sverige: En forskningsöversikt. Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap: forskning rapport 2020:2.

Bruno, L., Joelsson, T. Franzén, A. G., Gottzén, L. 2020. Heroes and others: tensions and challenges in implementing Mentors in Violence Prevention in Swedish schools, Journal of Gender-Based Violence x(x): 1–15, DOI:

Jonsson, R., Franzén, A. G., & Milani, M. T. (2020). Making the threatening Other laughable: Ambiguous performances of urban vernaculars in Swedish media. Language & Communication, 71, 1-15.

Gottzén, L. & Franzén, A. G. (2019) Othering the rapist: Rurality, rape and the Bjästa case. In Heinskou, M., Skillbrei, M-L. & Stefansen, K. (eds.) Rape in the Nordic countries. London: Routledge.

Eriksson, M., Gottzén, L., Andersson Bruck, K., Franzén, A. G., Lindberg, D. (2018). Utvärdering av mentorer i våldsprevention (slutrapport). Skolverket.

Franzén A. G., & Aronsson, K. (2018). ‘Then she got a spanking’: Social accountability and narrative versions in social workers’ courtroom testimonies. Discourse Studies. DOI: 10.1177/1461445618760605 

Sjöblom, B., Franzén, A. G., & Aronsson, K. (2018). Contested connectedness in child custody narratives: Mobile phones and children’s rights and responsibilities. New Media and Society.

Franzén, A. G. (2017). Behandlingsdilemman och identitet på ett särskilt ungdomshem för unga män. SiS-rapportserie Institutionsvård i fokus, nr 1.

Franzén, A. G. (2015). Responsibilization and Discipline: Subject Positioning at a Youth Detention Home. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 44(3), 251-279.

Franzén, A. G. (2014). Disciplining freedom: Treatment dilemmas and subjectivity at a detention home for young men (Doktorsavhandling). Institutionen för Beteendevetenskap och Lärande, Linköpings universitet.

Franzén, A. G., & Holmqvist, R. (2014). From punishment to rewards? Treatment dilemmas at a youth detention home. Punishment & Society, 16(5), 542-559.

Franzén, A. G., & Aronsson, K. (2013). Teasing, laughing and disciplinary humor: Staff–youth interaction in detention home treatment. Discourse Studies, 15(2), 167-183.

Franzén, A. G., & Gottzén, L. (2011). The beauty of blood? Self-injury and ambivalence in an Internet community. Journal of youth studies, 14(3), 279-294.

Research projects