Anezka KuzmicovaPostdoc
About me
My email address as of January 2020:
My main research area is reading as cognitive process, embodied experience, and situated practice. Combining the framework of embodied cognition with text-linguistic and aesthetic approaches, my Ph.D. thesis (Literature/Aesthetics, publ. Stockholm U, 2013) proposed a model and typology of readers’ mental imagery in the reading of literary narrative.
My current research is divided between three interconnected topics: a) the role of physical environment in reading; b) the distinctive text experiences afforded by digital devices such as digital audiobooks and smart mobile phones; c) the relationships between text properties, personal variables, and empathic reader response.
My work is interdisciplinary, empirical-theoretical, and largely collaborative – I am always eager to work with researchers across the humanities and the cognitive and social sciences. I serve as scientific secretary and working group leader in COST Action IS1404 E-READ (Evolution of Reading in the Age of Digitisation). Other sites: Google Scholar; Researchgate;
1. Peer-reviewed publications
Kukkonen, K., Kuzmičová, A., Ledet Christiansen, S., & Polvinen, M. (2019, Open Access). The place of the cognitive in literary studies. Introduction to edited collection, Cogent Arts & Humanities 6: 1691841. DOI: 10.1080/23311983.2019.1691841
Kuzmičová, A., & Bálint, K. (2019). Personal relevance in story reading: a research review. Poetics Today 40(3): 429–451. DOI: 10.1215/03335372-7558066.
Balling, G., Begnum, A. C., Kuzmičová, A., & Schilhab, T. (2019, Open Access). The young read in new places, the older read on new devices: a survey of digital reading practices among librarians and Information Science students in Denmark. Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 16(1): 197–236.
Schilhab, T., Balling, G., & Kuzmičová, A. (2018, Open Access). Decreasing materiality from print to screen reading. First Monday 23(10). DOI: 10.5210/fm.v23i10.9435.
Mangen, A., Begnum, A. C., Kuzmičová, A., Nilsson, S. K., Steenberg, M., & Støle, H. (2018). Empathy and literary style: a theoretical and methodological exploration. Orbis Litterarum. DOI: 10.1111/oli.12193. [SJR 0.15]
Moret-Tatay, C., Gamermann, D., Murphy, M., & Kuzmičová, A. (2018). Just google it: an approach to word frequencies based on online search result. The Journal of General Psychology 145(2): 170–182. DOI: 10.1080/00221309.2018.1459451. [IF 0.612]
Kuzmičová, A., Schilhab, T., & Burke, M. (2018, Open Access). m-Reading: fiction reading from mobile phones. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. DOI: 10.1177/1354856518770987. [IF 0.950]
Kuzmičová, A., Dias, P., Vogrinčič Čepič, A., Albrechtslund, A.-M., Casado, A., Kotrla Topić, M., Mínguez López, X., Nilsson, S. K., Teixeira-Botelho, I. (2018). Reading and company: embodiment and social space in silent reading practices. Literacy 52(2): 70–77. DOI: 10.1111/lit.12131. [SJR 0.49]
Kuzmičová, A., Mangen, A., Støle, H., & Begnum, A. C. (2017). Literature and readers’ empathy: a qualitative text manipulation study. Language and Literature 26(2): 137–152. DOI: 10.1177/0963947017704729. [SJR 0.26]
Burke, M., Kuzmičová, A., Mangen, A., & Schilhab, T. (2016). Empathy at the confluence of neuroscience and empirical literary studies. Scientific Study of Literature 6(1): 6–41. DOI: 10.1075/ssol.6.1.03bur.
Kuzmičová, A. (2016). Does it matter where you read? Situating narrative in physical environment. Communication Theory 26(3): 290-308. DOI: 10.1111/comt.12084. [SJR 2.62]
Kuzmičová, A. (2016). Audiobooks and print narrative: similarities in text experience. J. Mildorf, T. Kinzel (eds.). Audionarratology: Interfaces of Sound and Narrative. Berlin: De Gruyter. 217-237. DOI: 10.1515/9783110472752-014.
Kuzmičová, A. (2014). Literary narrative and mental imagery: a view from embodied cognition. Style 48(3): 275-293. [SJR 0.11]
Kuzmičová, A. (2013). The words and worlds of literary narrative: the tradeoff between verbal presence and direct presence in the activity of reading. L. Bernaerts, D. De Geest, L. Herman, B. Vervaeck (eds.). Stories and Minds: Cognitive Approaches to Literary Narrative. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 191-231.
Kuzmičová, A. (2013). Outer vs. inner reverberations: verbal auditory imagery and meaning-making in literary narrative. Journal of Literary Theory 7(1-2): 111-134. DOI: 10.1515/jlt-2013-0005.
Kuzmičová, A. (2012). Fidelity without mimesis: mental imagery from visual description. G. Currie, P. Koťátko, M. Pokorný (eds.), Mimesis: Metaphysics, Cognition, Pragmatics. London: College Publications. 273-315.
Kuzmičová, A. (2012). Presence in the reading of literary narrative: a case for motor enactment. Semiotica 189(1/4): 23–48. DOI: 10.1515/semi.2011.071. [SJR 0.27]
Kuzmičová, A. (2005). En myrtenkvist i högra ögat. Torgny Lindgrens Legender i möte med bysantinska helgonberättelser. Samlaren 126: 204-248.
2. Invited chapters, reviews
Kuzmičová, A. (Nov 2019). Consciousness. L. Price & M. Rubery (eds.). Further Reading. New York: Oxford University Press.
Esrock, E., & Kuzmičová, A. (2014). Visual imagery in reading. M. Kelly (ed.), Encyclopedia of Aesthetics: Second Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Vol. 3. 416-420.
Kuzmičová, A. (2009). Skalin, Lars-Åke: Narrative, Fictionality, and Literarines: The Narrative Turn and the Study of Literary Fiction (review). Samlaren 130 (2009). 346-348.
3. Monograph
Kuzmičová, A. (2013). Mental Imagery in the Experience of Literary Narrative: Views from Embodied Cognition (diss.). Stockholm: Stockholm University. 177p.