Annika Suominen
About me
Dr. Annika Suominen currently holds a position as an associate professor in Criminal Law at Stockholm University, Sweden. She holds an LLM in law from the University of Helsinki, Finland (2006) and a PhD in Law at the University of Bergen, Norway (2011). Prior to working at Stockholm University, she worked for one year at the University of Helsinki and ten years at the University of Bergen amongst other as a PhD candidate, a postdoctoral research fellow and for the years 2015-2017 as an associate professor of criminal law.
Her research interests are primarily EU criminal law and criminal procedure but also aspects of the general part of criminal law as well as immigration law. Her teaching experience covers Norwegian criminal law, Swedish criminal law, EU criminal law, constitutional and human rights law, health law as well as Norwegian criminal procedural law.
Annika has published largely in her research area and has further conducted (together with prof. Husabø) a report for the Norwegian Ministry of Justice on the detention of foreigners in Norwegian law (2012). In addition to this, she has taken part in many research projects, both Nordic and European.
Professional memberships:
- Member, ECPI, European Criminal Policy Initiative (
- Contact point for Norway, ECLAN, European Criminal Law Academic Network (
- Member, editorial board of the European Criminal Law Review (EuCLR,
- Member, editorial board of New Journal of European criminal law (NJECL,
Primarily I teach Swedish criminal law and I also supervise many master thesis in criminal law.
My precious teaching experience covers Norwegian criminal law, EU criminal law, constitutional and human rights law, health law as well as Norwegian criminal procedural law.
- “The principle of mutual recognition in cooperation in criminal matters – A study of the principle in four framework decisions and in the implementation legislation in the Nordic Member States.” Intersentia, 2011.
Articles (essential ones in chronological order):
- Article “Brexit and EU criminal law- a Norwegian approach” in Criminal Law Forum 2017, Volume 28, Issue 2, pp 251–273.
- Article “State responsibility when transferring non-consenting prisoners to further their social rehabilitation – Lessons learnt from the asylum case law”. Together with Dr. Wendy DeBondt, EuCLR 3/2015 pp. 347-370.
- Article «EU strafferett og Norge – hvor står vi i dag?» in a thematic issue of TFS (Tidsskrift for Strafferett) 4/2015 on the Norwegian approach in relation to EU criminal law, pp. 375-395.
- Article “Limits of mutual recognition in cooperation in criminal matters within the EU – especially in the light of recent judgments of both European Courts” EuCLR 3/2014 pp. 210-235.
- Article “Effectiveness and functionality of substantive EU criminal law” in the special edition of NJECL on the Effectiveness of EU criminal law, NJECL 3/2014 pp. 388-415.
- “What role for legal certainty in criminal law within the area of freedom, security and justice in the EU?” – article Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice (BJCLCJ) 1/2014 pp. 1-31.
- EU criminal law cooperation before and after the Lisbon Treaty – aspects and comments especially in relation to the Norwegian position, JFT 6/2012 p. 573-604.
- “The characteristics of Nordic criminal law in the setting of EU criminal law” article in the European Criminal Law Review (EuCLR) 2/2011 pp. 170-187.
- “Different Implementations of Mutual Recognition Framework Decisions”, in EUCRIM 1/2011 pp. 24-27.
- ”Får Lissabonfördraget slut på gormandet?” –article written together with Dan Frände in Europarättslig tidsskrift 4/2009 pp. 657-672 (article on the Lisbon Treaty and criminal law).
- “Skjær i sjøen for Norges strafferettslige samarbeid med EU” –article written together with Bjarne Kvam in Lov og Rett vol. 48, 8/2009, pp. 478–492 (article on the Norwegian position as regards co-operation in criminal matters in the EU).
- ”Eurojust, the past, the present and the future” – article in Maastricht Journal for European and Comparative Law Volume 15, 2/2008 pp. 217-234.
Contributions (essential ones in chronological order):
- Article “The sensitive relation between the different means of legal integration: mutual recognition and approximation” in The Needed Balances in EU Criminal Law (eds. C Briere and A. Weyembergh, Hart Studies in European criminal law), 2017 pp. 165-184.
- Chapter “Criminal Liability of Political Decision-Makers in Norway” in Criminal Liability of Political Decision Makers (ed. F Zimmermann, Springer 2017), pp. 193-223.
- A comparative article “Comparing Special Procedural Rules for the Prosecution of Politicians – A Blessing or a Curse?” in Criminal Liability of Political Decision Makers (ed. F Zimmermann, Springer 2017), pp. 303-314.
- Article “EU criminal law, what are we afraid of?” in Essays on European criminal law (eds. Asp and Ulväng, Iustus), pp. 71-85.
- Article “The functionality of the European Public Prosecutor’s office” in a joint ECPI book; The European Public Prosecutor’s Office – legal and criminal policy perspectives ed. Asp (Skrifter utgivna av Juridiska fakulteten vid Stockholms universitet nr. 83) pp. 88-111.
- Article/country report together with Dan Helenius on the criminal procedure in Finnish legislation, in Ambos et al. (eds.) Rechtshilferecht in Strafsachen (2014 Nomos) pp. 1216-1224.
- Two chapters/country reports on respective Finnish (pp. 37-62) and Norwegian (pp. 91-124) legislation on criminal jurisdiction, in the collective book Criminal Jurisdiction – A Nordic Perspective eds. Elholm and Feldtman (DJØF, Copenhagen 2014).
- “Forholdet mellom utlendingslovens og straffeprosesslovens regler om fengsling” an article on the relationship between criminal procedural law and administrative law in relation to detention of foreigners in Norwegian law, in “Krimmigrasjon? Den nye kontrollen av de fremmende (eds. Aas, Ugelvik and Johansen) 2013 pp. 121-134.
- ”Utgör artikel 325 i funktionsfördraget grunden för en europeisk, supranationell bedrägeristraffrätt?” – article written together with Dan Frände in the collective book Liber amicarum et amicorum Karin Cornils – Glimt af nordisk straffrätt og straffeprosessrett (eds. Elholm, Greve, Asp, Bragadottir, Frände and Strandbakken) Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag 2010 pp. 121-133 (article on the possible development of article 325 TFEU as a basis for a supranational, European criminal law against the financial interests of the EU).
- ”Vaikeneeko kritiikin häly Lissabonin sopimuksen myötä?” – article written together with Dan Frände in the collective book Vapauden, Oikeuden ja Turvallisuuden Eurooppa (eds. Nuotio and Malkki) Forum Iuris 2010 pp. 27-41 (article on the Lisbon Treaty and its impact on European criminal law).
- “The Finnish approach to mutual recognition in criminal matters and its implementation” in the collective book The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union / L’avenir de la reconnaissance mutuelle en matière pénale dans l’Union européenne, Brussels, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, pp. 219-238.
For publications from my time employed by the UiB, please see (write Annika Suominen in the search field).
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Country report Finland
2020. Annika Suominen, Dan Frände, Dan Helenius. Harmonisierung strafrechtlicher Sanktionen in der Europäischen Union, 185-215
Chapter -
Att bli villkorligt frigiven vid en tidigare tidpunkt ingen mänsklig rättighet?
2019. Annika Suominen. Juhlajulkaisu Kimmo Nuotio 1959-18/4-2019, 412-426
Chapter -
Politiskt svängrum eller rättsliga ramar - vad styr EU:s befogenheter? Straffrättsliga aspekter
2019. Åsa Romson, Erik Sjödin, Annika Suominen.
ConferenceDen 10 oktober 2019 anordnade Sieps ett seminarium om vad som styr EU:s befogenheter. Talare var Åsa Romson, forskare i miljörätt och miljöpolitiska styrmedel vid IVL Svenska miljöinstitutet, Erik Sjödin, universitetslektor i civilrätt vid Institutet för socialforskning, Stockholms universitet och Annika Suominen, universitetslektor i straffrätt vid Stockholms universitet. Kommentator var Sverker Gustavsson, professor emeritus i statsvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet, och moderatorer var Anna Wetter Ryde och Maria Wiberg, båda forskare i juridik vid Sieps.
Sentencing an offender for several (cross-border) crimes in Sweden
2019. Annika Suominen. The Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2019, 142-143
ConferenceThe European principle of free movement of persons has made it possible for European citizens to easily cross borders between European Member States. As a consequence, Sweden is subjected to cross-border criminality and, thus, with offenders who have committed crimes all over the Europe-an Union. The Swedish policy for sentencing cross-border offenders who have been convicted before in another Member State of the European Un-ion is based on the Framework Decision 2008/675/JHA on taking account of convictions in the Member States of the European Union in the course of new criminal proceedings. On the one hand, this Framework Decision obliges Sweden in some situations to unconditionally take into considera-tion a previous foreign conviction and to treat cross-border offenders sim-ilarly as purely national offenders. On the other hand, in some situations Sweden could choose to ignore the existence of a previous foreign convic-tion and to treat cross-border offenders in a manner not equivalent to the treatment of purely national offenders. The Swedish (possible lack of) im-plementation of the Framework Decision is especially remarkable with re-gard to the punishment of repeat offenders and the punishment of multiple offenders. It is, therefore, very interesting to study and discuss the current (lack of) sentencing policy concerning cross-border repeat and multiple offenders in Sweden and the reasons behind this (lack of) policy. Especial-ly the question to what extent the Swedish legislative authority took into consideration the equality and the proportionality principle when outlining the legal framework for punishing cross-border offenders is interesting. Is equal and proportionate punishment of mere national and cross-border of-fenders only illusory or did the Swedish government develop a sentencing policy that not only implements Framework Decision 2008/675/JHA, but also respects the fundamental human rights of a defendant?
Show all publications by Annika Suominen at Stockholm University