Stockholm university

Beatrice ÅkerblomLecturer


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Tracing dynamic features in python program

    2014. Beatrice Åkerblom (et al.). Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 292-295


    Recent years have seen a number of proposals for adding (retrofitting) static typing to dynamic programming languages, a natural consequence of their growing popularity for non-toy applications across a multitude of domains. These proposals often make assumptions about how programmers write code, and in many cases restrict the way the languages can be used. In the context of Python, this paper describes early results from trace-based collection of run-time data about the use of built-in language features which are inherently hard to type, such as dynamic code generation. The end goal of this work is to facilitate static validation tooling for Python, in particular retrofitting of type systems.

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  • Measuring Polymorphism in Python Programs

    2016. Beatrice Åkerblom, Tobias Wrigstad. SIGPLAN notices 51 (2), 114-128


    Following the increased popularity of dynamic languages and their increased use in critical software, there have been many proposals to retrofit static type system to these languages to improve possibilities to catch bugs and improve performance. A key question for any type system is whether the types should be structural, for more expressiveness, or nominal, to carry more meaning for the programmer. For retrofitted type systems, it seems the current trend is using structural types. This paper attempts to answer the question to what extent this extra expressiveness is needed, and how the possible polymorphism in dynamic code is used in practise. We study polymorphism in 36 real-world open source Python programs and approximate to what extent nominal and structural types could be used to type these programs. The study is based on collecting traces from multiple runs of the programs and analysing the polymorphic degrees of targets at more than 7 million call-sites. Our results show that while polymorphism is used in all programs, the programs are to a great extent monomorphic. The polymorphism found is evenly distributed across libraries and program-specific code and occur both during program start-up and normal execution. Most programs contain a few megamorphic call-sites where receiver types vary widely. The non-monomorphic parts of the programs can to some extent be typed with nominal or structural types, but none of the approaches can type entire programs.

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  • Parallel programming with arrays in Kappa

    2018. Beatrice Åkerblom, Elias Castegren, Tobias Wrigstad. Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages, and Compilers for Array Programming, 24-33


    Array algorithms where operations are applied to disjoint parts of an array lend themselves well to parallelism, since parallel threads can operate on the parts of the array without synchronisation. However, implementing such algorithms requires programmer diligence to verify that a thread does not accidentally access an element of the array while another thread is updating the same element. An off-by-one error can lead to data-races and non-deterministic bugs which are notoriously hard to track down. Previous work on Kappa, a capability-based type system, provides data-race freedom for concurrent, object-oriented programs, even in the presence of concurrent mutating accesses to the same object. In this paper we show how Kappa can be extended to handle concurrent programming with arrays. By defining array capabilities which grant access to (parts of) an array, we can piggy-back on the existing type system in a straightforward fashion. We illustrate how split and merge operations integrate with Kappa in practise by discussing the implementation of a divide-and-conquer quicksort algorithm. We explore the semantics of the Kappa extension by using a simple imperative calculus and sketch on how it could be implemented efficiently.

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  • Progress Report

    2019. Beatrice Åkerblom, Elias Castegren, Tobias Wrigstad. ICOOOLPS '19


    In on-going work, we are exploring reference capabilities for arrays, with the intention of carrying over previous results on statically guaranteed data-race freedom to parallel array algorithms. Reference capabilities typically restrict incoming pointers to an object to one (uniqueness), or restrict operations via multiple pointer to a single object (e.g., to only read). Extending such a design to arrays involve operations such as logically partitioning an array so that even though there are multiple pointers to a single array, these pointers cannot access the same elements.

    In this paper, we report on the on-going work of a prototype implementation of array capabilities, focusing in particular on the "array capability API design", meaning the native operations on capabilities such as splitting and merging arrays. Using our prototype implementation, we translate several existing array algorithms into using array capabilities and qualitatively study the result. In addition to identifying the need for additional operations, we study what features are commonly exercised, what are the recurring patterns, and how reliance on direct element addressing using indexes can be reduced. We end by discussing a possible design for a more performant implementation once the API is fixed.

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  • Reference Capabilities for Safe Parallel Array Programming

    2020. Beatrice Åkerblom, Elias Castegren, Tobias Wrigstad. The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming 4 (1)


    The array is a fundamental data structure that provides an efficient way to store and retrieve non-sparse data contiguous in memory. Arrays are important for the performance of many memory-intensive applications due to the design of modern memory hierarchies: contiguous storage facilitates spatial locality and predictive access patterns which enables prefetching. Operations on large arrays often lend themselves well to parallelisation, such as a fork-join style divide-and-conquer algorithm for sorting. For parallel operations on arrays to be deterministic, data-race freedom must be guaranteed. For operations on arrays of primitive data, data-race freedom is obtained by coordinating accesses so that no two threads operate on the same array indices. This is however not enough for arrays of non-primitives due to aliasing: accesses of separate array elements may return pointers to the same object, or overlapping structures. Reference capabilities have been used successfully in the past to statically guarantee the absence of data-races in object-oriented programs. This paper presents the first extension of reference capabilities—called array capabilities—that support concurrent and parallel operations on arrays of both primitive and non-primitive values. In addition to element access, array capabilities support the abstract manipulation of arrays, logical splitting of arrays into subarrays, and merging subarrays. These operations allow expressing a wide range of array use cases. (edited) This paper presents the array capability design space and show how it applies to a number of array use cases. The core ideas are formalised and proven sound in a simple calculus, along with a proof that shows that well-typed programs with array capabilities are free from data-races.

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Show all publications by Beatrice Åkerblom at Stockholm University