Bengt Novén
About me
DEUG, Lettres modernes, Université Stendhal (Grenoble III), 1985. Master’s degree in French and Swedish, Uppsala University, 1988. DEA de Lettres et Arts, Université de Provence, 1990. PhD in Romance Languages, Uppsala University, 1996.
Former positions as associate professor in French at Uppsala University, Mälardalen University and Åbo Akademi University, Finland. Full professor in French at Stockholm University since 2006.
Head of the Department of Language Education (2009-2011). Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (2012-2017). Administrative director for Accelerator, Art space at Stockholm University (2018-2020).
Bachelor’s level: Modern French literature, oral communication, francophone literature from Northern Africa, literary theory and method, French Nobel laureats in literature.
Supervision of Bachelor’s and Master’s theses in French literature
Current supervision of PhD projects
Sophie Yvert-Hamon: “Éthos, representation de l’Autre et argumentation dans le discours de controverse religieuse de Philippe Duplessis-Mornay”
Current research project: Visuality, sight, cognition and subjectivity in early modern French literature (Marguerite de Navarre, François Rabelais, Clément Marot, Michel Montaigne).
Ecocritical perspectives in modern French poetry (René Char and Francis Ponge).
Representation of Nature in La Sepmaine by Guillaume de Saluste du Bartas (1544-1590).
Scientific service
Sweden’s correspondent for RHLF (Revue de l’Histoire Littéraire de la France)
Member of SHLF (Société de l’Histoire Littéraire de la France)
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Le français et les humanités en Suède
2018. Bengt Novén. Les études françaises et les humanités dans la mondialisation, 17-35
Chapter -
Traductions de Char en suédois
2015. Bengt Novén, Véronique Simon. Dictionnaire René Char, 581-584
Chapter -
Samuel Beckett et les splendeurs polyglottes
2008. Bengt Novén. Beckett : Écrans de silence. Beckett Screens of Silence, 65-84
Chapter -
Visuality and Sight in French Renaissance Poetry
2014. Bengt Novén.
Show all publications by Bengt Novén at Stockholm University