Carl ÖsterlinResearcher
About me
Carl Österlin is a researcher at the Department of Physical Geography at Stockholm University and holds a PhD in Physical Geography. With a background in geography, land use planning and systems analysis his research focuses on multiple pressures on Arctic landscapes. Particularly on how climate change and natural resource extraction contributes to cumulative effects on traditional Sámi reindeer herding. In his doctoral thesis Carl Österlin illustrated the recent rapid increase in natural resource extraction in northern Sweden and how it contributes to mounting pressure on reindeer herding. Carl is affiliated to the Nordic Center of Excellence REXSAC – Resource Extraction and Sustainable Arctic Communities and have also participated in a number of other transdisciplinary research projects together with Sámi reindeer communities.
- GE7071 Case Studies of Environmental Impact Assessments
- GE7015 Environmental Management in Planning
- GE7022 Applied Environmental Modelling
- GE7069 Traffic and Environment
Main supervisor for Jussi Knuutillas MSc thesis: Exploring the potential of cultural ecosystem services in social impact assessment of Finnish mining projects: Assessment of local cultural values in the municipality of Kolari in Finnish Lapland
Main supervisor for Sarah Johannessons BSc thesis: Citizen Science potential i Sveriges fjällområden - Utvärdering av valideringsmetoder vid inventering av Biologiska kulturarv med hjälp av Citizen Science
Österlin, C. 2020. Nature conservation, landscape change and indigenous rights : The role of Sámi reindeer herding for environmental objectives in the Swedish mountain landscape (Doctoral dissertation). Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University, Stockholm
Österlin. C.; Raitio, K. 2020. Fragmented Landscapes and Planscapes—The Double Pressure of Increasing Natural Resource Exploitation on Indigenous Sámi Lands in Northern Sweden. Resources. 9. 104.
Bennich, T., Maneas, G., Maniatakou, S., Piemontese, L., Schaffer, C., Schellens, M., Österlin, C. 2020. Transdisciplinary research for sustainability: scoping for project potential. International Social Science Journal. doi:10.1111/issj.12245
Österlin, C.; Schlyter, P.; Stjernquist, I. 2020. Different Worldviews as Impediments to Integrated Nature and Cultural Heritage Conservation Management: Experiences from Protected Areas in Northern Sweden. Sustainability, 12, 3533.
Kløcker Larsen, R., Skarin, A., Stinnerbom, M., Vannar, J., Alam, M., Kuhmunen, M., Lawrence, R., Nygård, J., Raitio, K., Sandström, P., Sandström, S., Stinnerbom, J., Wik-Karlsson, J., Österlin, C. 2020. Omtvistade landskap - Navigering mellan konkurrerande markanvändning och kumulativa effekter. Rapport 6908. Naturvårdsverket
Larsen, R. K., Österlin, C. & Guia, L. Do voluntary corporate actions improve cumulative effects assessment? Mining companies’ performance on Sami lands. Extr. Ind. Soc. (2018). doi:10.1016/j.exis.2018.04.003
Larsen, R. K., Raitio, K., Sandström, P., Skarin, A., Stinnerbom, M., Wik-Karlsson, J., Sandström, S., Österlin, C., Buhot, Y. Kumulativa effekter av exploateringar på renskötseln Kumulativa effekter av exploateringar på renskötseln – vad behöver göras inom tillståndsprocesser? (Naturvårdsverket, 2016).
Österlin, C., Skarin, A., Buhot, Y., Sandström, P. 2017. Exploatering i Semisjaur Njarg och dess påverkan på betestillgång. Published by Swedish Reindeer Herding Association.