David SörhammarAssociate Professor
Associate professor David Sörhammar teaches students on all academic levels in marketing. At the moment he is responsible for a master course in Innovation and Knowledge Managemen and a teacher/supervisor for Master thesis and Reflective practice.
Associate professor David Sörhammar, at Stockholm Business School, holds a PhD in business studies from Uppsala University, and is a member of the Swedish Research School of Management and IT (MIT). His main research interests revolve around the issues of digitalization, value creation and networks. His research has received funding from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond [Value creation in innovative service systems: A research project on the dynamics of service transition processes in industrial networks], Handelsbankens forskningsstiftelser [Det globala spelet: Digitalisering, strukturomvandling och det svenska dataspelsundret] as well as from Sasakawa Young Leaders’ Fellowship Fund [Shopping comparison engines role in consumer markets: Triadic relationships – Consumer, Search Engine and business firm]. He is the supervisor to several PhD students and has been faculty opponent at several occasions. He has published several articles in international peer-reviewed marketing journals and has presented papers at numerous international conferences.
Artiklar (peer-reviewed)
Toth Z., Sklyar, A., Kowalkowski, C., Sörhammar, D., Tronvoll B, & Wirths, O. (2022) Tensions in digital servitization through a paradox lens. Industrial Marketing Management. 102, pp. 438-450
Ek, P & Sörhammar D. (2022) Effects of User Community Sensing Capability in Digital Product Innovation: Evidence from the video game industry. International Journal of Innovation Management
Kowalkowski, C., Tronvoll, B., Sörhammar, D., Sklyar, A. (2022) Digital servitization: How data-driven services drive transformation. HICCS 55
Tronvoll, B., Sklyar, A., Sörhammar, D., Kowalkowski, C. (2020) Transformational shifts through digital servitization. Industrial Marketing Management 89: 293-305
Blasco, L., Alexander, M., Sörhammar, D., Jonas, J., Raithel S., Chen T. (2020) Organizing actor engagement: a platform perspective. Journal of Business Research 118: 74-85
Sklyar, A., Kowalkowski, C., Tronvoll, B., Sörhammar, D. (2019) Organizing for digital servitization: A service ecosystem perspective. Journal of Business Research 104: 450-460
Sklyar, A., Kowalkowski, C., Sörhammar, D., Tronvoll, B. (2019) Resource integration through digitalization: A service ecosystem perspective. Journal of Marketing Management 35(11-12): 974-991
Nussipova, G., Nordin, F., Sörhammar, D. (2019) Value formation with immersive technologies: an activity perspective. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 35(3): 483-494
Jonas, J., Boha, J., Sörhammar, D., Moeslein K.M. (2018) Stakeholder engagement in intra-and inter-organizational innovation: Exploring antecedents of engagement in service ecosystems. Journal of Service Management 29(3): 399-421
Koskela-Huotari, K., Edvardsson, B., Jonas, J., Sörhammar, D., Witell, L. (2016) Innovation in Service Ecosystems – Breaking, Making and Maintaining institutional rules of resource integration. Journal of Business Research 69(8): 2964-2971
Röndell, G. J., Sörhammar, D., Gidhagen, M. (2016) Co-governance in the Consumer Engagement Process: Facilitating Multi-beneficial Value Creation. Journal of Strategic Marketing 24(3-4): 327-345
Varey, R., Djavlonbek, K., Sörhammar, D. (2016) The Phenomenon of Participation: From a part to win, to playing a part. Social Business 5(4): 343-360
Peters, L., Löbler, H., Brodie, R., Breidbach, C., Hollebeek, L., Smith, S., Sörhammar, D., Varey, R. (2014) Theorizing about resource integration through service-dominant logic, Marketing Theory, 14(3): 249-268
Kowalkowski, C., Persson Ridell, O., Röndell, G.J., Sörhammar, D. (2012) The co-creative practice of forming a value proposition, Journal of Marketing Management, 28(13-14): 1553-1570.
Gidhagen, M., Persson Ridell, O. Sörhammar, D. (2011) The Orchestrating Firm: Value Creation in the Video Game Industry, Managing Service Quality, 21(4): 392-409.
Röndell, G.J., Sörhammar, D. (2010) The Post-Industrialism/post-capitalism citizen: a heterogeneous actor in a complex exchange and value creating environment, Journal of Customer Behaviour, 9(4): 335-344.
Röndell, G.J., Sörhammar, D. (2010) Functional identities, resource integrators and the service-dominant logic, Journal of Customer Behaviour, 9(1): 19-36.
Walther K., & Sörhammar D. (2021) Reaching new heights in the cloud: the digital transformation of the video games industry. In (Ed.) Ekman, P., Dahlin, P., and Keller, C. Management and Information Technology after Digital Transformation. Routledge, pp 53-62.
Sörhammar D., Tronvoll B, & Kowalkowski C. (2021) Managing digital servitization: a service ecosystem perspective. In (Ed.) Ekman, P., Dahlin, P., and Keller, C. Management and Information Technology after Digital Transformation. Routledge, pp 23-32.
Tronvoll B, Kowalkowski C. & Sörhammar D. (2021) Transforming small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to digitally enabled landscapes. In (Ed.) Lindgreen A., Ritter T., Lund Pedersen C., and Ringberg T. Big Data in Small Business: Data-driven Growth in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp 211-227.
Kowalkowski C., Sörhammar D. & Tronvoll B. (2021) Digital servitization: How manufacturing firms can enhance resource integration and drive ecosystem transformation. (Ed.) Kohtamäki M. et al. The Palgrave Handbook of Servitization. Palgrave Macmillan, pp 27-39.
Gidhagen, M. & Sörhammar D. (2020) Service Marketing. In (Ed.) Eriksson-Zetterquist, U., Hansson, M., & Nilsson, F. Theories & Perspectives in Business Administration. Studentlitteratur, pp. 433-460
Jonas, J, Sörhammar, D. & Röndell. J. (2018) Extending Innovation – from Business Model Innovation to Innovation in Service Ecosystems. In (Ed.) Vargo, S & Lusch, R. The SAGE handbook of Service-Dominant Logic. Sage, pp. 655-673
Rondell, J., & Sörhammar, D. (2016) Extending the role of consumers: From marketing targets to participant in business networks. In (Ed.) Thilenius, P., Pahlberg, C. and Havila, V. Extending the business network approach – New territories, New technologies, New terms. Palgrave, McMillan, pp. 67-82
Persson Ridell, O., Rondell, J., & Sörhammar, D. (2012) How Open is Open Innovation, in (Ed.) Ågerfalk, P., et al. Managing Open Innovation Technologies Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 253-274
Avhandling (monografi)
Consumer – Firm Business Network: The case of “Store” versus Internet (2008) Uppsala University