Elif Härkönen
About me
I am an Associate Professor of Law with a focus on Business Associations Law (part-time position). Also, I am the head of the advanced level course in Securities and Stock Exchange Law. My teaching is mainly in securities markets law, but I am also interested in banking law, human rights, business associations law and information technology law. In addition, I am engaged in the assessment of master's theses in my competence areas.
My research focuses on corporations and securities law. During the past years, I have primarily focused on sustainability issues and Fin Tech/Reg Tech on the securities markets. I have published several papers on the regulation of crowdfunding and how the digitalization of corporations and securities markets affect or should affect the regulatory framework. In addition to the regulation of Fin Tech/Reg Tech, I am interested in sustainable finance and corporate social responsibility issues. For example, I have done research on sustainabillity disclosures and sustainability due diligence in corporation, supply chain transparency issues (conflict minerals) as well as human rights and social corporate responsibility in specific sectors, such as tourism. Furthermore, I am interested in sustainable finance and how securities markets actors can contribute to a sustainable society (taxonomy, SFDR, sustainability benchmarks).
in Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers for Business: A Commentary (Eugenia Macchiavello ed.) ISBN: 978-1802209938 (forthcoming 2022)
Nordic Regulation of Crowdfunding
Co-written with Cecilia Hojvang Christensen & Thomas Neumann
in Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers for Business: A Commentary (Eugenia Macchiavello ed.) ISBN: 978-1802209938 (forthcoming 2022)
Festschrift in honour of Rolf Skog (2022), ISBN: 9789139025246
Human rights Issues in Tourism
Co-written with Atsuko Hashimoto & Edward Nkyi, ISBN 1138491039 (2021)
Company Responsibility for Suppliers and Human Rights Violations (Written in Swedish), Festskrift till Rolf Dotevall, p. 285 (2020)
Yttrande Linköpings Universitet, Kompletterande bestämmelser till EU:s plattformsförordning
An Opinion to the Swedish Government on the EU Regulation on Platform-to-Business Relations (Written in Swedish), Diarienummer LiU-2020-00078 (2020).
Co-written with Olli Norros, Juridisk Tidskrift, vol. 19–20, p. 374 (2019)
Nordic J. of Commercial Law (2018)
European Business Law Review (2018)
Investor Protection in Crowdfunding–Conflicts of Interest, Asymmetric Information and Effective Markets (Written in Swedish), Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret (2017)
European Company and Financial Law Review (2017)
Investeringsbaserad gräsrotsfinansiering–en expanderande marknad utan reglering
Investment Crowdfunding– An Expanding Market Without Regulation (Written in Swedish), 3 Juridisk Tidskrift (2017)
Corporate Liability and International Child Sex Tourism
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism (2016)
Juridiska personers straffansvar– Om förstärkta sanktionssystem inom värdepappersmarknadsrätten
Corporate Criminal Liability – About Reinforced Sanctions on the Financial Markets (Written in Swedish), Juridisk Tidskrift (2015)
Investerarskydd och skadeståndsansvar–hur väl står sig de svenska reglerna i konkurrensen?
Investor Protection and Tort Law – How is Swedish Tort Law Ranked in a Comparison? (Written in Swedish), 3 Ny Juridik 1, (2013)
Aktiemarknadsbolagets informationsgivning
Disclosure Obligations in Stock Market Corporations (Written in Swedish), , PhD thesis, (2013)
Amerikansk övervakning av europeiska värdepappersmarknader
The Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Securities Regulation and Dodd-Frank Act (Written in Swedish), Vänbok till Ingrid Arnesdotter (2012)
The National Agency of Higher Education Report on Legal Education in Sweden (Written in Swedish), Co-written with other members in the expert group, Report no. 2007:18 R (2007)
The Legal Rules Governing Islamic Financial Instruments
Vinges affärsjuridiska uppsatser (2004)