Elin Jönsson
About me
My research interests lie in analysing the crimes and harms committed and perpetuated by powerful actors, i.e., nation-states and corporations. In particular, I am interested in how these crimes and harms are regulated in different arenas - national as well as transnational - and whether these arenas provide access to justice. I usually work with qualitative methods, and employ critical theoretical perspectives.
In April 2024, I defended my doctoral thesis Hardened Responsibility? Contestations and Contradictions in the Regulation of Corporations. Taking its point of departure in the dynamics of global capitalism, and corporate harm in this context, the thesis explores the trend of governments introducing mandatory disclosure and due diligence requirements on companies. Interpreting this as a hardening of corporate social responsibility (CSR), the thesis explores such hardening as an outcome of contestation and struggle.
My teaching primarily focuses on themes such as 'crimes by the powerful', critical criminological theory, law and regulation, and green criminology. As of fall 2024, I am responsible for courses on methods at the undergraduate level. I also supervise bachelor theses.
Jönsson, E. (2024). Hardened Responsibility? Contestations and Contradictions in the Regulation of Corporations. Stockholm: Stockholm University (Dissertation).
Jönsson, E. (2024). Navigating Contradictory Demands: An Analysis of Corporate Responses to Regulatory Hardening. Critical Criminology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10612-024-09776-2
Jönsson, E. (2024). Justice from Below: Struggles Against Corporate Misconduct in the National Contact Point System. Nordic Journal of Criminology. 25(2):1-17.
Jönsson, E. (2024). "Mäktiga aktörer och strukturella motsättningar. William Chambliss konfliktteoretiska perspektiv". In Liljenfors, R. (ed.). Kriminologiska teorier. Vad de är och hur man använder dem. Lund: Studentlitteratur, s. 229-244.
Jönsson, E. (2023). Struggles for Regulatory Hardening: Exploring Swedish Politics on Corporate Social Responsibility. The British Journal of Criminology. 63(5): 1184-1198.
Jönsson, E. (2022). The Idea of Crisis: Reflections from the 2022 NSfK Research Seminar. Blog post on the Nordic Criminology Blog.
Jönsson, E. (2022). Beyond Control? Studying attempts at taming harmful corporate conduct. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab. 109(1): 5-10.
Jönsson, E. (2019). Risky business: corporate risk regulation when managing allegations of crime. Crime, Law and Social Change. 71: 483-501.
Conference presentations
ESC Annual Conference (European Society of Criminology), Florence, Italy 2023. Justice From Below: Insights from a study of the National Contact Points.
EG Annual Conference (European Group for the study of deviance and social control), Turku, Finland 2023. Taming the Swedish corporation? A critical analysis of the hardened demands on corporate conduct.
DWCC/EUROC Seminar (ASC Division of White Collar and Corporate Crime/European Working Group on Organizational Crime), Online 2023. Regulating Corporate Harm – insights into the case of Sweden.
ACCESS Forum (Academic Collaboration Chile Sweden), Punta Arenas, Chile 2022. Towards recognition? Exploring stakeholders’ pursuits for corporate accountability.
NSfK Research Seminar (Nordic Research Council for Criminology), Hveragerði, Iceland 2022. Beyond control? Studying attempts at taming harmful corporate conduct.