Stockholm university

Elin SporrongPhD student

About me

My work is at the intersection of Science and Technology Studies (STS), ethics and Anticipation Studies.
The aim with my research is to reflectively and critically investigate anticipations and imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education, and possible tensions between perspectives of stakeholders. I am also interested in methodological issues connected to research on anticipations, expectations and imaginaries of different futures. How can we e.g. explore the present, without getting a flavour of anticipation? How can we choose future scenarios and speculative artefacts in a valid manner for the purposes of our research?

I am the founder and chairman of the organization Forskarhubben, which focuses on co-creation, co-exploration and co-learning processes between different perspectives and knowledge practices. I am also the process leader for Framtidslabbet (The futures Lab), which focuses on futures literacy and futuring in projects and innovation.




Sporrong, E., McGrath, C., & Cerratto Pargman, T. (2023). Situating values in practice: University teachers’ perspectives on assessment and emerging AI. Abstract presentation at Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, & Technology. 19-21 April. Delft: TU Delft. 

Sporrong, E., McGrath, C., & Cerratto Pargman, T. (2022). Mapping university teachers’ perspectives on value and sustainable AI-technology. Abstract presentation at NLASI. 13-14 June. Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Sporrong, E., McGrath, C., & Cerratto Pargman, T. (2022). Getting conversant with futures, ethical pluralism and anticipations in higher education. Abstract presentation at 4th International Conference on Anticipation. 4 Nov. Virtual.

Sporrong, E., McGrath, C., & Cerratto Pargman, T. (2022). Getting Lost in the Pluriverse – Crossing Anticipatory Boundaries by Imaginaries. Abstract presentation at‘Digital Existence III: Living with automation – a conference about artificial intelligence (AI), biometrics and the human condition’. 31 May – 1 June. Uppsala: University of Uppsala. Accessed 4 October 2022.

Research projects


Sporrong, E. (2017) Beyond the Stage with Satin Curtains - when Structures enter Structures, Unknown Cloud by Lundahl & Setl.

Sporrong, E. (2016) Kritiskt tänkande i Kritiskt tänkande – i teori och praktik, Sporrong & W Tikkanen (eds), Lund: Studentlitteratur AB