Emma Christina Laurin
About me
Emma Laurin holds a PhD in Sociology of Education and is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Special Education, Stockholm University. Her primary research areas are inequality and social differences in the education system, families’ education strategies, school absence, and students with neuropsychiatric diagnoses.
Emma Laurin teaches Special Education courses at Stockholm University. She has previously taught at the Sociology Program, in Teacher Education Programs, and in courses in Sociology of Education at Uppsala University. She is an assistant supervisor to three doctoral students in Sociology of Education at Uppsala University.
Ongoing research projects:
2024 - 2028: Prolonged School Absence: The Importance of Emotions, Capital, and Gender for Collaboration between Family, School, Social Services, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Project Members: Emma Laurin
Funder: Department of Special Education, Stockholm University
2023 - 2026: Student Health as a Market - Private Student Health Solutions, Collaboration, and Consequences for Schools.
Project Members: Joakim Lindgren (PI), Linda Rönnberg, Malin Benerdal, Emma Laurin
Funder: Swedish Research Council
2022 - 2024: The rise of integration: A historical institutionalist analysis of the emergence of the paradigm of integration in Sweden
Project Members: Anne Berg (PI), Johanna Ringarp, Emma Laurin
Funder: Swedish Research Council
sociology of education, sociology of emotions, special education, qualitative methods, school absenteeism, neuropsychiatric diagnoses, families’ educational strategies, throughput in higher education.
Research groups:
Emma Laurin is an affiliated researcher with the research group Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC) and the research centre Higher Education and Research as a Research Object (Hero).
Selection of publications:
Laurin, Emma & Andersson, Lisa (2024), “Emotion work, a neglected facet of parental health information work. Analysing mothers of neurodivergent children.” Sociology of Health & Ilness, vol. 46(5): 1023–1053. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.13775
Laurin, Emma (2023), “Mother blame and emotion work: a sociological study on Swedish mothers of children with long-term school absenteeism.”, Emotions and Society, 6 (2): 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1332/26316897Y2023D000000008
Laurin, Emma (2023), ”Friskolor för elever med särskilda behov i Stockholm – en utveckling i marknadiseringens och inkluderingens spår” [”Independent schools for students with special needs in Stockholm – a development in the wake of marketization and inclusion”], Vägval i skolans historia, 2/2023.
Hultqvist, Elisabeth, Laurin, Emma, Lidegran, Ida (2021), ”’Efter sportlovet så bara vägrade han gå tillbaka…’: En förälders kamp för sitt barns skolgång.” [“’After the winter break, he just refused to go back...’: A parent's struggle for their child's education”], Praktiske Grunde Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab, 15(1): 79–92.
Laurin, Emma & Palme, Mikael (2017), ”Se servir du diagnostic comme d’une arme: Les usages sociaux du diagnostic neuropsychiatrique par les mères fortes en capital sur le marché scolaire de Stockholm.” [“Using the diagnosis as a weapon: The social uses of neuropsychiatric diagnosis by mothers with strong capital in the Stockholm school market”], Esprit Critique: revue internationale de sociologie et de sciences sociales, 27(1): 93–110.
PhD Dissertation
Laurin, Emma (2021), Barn med diagnoser. Mödrars och skolors strategier i Stockholm [Children with diagnoses. Mothers’ and schools’ strategies in Stockholm] Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
Laurin, Emma & Bengtsson, Felix (2024), Genomströmning utan att tumma på kvalitén? Studenters och utbildningsansvarigas erfarenheter av förskollärar- och grundlärarutbildningar vid Uppsala universitet [Throughput without compromising on quality? Experiences of preschool and primary teacher education students and educational leaders at Uppsala University], HERO-RAPPORTER, 2024:3
Laurin, Emma, Backan, Lisa, Lidegran, Ida (2023), ”Genomströmningen är dålig men de som strömmar igenom är bra” Studenters och utbildningsansvarigas erfarenheter av ämneslärarutbildningen vid Uppsala universitet [”The throughput is poor, but those who make it through are good” - Experiences of subject teacher education students and educational leaders at Uppsala University], HERO-RAPPORTER, 2023:1
Laurin, Emma, Olsson, Joakim, Gustavsson, Cornelia, Lidegran, Ida (2022), Covid-19 och universitetet: Lärares och studenters erfarenheter [Covid-19 and the University: Experiences of Teachers and Students]. HERO-RAPPORTER, 2022:1