Emeli LönnqvistPhD
About me
I am a PhD student at the Department of Criminology since 2021.
My PhD project targets the Swedish remand prison institution and regime from a sociological, historical and comparative perspective. The project looks into how the Swedish remand practices have developed over time, as well as how the management of individuals held on remand and their rights have been negotiated and legitimized in the Swedish political context.
I am, together with Christoffer Carlsson, in charge of the Department's introductory course in criminology on the undergraduate level. The topics I teach include critical criminology, conflict theory and theoretical perspectives on reactions against crime.
I work part-time for the Nordic Research Council in Criminology (NSfK) as the contact secretary for Sweden.
Lönnqvist, E. (2024). The politics of pretrial detention: Mapping the development of Swedish remand policy. Punishment & Society.
Lönnqvist, E. (2023). Prisoners of process: The development of remand prisoner rates in the Nordic countries. Nordic Journal of Criminology, 24(2): 1-19.
Lönnqvist, E. (2023). Remand imprisonment in the Nordic penal context: Use, development and consequences. Blog post on the Nordic Criminology Blog.
Conference presentation and webinars
EuroPris (European Organization for Prisons and Correctional Services), Webinar, Effective Implementation of Alternatives to Pre-Trial Detention (presenter and panelist).
EG Annual Conference (European Group for the study of deviance and social control), Turku, Finland 2023. Being, time and power: A critical phenomenology of the Swedish remand prison regime.
NSfK Research Seminar (Nordic Research Council for Criminology), Hämeenlinna, Finland 2022. Remand in the Nordic penal context: Use, development and consequences.
NSfK Research Seminar (Nordic Research Council for Criminology), Hveragerði, Iceland 2022. Remand imprisonment in the Nordic countries.